So, PewDiePie made a video defending the military, yesterday. He's been getting more and more political the last months...

So, PewDiePie made a video defending the military, yesterday. He's been getting more and more political the last months, even after being accused of promoting Nazism. Does anyone else think he's dog-whistling to the alt-right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

who give le fuck

I think he's a funny guy who needs to get back to his comedy roots a bit and I like how he's always willing to joke about everyone and everything. From political stuff to SPAGHETT and horror games. Sometimes he just says whatever comes to mind and I respect him for that. I hope he makes more video game videos though. we love u pewdz.


He's the most famous youtuber. That's a big deal imo

I might watch a video if you posted it here, but I have no desire to give him more views. A friend of mine was aghast to discover how he's started butchering literature now, giving these very superficial analyses of what are by and large very reactionary works (Dostoevsky and Mishima, for instance).


Of course. That's the biggest grift on youtube.

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PewDiePie makes a pretty good case for why children should be banned from the internet.

Say what you want about Romney, he wanted to ban the little shits from the internet, and for that I think he deserves some degree of respect.

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I thought it was a commissar hat, and the badge was a hammer and sickle. Why must you do this to me, comrade?

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the fuck do you mean "defending the military"

also, why do you watch this cancer in the first place. I fucking hate the "normalfag" meme, but if something is as popular as this faggot, it's got to be the most autistic thing ever. Save your own sanity and don't click on his shit.

I looked up the video and it has almost nothing to do with the military. Its a review of the movie starship troopers and how its nothing like the book. He was discussing the viewpoints of the author, who is pro military.

This thread is fake news.

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The best way of propaganda: Instrumentalize popular culture for spreading your ideology.

The best way to spread propoganda, lie.

Like the OP did.

I havn't watched much of him but I have watched felix's vid on Mishima. Where's his vid on Dostoevsky? preferably on hooktube.

Holy fuckin shit kid go outside

Hi, Zig Forums here. One of your fags spammed the board, so I figured I’d assuage your fears here. JewDieKike doesn’t have a goddamn thing to do with right-wing content. We don’t support ecelebs in any form, much less degenerate fucks like him. No worries, guys.

plz sage the thread next time.

He’s pandering. He knows his audience well, he knows conservatism is the new punk rock, he’s trying to throw his lot in with the winning side. I doubt he actually believes this shit, but he’s worth millions for fuck’s sake, he’s basically the king of Youtube capitalism.

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Imagine actually believing this kek

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user just fucking stop

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to be fair, one could interpret it as 3 d chess,evola-esque resistance, or whatever