US trade hegemony is doomed to fail
from Chinese state media
Trade war likely to usher world into chaos
US trade hegemony is doomed to fail
from Chinese state media
Trade war likely to usher world into chaos
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You were played, porky.
What kind of rationally self-interested bourgeois would instruct everyone to read Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao?
that's like, reverse psychology, dude
Was Engels playing Marx all along?
It can't really be called a "failure". The US Monopolar world/gilded had a good 30 year run, and the current neoliberal economic model had a good 50 years out of it. What Trump is doing isn't destruction, it's a dismantling. He knows this too and isn't fighting it, neither are most Americans who ultimately just want glorious isolationism and autarky again. The only people who stand to loose from this is China, whose current economy is a result of a strategic detente the US brokered with them to curb the USSR's power. As the USSR is long gone and China proved complicit with Russia's current activities, things are going to change.
Of course China is asshurt over this since they have the most to loose so they're making it seem like America can't win this, when America has everything to win. Either Trump bullies other countries into unilateral FTAs splitting their collective power, or everyone puts up tariffs and American businesses cut them all out bringing jobs home. Meanwhile America stops being the world police, freeing up money for America's US-based nuclear triad. America then fucks off like Americans have always wanted it to, while the rest of the planet burns.
There is no "almost ready" for socialism. Either you are socialist, or you are not. There's no prep stage beyond building industrial capacity which China had the moment they started building their own nukes in the 50s.
Also this has been a long time coming, going all the way back trade with China put Clinton ahead of HW. Of course Clinton turned out to be a free trader as well, but my point is that Americans have wanted a Trump-like economic policy for a long, long, long time now. It took eight years of shitty Republican leadership and eight years of shitty Democratic leadership to take things to the breaking point.
No it goes all the way back to the 70s with Mao choosing USA / Nixon over the USSR and Socialism
The US has done these dumb trade wars in the past that have hurt them, this isn't going to end US economic hegemony.
China will just end up into a broader alliance with the rest of asia/europe/africa and their silk road project will further boost integration. Meanwhile America retreating into isolationism will accelerate its stagnancy causing it to inevitably lash out militarily as it is the only hand it has left to play.
Assuming we dont all die of a nuclear apocalypse, then China will win long run because of these tariffs and ironically the TPP which Trump pulled out of was the US's last chance to stress and expand its hegemony and now like a retarded child it is instead pulling back from all of its alliances and puffing its chest.
Delusional to say the least.
America does not want to give up its hegemony and return to autarky. This same narrative keeps being repeated 'we wanted to lose anyway' as though US adventurism isn't a necessary component of its parasitism.
China's silk road will work out great but it's not designed to be a counter to America, it's designed to counter India. It'll do a good job of preventing India from starting shit in central asia but it will be ineffective in opening Europe or Africa, two places that Russia and Israel will continue dominating due to their geographic locations.
Bush did that after 9/11, we're at the end of that rope and Americans are sick of having to constantly wipe up other countries' problems while jobs continue to leave. The TPP wouldn't have aided this, it would have been as equally useless as the WTO (which it is designed to replace) only pushed off the inevitable until 2024 when Tim Kaine would have lost to another populist. Stagnancy is another question, because this is a problem the entire planet has. Trump at least isn't bothering to try and keep the current order alive, this means he gets first mover benefits on whatever comes next.
Trusting Chinese state media on this whole trade war is like trusting Fox News on anything.
Bush started a conflict with one of the largest economic superpowers during his time?
Such as?
Americans do. Americans never got anything out of hegemony except the President fucking his secretary, closed factories and $2,000,000,000,000 in mideast war spending. The economic trades made to other countries to facilitate peace and diplomacy are wildly unpopular, enough where a total moron could beat both political parties to the Presidency.
American leadership, on the other hand, is divided. Half are desperate to sustain the current system because they're parasites, the other half are America's equivalent of ☭TANKIE☭s who just want more nuclear triad spending. Both are dangerous but the latter was kept in check since the 70s because their adventurism in Vietnam had completely failed to secure peace. The former kept everything afloat through judicious use of targeted strikes, terrorism, and assassinations instead of outright war which worked great until 9/11. Now they're in a quagmire of their own, while the other half are now able to openly ask why we're spending money supporting terrorism when we could spend that money on building a deterrent to Russia. This is where New Start's 2021 expiration becomes extremely consequential, and will be a major turning point.
Good for them
Your assuming Americans want there country to be a global superpower. Most Americans don’t know what other countries are. Most Americans just want isolation. And America can have isolation. America has all the natural resources needed to remain a modern industrial nation. China can build there own empire if they want, but empire building isn’t very profitable these days, just look at how much money America wasted on Iraq and Afghanistan. That’ll be China in a few decades. America Isolating themselves makes a lot of sense. American hegemony was doomed to fail, but by isolating themselves they can dictate the terms of there withdrawal from being a sole hegemony, and can prevent foreign influence in there country.
You don't need to fight a superpower to lash out or overextend your abilities. This is what Bush did and what he realized in 2006 leading to the Surge. Obama did so as well leading to ISIS besieging Baghdad in 2014. Trump will have his own moment but he will instead choose to cut and run because that's how business tycoons operate when they see an impossible situation. There will be plenty in the military who will support him because they want that money elsewhere.
Any/all military actions since 1945. Americans are done with it because they see no benefit, with resentment towards military interventionism hitting a majority around 2006. It's how Obama stole the candidacy from Hilary and how he became President, although he didn't turn out to be a reformer.
Come on now, you don't actually think the US is a democracy do you? The people in the US have no say over its future, the country is ruled by oligarchs who all want to preserve its power structure but its just that one is doing so in a retarded way by breaking off all alliances while increasing its military spending by a few trillion dollars, signaling a blatant drive towards world war.
Thats only gonna work if theres rule by the people, in the scenario of a capitalist organization of society, it is doomed to spiral into chaos due to the drive towards automation and downward pressure on wages caused by the increase in prices due to tariffs.
How exactly did toppling Gadaffi and creating a refugee crisis through Middle east bombing campaigns help Europe in any way? The US only goes to war in order to secure the interests of its corporations
Well the idea was that after the strongmen leave nice, peace-loving liberals (EU definition) would take over, guaranteeing peace across the entire Islamic world forever while being a means for US imperialism to compete against European imperialism in North Africa. Obviously this is a retarded strategy and divorced from reality but it didn't stop America's leaders from trying. The result was the complete destruction of the preceding seven years of military and diplomatic operations which all went up in smoke against ISIS. Trump is playing the same dance with Assad, except he's a total moron who will just declare victory after Assad is killed then do a total pullout rather than double down. The money saved by doing this will allow Trump to fund other military programs, which US companies will obviously benefit from but not the same ones who would benefit from a liberal mideast.
See what I'm getting at? One side of America's military-industrial complex is pushing the other over. Just look at all the anal pain over Trump making Jerusalem Israel's capital, because that does irreparable damage to diplomats, terrorist enablers, and companies that want to do business in the mideast. This division is more clearly seen on the Iran Deal, American ☭TANKIE☭s fully support the President while diplomats, spies, and assassins are hurting because their ability to influence Iranians is greatly diminished.
This combined with the ever growing debt bubble may put a temporary stop to US economic hegemony. China is expected to overtake the US economy by 2030 anyhow
Not yet
American loss of hegemony is inedible, besides Trump is isolating America so much the nest Oligarch president in 2020 won’t be able to reverse hat he did. With the loss of geopolitical power, comes the downfall of the oligarchs, for the source of the power has been destroyed, and they have been replaced by the American National Bourgeois as the ruling class. America is economically dependent on her military industrial complex. But you don’t have to be interventionist to have a military industrial complex. You can sell tanks to both sides in a conflict,and stockpile fighter jets. America before WW2 had a peacetime draft.
I would love to see if America would still want to isolate if the rest of the world starts to ban the american garbage.
I would love to see the profit of hollywood studios without europeans and asians paying to watch their shit.
I would love to see Microsoft and Apple with only the US market to sell
Less profits, less taxes, less shit for the american people.
It's about to be torn up anyways, the US is pushing through a series of bills that will allow them to ignore and dismantle the WTO rules
This never happened.
Xi said that he was developing the "Chinese Dream", a rather blatant ripoff of the "American Dream", utopian capitalist prosperity consumerist bullshit.
Those Companies don’t even pay taxes through. Everyone in America with more than 10 million offshores.
How cute, the U.S. doesn't even realize they already lost yet.
You know that’s just their way of referring to Dengism, right?
As in mixed market state capitalism.
That isn't what happened. America borrowed trillions from their own children (through the Social Security Administration) with a smattering of foreigners to pay for two wars, whose peak (in terms of dollar/yr) was during 2007 and 2008 when the recession happened. When the economy fell apart the government largely committed to austerity, especially at the local level. QE happened but QE that's just the FRB doing what the SSA was already doing. Since then the government has been filled with Austerity faggots who want black budgets but low taxes.
Meanwhile, China grew out of the 2008 recession by relaxing credit requirements and encouraging people to get into the stock market. Pic related. As the growth stops, especially with the trade war, all these bondholders are left underwater as everyone defaults. The result is a price crash in everything except US T-bonds propped up by the SSA and FRB.
China is the one who is fucked here. Their experiment with capitalism is about to nosedive. Even if Beijing itself is 100% funded, regular citizens won't be. The exact situation America will be in once the SSA is "reformed" by cutting benefits.
Americans aren't the people who control America. Capitalists are loyal only to money.
That's what the US did in the 20s.