Recently saw this graphic.
How exactly does anyone know the rate of unreported rapes? How do you prove that there's actually a gorillion rapes and most of them just go unreported?
Recently saw this graphic.
How exactly does anyone know the rate of unreported rapes? How do you prove that there's actually a gorillion rapes and most of them just go unreported?
Other urls found in this thread:
I think they are referring to women who claim to have been raped but didn't report it to the police, which happens all the time.
Apparently even other left-liberal papers are calling it bullshit
From the source itself
not 0.02% like comment says
Okay, but how do you calculate that? And if there wasn't any investigation, how do you gauge the veracity of their claim?
probably a statistical analysis.
no such need for the spectacle
You don't. It's just assumed to be true, because no one ever lies to themselves or others, misremembers, reinterprets events ex post facto, or fabricates events (intentionally or not). Honesty and memory are both human perfections.
Really, the math of that last person is doubly wrong: the false report rate they're referring to (one of the lowest estimates) is 2%, as points out. Not only that, but 2/1000 is 0.2%, not 0.02%.
False reports always depend on how you assess the false to be "false" within the data set. For example, one would guess that at least those who faced trial should not be regarded as rapists if found innocent (and perhaps those reported and investigated as well). The evidence would be insufficient or outright contradict such an assertion, one would think. Yet they remain rapists in this dis-infograph.
Sexual panics tend to make men and women afraid of and despise one another, decreasing overall trust in others and society as a whole.
So you just assume that every unreported rape was true?
Even when you just admitted, even if begrudgingly, that some rape accusations are false?
But, still, what statistical analysis are they using? How do you do statistical analysis on something that went unreported?
They extrapolate from the data they have on people who come out with it after a long time without reporting or didn't plan to report at all. Cases of unreported rapes are pretty commonly found during seemingly unrelated investigations.
I just don't believe this, sorry. These type of numbers are calculated using the same methodology that the Right uses to "prove" that Hispanic, Mexican, and Middle-Eastern immigrants are rapists. Just look at Zig Forums, they've totally spooked themselves into a moral panic with delusions that there's this rape epidemic (committed by brown people) and the police all over Europe are involved in a patriarchal Z.OG conspiracy to cover it up.
Is it really a coincidence that the go-to country they use to prove that there's a rape epidemic (Sweden) is also the same country where you can pretty much get a rape charge by breathing too hard around a female?
I would imagine that cases of unreported alcohol and drug abuse are commonly found in unrelated criminal cases but I wouldn't imagine that looking at convicted criminals or criminals under investigation would give you a good statistical insight into what alcohol/drug abuse was like on the part of the population as a whole.
This kind of hysteria will only ever lead to actual lynchings of black people in the US.
I kinda think that this whole #metoo movement is just another sly way of divide and conquer thus making men and women less likely to work/organize together.
That being said, rape is definitely a thing in our society and we should learn to work together so that we can deal with rape victims and cases. Regardless of whether or not they are false it still helps to show solidarity among workers against acts of oppression, including those acts of sexual oppression against women.
I'd say, if you look at the case of Dylan Roof as a modern day lynching, it already has…
It's a good thing statistics doesn't work that way then since they don't just randomly assume one every ten person is a bum because they once saw one.
So, tell me what the statistics are actually based on? Is it because the cops come across some thot during an investigation of a drug dealer and she comes out and says he raped her? Or is it based on the highly-suspect self-reported surveys where any use of force or untoward sexual conduct is automatically counted as rape?
Wait, did Stormroof think that one of the black people in that church had raped someone, or was it more of a "black people are rapists" thing?
The latter but before he unloaded the people in the Church were trying to talk him down and he shouted out: "I have to do this! You're raping our women!"
Just imagine, throwing your fucking life away because you were a racist whiteknight…
It is usually cases of domestic rape or cases with people of power, there was a campaign recently you might have heard of. My point was that you seem to think that those doing the statistsics are fucking retarded and don't account for obvious shit. In case you're wondering they take obvious shit in to account.
The problem isn't how you report or gather data. That's what statisticians are for. The problem is how people define rape, is every regretful sex experience a rape and so on.
How you gather data is certainly of great importance. It's incredibly easy to "lie with statistics".
For instance, when gauging how wealthy the average American is, many will opt to use things like median household income ($59,039) or GDP per capita ($59,501).
But the Social Security Administration actually publishes the net compensation for American workers here
for example, p hacking can be used to fake racism/sexism
IIRC the reason why Sweden has such a high rate of rape is that each incident of sexual assault within relationships (might be just spousal abuse, not sure) is treated as a specific instance, which would make sense given abusive domestic partners usually prolong their offences over an extended period of time given the complicated circumstances.
>falsely accused completely separate from reported but faced no trial and faced trial but not convicted
Why would anyone lie on a survey? They don't get a prize.