Flags thread

I remember seeing a thread back in November which had communist and socialist themed flags, I made a collection and would like to add more, gonna dump my British flags but any country is allowed

Attached: 09de384127bebcd9e3221d56860594765837c841c9e6d370bf98956c765f3789.png (900x600 50.53 KB, 26.29K)

Best flag represent

Attached: 600px-Flag_of_the_Russian_Soviet_Federative_Socialist_Republic_(1918-1920).svg.png (600x300, 4.71K)

The OG Soviets

Whatever you think about the symbolism, you cant argue the combo of red and blue in this is exquisite

Attached: flag_of_the_great_british_socalist_republic__gbsr__by_redbritannia-d8s45ye.jpg (800x400, 84.27K)

Attached: black kitsune.jpg (1172x557, 38.78K)


Attached: islamig_gommunism.png (600x360, 11.83K)

Attached: technocommies.png (1280x800 39.4 KB, 370.41K)

Flag of best Korea. Too bad the Soviet and American imperialists had to ruin it. R.I.P. Lyuh Woon-Hyung.

Attached: prk.png (1200x800, 20.06K)

OP here, Phone charged up, lemme dump the flags from November

Attached: BTAcxl2.png (800x533 98.85 KB, 128.44K)

caring about communist flags is a red flag for autism

Attached: 301df7c4607ec7e43e32abc4bd54691a9577a90e655403ae6fadda4fcfb1096d.png (512x512, 360.9K)

but the only reason bait like this matters is if it leads autists away into alienated enclosures of disability to keep them from developing autonomous forms of consciousness independent from ableism. if it's just a respite or a stim, no harm done, right?

oh, and if it somehow cuts them off from expressing awareness of class.

It was the American imperialists who outlawed the people's committees, dismantled the PRK and maintained the old Japanese colonial adminstration, later replacing them with Korean collaborators. Meanwhile the Soviets recognized and worked with the committees. The DPRK was formed by the committees left behind in the north after the end of the PRK.
Lyuh Woon Hyung was assassinated by a right wing defector from the north.

Attached: john reed hodge korea.png (1595x693, 294.88K)

Also, in September 1947, Soviet delegate Terentii Shtykov proposed that both Soviet and US troops withdraw and let the Korean people form their own government. The American imperialists rejected this.

Attached: 20376019_444423192596137_7463418260828408873_n.png.png (450x549 48.94 KB, 183.47K)

Attached: Democratic_Front_for_the_Liberation_of_Palestine_-_Flag.svg.png (1280x640 23.74 KB, 3.18K)

Someone should design a socialist Isratine flag

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_the_People's_Democratic_Party_of_Afghanistan.png (1280x640 32.14 KB, 79.02K)

Attached: communistbrazil.png (3000x2100, 389.4K)

Attached: communistfrance7.png (1444x963, 249.37K)


Attached: C418B2BB-8DA9-4001-91FA-218CECD51D84.jpeg (1701x2005, 742.74K)


The flag(s) of the southern working class!

Attached: 640px-Flag_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America_(1865).svg.png (640x404 23.18 KB, 27.52K)

I still love Confederate history tho, but let's not be revisionist

Attached: whazaambique.png (240x240 75.64 KB, 13.1K)

Not communist at all but I made these a while ago for the heck of it. They're flags for socialist American states, mostly derived from current state flags/seals with communist imagery added.
C&C welcome :)

Attached: Flag_of_the_Wisconsin_Soviet.png (1000x667 69.14 KB, 43.37K)


Attached: New_Jersey_Soviet_Flag.png (1280x770 37.05 KB, 56.94K)

Attached: 2970152076_6b98213b90.jpg (500x336, 21.86K)

Attached: Eureka-flag.jpg (498x310, 32.55K)

Attached: IpPI3.png (1280x853 56.04 KB, 33.14K)

Attached: e628710007cc350d4eb665e94143aad9c1f231f69fb2bbab1b2c25d9dbf2a5f4.png (1600x1081 1.94 MB, 1.73M)

The "Confederate Flag" isn't even the flag of the confederacy. It's the battle flag of Northern Virginia. It caught on because the soldiers saw it a lot and I guess it's probably one of the better designed flags southerners could pick from to celebrate muh heritage.


Attached: Syndicalist Eureka.png (1000x666, 44.26K)

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_Soviet_Union.png (1200x600, 5.17K)

Mods are triggered

Attached: 2690414F-2846-43F0-93A9-0578EB008912.jpeg (1024x1448, 295.51K)

Attached: USAR.png (10000x5046, 4.43M)

Attached: SR of Italy.png (1200x864 141.62 KB, 104.1K)

Attached: HungarianSovietRepublic.png (1000x500 41.75 KB, 59.56K)

forgot this

Attached: AWR.png (1160x774, 129.9K)

aaaaa my eyes try this flag for Austria instead… yours is too low quality and rip-off-ish in my opinion

Attached: socaus.png (2250x1500, 347.56K)

Some ideas for socialist Cascadia.

Attached: people__s_ecological_republic_of_cascadia_by_caturday2-d56wrpm.jpg (800x470 14.84 KB, 65.78K)

I see you too are happy with the new update


Would be cool to have a flag of Jeff Bridges from the "Big Lebowski"


bump for C&C


Wrong flag sorry