Not a commie or leftist but was wondering if people here defend their murders? And what is your argument for the slaughter of children? Being serious
Not a commie or leftist but was wondering if people here defend their murders...
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Think of it this way: ideology is real. These children were conditioned from birth to view themselves as superior to the working people. Plus, there were incidents in history where the children of ousted royals tried to re-take the thrown.
Not a reactionary or monarchist but was wondering if people here defend their murders? And what is your argument for the slaughter of children? Being serious
If they'd lost the Civil War monarchy would have been restored.
Your entire justification is based on an assumption
No I wouldn't. I thought you guys were the smart ones, this eye for an eye shit is hyper brainlet tier.
You're scum
There is no defense. Children are not at fault for the sins of their parents.
Your picture is of the Romanov children. They were executed with their parents by the Ural Soviet, without consulting Lenin or the other Soviet in Russia.
From a human point of view their deaths were horrible, even if (as royalty) they were conceited fucks. However the political reasons over-ruled this. If they killed the Tsar but not them they would be the centerpoint around which the enemies of socialism would rally around, framing them as unjustly persecuted, (Ayn Rand is a perfect example of such behavior).
As for children in general, the USSR and its close allies; the Warsaw Pact, Cuba, the DPRK, Vietnam, and China (I cannot speak with great knowledge about other countries), prohibited all child abuse in their times of stability.
throughout the mid 1930s to the mid 1940s Some older children did receive prison sentences. However this was not without reason. A common example on the Victims of Communism page is a young boy who they claimed was executed for stealing 2 loaves of bread (during the war). I found nothing identifying him being executed, but even assuming that he was imprisoned there is no comparison to today or better times.
2 loaves of bread was 2 weeks of food in 90% of the world. By stealing that in the middle of war (when those 2 loaves would be stretched to 3 weeks of food rations) he basically starved a good dozen people instead of working for it.
Revolutionary security, nothing personnel.
I dont care
Id rather my children have a better life than some inbred blueblood's
I don't agree with it, but the Romanovs wouldn't have ended like that if the Bolsheviks hadn't come under attack.
false equivalency.
Right, says the person posting a flag that is well-known for being used by posters who unironically meme about throwing people out of helicopters, referencing Pinochet, the man who had hundreds of men, women and children executed after being tortured.
Calling your enemies non-human is a nazi tactic, used to justify their brutality.
At least they didn't kill their own spawn like Goebbels.
That was his point, not mine
Not even gonna respond to the rest of your post because you're being presumptuous and you're talking out of your ass. Not to mention the implications of being ☭TANKIE☭ is literally defending people who were directly responsible for way more deaths than Shitler
You don't understand how revolution works. You HAVE to rid the world of as much from the previous society as possible.
Lol yikes, horseshoe theory really isn't just a meme. You people are so wrapped up in idealogy that you lose all empathy and humanity. Gas all nazis and commies in the same chamber
Gadsden Flag = Libertarian
Libertarians on the chans are almost always pro-pinochet shills.
This gorillions bullshit again.
Do you not understand what sardonic replies are?
Literal historical revisionism, I've seen a lot of those same info graphs that had to do with the Holocaust. I'm out, you people are fucked. Very comfy feel knowing communism will never exist again outside of your heads
Mandatory rafiq post
Empathy doesn't matter when the revolution is at stake.
Not a leftist though, but I get why they did it. Killing the Romanovs removed a figurehead that could've united the opposition. Cold, but necessary.
It isn't eye for an eye, around 200 people died on bloody sunday. Children, the elderly and women were at the front of the column. The entire march was lead by a Priest, Father Gapon. He declared himself an atheist after seeing what happened that day.
bruv I study Russian history, most of the shit you know is bullshit: records show 7k people died at a site, Anglo historians claim 250k.
Sure, so revisionist that actual, mainstream historians promote it.
like how the gadsen fag didn't respond to this.
You are probably american. No intelligent human being would reason like this. People are worth shit when compared to history. Stalin didn't kill 25 millions, but even if he did history will forgive and would have forgive him sooner if the USSR delivered.
Fuck yourself
How many died due to the Great Leap Forward?
Also, since when does empathy matter?
Billions of workers the world over toil for the profits of the capitalist class, who don't care about the former's suffering.
Hundreds of millions have died in easily preventable famines, imperial wars, or from sheer destitution. Who's weeping for them?
Surely not the Kochs and Elon Musks of this world.
Yeah I'm sorry man you're right. better luck next time guys.
Wow the nazi is a whataboutism brainlet what a fucking surprise
openly genocidal mass murderers were trying to use these children to justify the power of continuing their rampage
killing hundred of thousands of workers families, the old and weak, the too young to fight for themself, working women and men just protesting for their existence
this is the kind of people fascist scum like OP are standing for
sadly it had to be done, not because we wanted to, but foreign powers with retarded reactionaries ideas about their "blue blood" being something that makes them rulers and the enslavers of millions
and sadly this will have to be done to all those mislead people that are promoting capitalist regimes and their reactionary terror against the revolution
however, even in this struggle, the communists are the least bloodthirsty ones, we are fighting for a new life, it is the reactionaries like OP that have an obscene fascination with death cults
we honor our fallen for they were bringing a new and better life and saving that of millions while fascists are throwing people into meatgrinders for living scum that in their delusions believe themself to be gods
this is why we are always showing the most restraint and mercy to people who are often enough undeserving of it
their actions against us despite our good will is what has to harden our hearts against this savages and give us the strength to put them down for good
Yeah that was kind of cruel tbh
should have gave them to Beria
Ludwig: You have had decades of experience of illegal work. You have had to transport illegally arms, literature, and so forth. Do you not think that the enemies of the Soviet regime might learn from your experience and fight the Soviet regime with the same methods?
Stalin: That, of course, is quite possible.
Ludwig: Is that not the reason for the severity and ruthlessness of your government in fighting its enemies?
Stalin: No, that is not the chief reason. One could quote certain examples from history. When the Bolsheviks came to power they at first treated their enemies mildly. The Mensheviks continued to exist legally and publish their newspaper. The Socialist Revolutionaries also continued to exist legally and had their newspaper. Even the Cadets continued to publish their newspaper. When General Krasnov organized his counter-revolutionary campaign against Leningrad and fell into our hands, we could at least have kept him prisoner, according to the rules of war. Indeed, we ought to have shot him. But we released him on his "word of honor." And what happened? It soon became clear that such mildness only helped to undermine the strength of the Soviet Government. We made a mistake in displaying such mildness towards enemies of the working class. To have persisted in that mistake would have been a crime against the working class and a betrayal of its interests. That soon became guile apparent. Very soon it became evident that the milder our attitude towards our enemies, the greater their resistance. Before long the Right Socialist-Revolutionaries—Golz and others—and the Right Mensheviks were organizing in Leningrad a counter-revolutionary action of the military cadets, as a result of which many of our revolutionary sailors perished.
This very Krasnov, whom we had released on his "word of honor," organized the whiteguard Cossacks. He joined forces with Mamontov and for two years waged an armed struggle against the Soviet Government. Very soon it turned out that behind the whiteguard generals stood the agents of the western capitalist states—France, Britain, America—and also Japan. We became convinced that we had made a mistake in displaying mildness.
We learnt from experience that the only way to deal with such enemies is to apply the most ruthless policy of suppression to them.
Except it wasn't you uneducated shit. It was an explanation for the few times that it did occur.
This again. i won't bother. Why? Because you just find excuses to ignore the information.
He's not an actual nazi you retard, he just posts with the flag because he's a namefag
even then, he makes a somewhat good point
stalinstache is right
When did I say they were the same
i said you were similar in that you are so wrapped up in idealogy that you lose all empathy, not that you were morally equivalent in your actions. can you defend soviet war crimes for me now? i had no idea you retards were actually this crazy about defending brutality
If they had been captured by the Whites, they would have used them for propaganda and the civil war would have been even longer, resulting in even more deaths of men, women, and children. Your care doesn't seem to extend beyond children of royalty, though.
i remember there was a video, maybe by finbol, years ago with a collection of white guardists quoted promoting massacres against workers. not communists or anything to hide behind but openly calling to killing workers to make them fall in line
anyone knows about this and can send source?
I accept your admittance of defeat, run along now.
yep. that's the quality of shitpost to be expected from retarded people like you.
Is this a fact or an assumption? Was murder absolutely necessary or could they have just detained them?
I'm not. But it's curious that "empathy" is suddenly so important the moment the ruling classes are threatened.
Millions of Russian children were orphaned during WW1, and millions more suffered from life-long poverty while the aristocracy and industrialized feasted on their behalf.
The thought of killing children disgusts me, but here the executioners did what (they thought) was necessary. Just like the bourgeoisie engage in the exploitation of the working class (including children) to protect their class interests and way of life. Cynical. But that's class struggle.
In the word's of Mao: Revolution is not a dinner party. Give and expect no quarter.
he's a fascist, of course he doesn't care about the deaths of thousand of workers children, he doesn't consider them human but merely property, in extension that of the ruling class
Looking for arguments in this thread and all I see are assumptions, whataboutism, and other fallacies. Point me in the direction please
stop reading your own posts then and actually face the replies, faggot :-)
holy shit you're a fucking illiterate
read a fucking book
polite sage
You talk about empathy, but the point is that empathy doesn't matter. Class struggle isn't about sentimentalism.
Revolution is a brutal struggle where one class violently subjugates and usurps the other. This is as true in bourgeois revolutions (1776, French revolution, etc.) as it is for communist ones.
You wanted to know why. And people have given you the answer.
You’ve already gotten the real response here
Those children would have grown up, and more importantly would have been used to rally reactionaries the world over to the White cause. It was a simple matter of winning the civil war and preserving the revolution. Brutal sure, but those were the realities of the situation.
Only a bigger fool argues with a fool. Or in this case, Only a bigger fool continues to argue with a bait-poster.
oh thanks pal
here's another one in case you don't have it
simple fact of the matter
OP loves to see children killed, probably has a pedophile snuff fetish too
whenever confronted with the open plans by loyalists and foreign capital in continuing the tsarist terror regime using these children he just goes pic related
I accept your admittance of defeat
that entire justification is based on an assumption
extrajudicial killing happens during civil conflict and wars
this is a regular occurrence and your country is renown for it
This guy is trolling you all into oblivion, stop replying
It's an assumption both sides made at the time.
They had detained the royal family for some time, but they were in danger of being captured by the Whites when the decision was finally made to kill them.
You want to go down that road? Fine.
I'll ask then: How exactly was their course of action flawed?
In the middle of civil war, in the midst of a foreign intervention, with limited communications, the country disintegrating, economic collapse, famine, etc. They decided to take down the figureheads uniting the opposition.
What exactly is flawed here?
An assumption backed by multiple historical precedents and common fucking sense. The white army was explicitly fighting to restore the monarchy, so eliminating every last scrap of that monarchy meant that their legitimacy and propaganda efforts were severely weakened.
porklets deserved it tbqh
you're next OP
I know very well that child abuse was common place and widely tolerated in the regional USSR especially when the NKVD was still around, DPRK, China, and parts of Vietnam
The destruction of history just resets the cycle
Thinking you can escape from the cycle of civilization is hubris if you destroy history that just results in your society eventually degenerating and repeating the mistakes of the past except this time they have no context to draw on
Wew found the retard
Of course their execution was justified, morally it's reprehensible and in the eyes of history it cannot be justified to consider riddling pubescent girls with bullets but in the eyes of the Bolshevik state and from the perspective of a government struggling to prove legitimacy to it's own people of is justifiable to murder the barrier to your authority
I don't particularly agree with the other guy, but this is a meme response.
Word salad.
Why is it a meme response?
Do you think once communism is achieved it will remain that way indefinitely? Or will it as it is my view fall prey to the same political intrigue, schisms and civil conflict as every other society has
the "historia est magistra vitae" thing is a crock of bull that historians use to perpetuate their own useless jobs and pseudointellectuals use because it makes them sound deep
we don't learn from the past, we're fucking atrocius at it
Their murder was a tactical necessity because their existence could be used by the other monarchs in Europe to justify a war again the USSR to "restore divine order" as they have done many times over.
By killing the most legitimate heirs to the czar, they weaken the reactionary movement by destroying the figureheads they could unite behind, instead dooming them to fracturing as they back different factions of less legitimate heirs for their personal gain or ideology.
Framing this as "the murder of children" instead of "the murder of the czarists" creates the idea that we killed them because they are children, or that there was no moral qualm about killing them because of the age. It was murder of the monarchy first, the fact that they were children is unfortunate.