Ukrainians and the USSR

Ukrainians say that they somehow were the victims of the USSR, well then how come they pretty much ruled over it?

Leon ⛏️rotsky - Ukrainian
Nikita Khrushchev - Ukrainian
Leonid Brezhnev - Ukrainian
Mikhail Gorbachev - Ukrainian
Leon ⛏️rotsky, born near Yelizavetgrad (Kirovohrad), Kherson Governorate, Russian Empire (now in Ukraine), an Ukrainian Jew.
Nikita Khrushchev, born in Kalinovka, Kursk Governorate, Russian Empire (which is close to the present-day border between Russia and Ukraine), his family lived in the Donbas region and he became leader of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
Leonid Brezhnev, born in Kamenskoye (Dniprodzerzhynsk), Yekaterinoslav Governorate, Russian Empire (now in Ukraine), an Ukrainian.
Mikhail Gorbachev, born in Privolnoye, North Caucasus Krai, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union (Stavropol Krai) into a peasant Ukrainian–Russian family.

Don't be fooled, Ukrainians ruined communism.

Attached: Przyjaźn Polsko-Gruzińska.jpg (480x360, 18.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_1996

shit thread fag

What's so shit about pointing out that the Ukrainians single-handedly ruined the USSR?

Cooking up antagonism based on national lines is reactionary as fuck and you're no Communist.

Kill yourself.

I mean… That's what he ukrainians are doing. They owe their independent state to the USSr, ffs.


Attached: Dugin-genocide-ukraine.jpg (599x368, 37.45K)

Only fascist pieces of shit say that. I've met many Ukrainians who regret the fall of the USSR.

Haha nice try western cia nazi
Communism is when you support Russia the more you support russia the more communist you are

The same Ukranians I've met who miss the USSR also support Russian protection of Crimea.

I was joking
Tbh in crimea they just need to take it to polls.

They did though, Crimeans voted for Russian integration.

If you believe that 96% of crimeans actually did that then you are a brainlet.

Why? Why is it hard to imagine that Crimeans would rather have a stable country and relatively good economy? If they are so against it, why do you hear literally no news from Crimea in the west anymore?

No, but it’s hard to believe that 96% of them would. Referendums like that are almost never unanimous, especially when you consider that it was ethnically charged, and that ethnic Russians were only a slight majority of the population. The entire thing is even more suspect when you consider that the referendum took place under Russian military occupation.

There isn’t much news out of plenty of right wing dictatorships. I guess everybody loves Sisi and the Thai military junta then right? I’ll never understand how “leftists” can fetishize a government as reactionary as Putin’s.

You're used to split voting because all the votes in your country are cooked-up bullshit. Give proof the Crimean referendum was rigged or STFU.

First off, you don’t know where I live. Second, highly contested voting is usually a sign of a genuine election, whereas ridiculous margins of victory for whichever side is currently in a position of power is an obvious sign of a rigged election.

I don’t have any, and I don’t know for sure. I’m simply basing this on a number of things that make it extremely likely. Such as

I agree it’s impossible to say for sure either way, but the signs point to it being bullshit.

I've already pointed out it is hardly absurd. Here's a thought: if Russia rigged it, why wouldn't they lower the margin? Say, 60%? Wouldn't they be smart enough to know that looks "better" to critics outside Crimea?

Modern elections in Russia are very clean. It is a farcry from the Yeltsin years.

If the referendum was remotely unpopular, there'd be even some basic/rudimentary NATO-backed protests there for Western journos to hype up. These protests would NOT be ignored by Western media. Yet you hear absolutely no news from Crimea in the west. The reason why is obvious: the CIA simply can't get a foothold there, because joining Russia is overwhelmingly popular.

Because farcical elections regularly use ridiculous margins like that to justify themselves. Or do you actually think that guys like Ngo Dinh Diem or Abdul Fatah Al Sisi won with 90+% of the vote? Something tells me that if the US invaded a country, and then held a “referendum” under military occupation where 99% of the population voted for an American puppet you wouldn’t take such an election seriously, and rightly so.

Right because all those extremely convenient arrests of Putin’s rivals right before elections are just coincidences right? But you’re probably going to denounce any organization that finds evidence of corruption in Russia’s elections as “western imperialist NATO CIA shills” right?

There have been.

what if he was on to something and the holodomor was a genius plan to safeguard the revolution? maybe he did manipulate the weather… soviet technology must've been more advanced than we give credit for. Stalin proving more and more that he knew more than anyone, had great foresight and was creating an advanced civilisation apparently beyond our comprehension even back then.

Attached: suspicion.jpg (284x203, 41.18K)

Literally no one is praising Putin's government. We just realize the obvious fact that many of Putin's enemies are much much more reactionary than he is.

Look at the pro American liberal pond scum 'dissidents' in Russia or the literal neo Nazis in Ukraine. No communist should have any sympathy for these cockroaches when Putin rightfully persecutes them.

I don't have any sympathy for them, but that doesn't mean I have to have any real sympathy for Putin either. I'd prefer if the CPRF grew some balls, worked to actually gain power rather than be controlled opposition, and then went and ruthlessly persecuted libshits and fascists without engaging in imperialism or putting shitty rightist policies in place.

Do you really think Putin is that stupid?

I would base my analysis off of the actual situation and not a vote tally. Also, the US doesn't even do things that way anymore. Look here, the US rigged the election for Yeltsin and he got 54%:,_1996

The election system in Russia is as good as it gets in bourgeois democracy, that's a fact. If you want to complain about some arrests, that is plainly a separate but related issue from the way polls are conducted. I find it hard to believe Putin's party is arresting all of the opposition simultaneously before every vote.

Funny how they have no photos.

He's not any stupider than any other porky strongman, all of whom engage in the same tactics.

I am, I already listed why I think the vote is suspect. I could also cite the numerous international organizations that referred to it as fraudulent, but I didn't bother because you would likely say it was propaganda. However even western polling services placed their highest estimates of support for annexation around 80%, which is quite a bit below the official count of 96%, indicating tampering. You also have to consider that many Crimean Tatars and ethnic Ukrainians boycotted the election, meaning that the proportion of the actual population that supports the annexation is probably even lower.

No it isn't, it's probably as bad as America if not worse. Opposition politicians regularly report harassment and intimidation. Even if that were the case, bourgeois democracy is fundamentally flawed anyway and we shouldn't be making excuses for it.

Any correct analysis of the situation would conclude that Crimeans are happy to be part of Russia and not part of fascist Ukraine.

Yes, those are imperialist organizations and are fraudulent.

So their "highest" estimate, which was certainly still suppressed, is already in the range of a vast majority. So why do you even quibble? Anarchist.

Some crybaby fascist bitches boycotted it, knowing they'd lose anyway. Probably explains why the vote was near-unanimous. I can't believe you're undermining your own argument.

That's how CIA-backed "dissidents" run their political campaigns.


20 pathetic fascist stomping around and whining, no police in sight because they are so plainly pathetic and outnumbered. Exactly what I was saying.

ukrainians are rarted tbh