So how's the revolution going comrades? Seems to me that you're having a bit of difficulty with the whole "fighting" thing.
So how's the revolution going comrades...
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I didn't know you idiots were so insecure you consider this shit a "win."
Call me when you manage to win over a bunch of uneducated south asian peasants.
That would be antifa.
They kicked their shit in pretty hard didn't they? The cunt wailing over a few people getting pepper sprayed was the best part.
are you honestly so fucking pathetic to be proud of this shit? Or are you just trying to bait?
Boooooorrring. When are you faggots gonna start civil war already?
Who wouldn't be happy to see commies get beaten and spic deportation to continue unhindered?
1 - antiFa is not a communist organization,
2 - the only reason this board would be interested in "whatever a spic is" deportation is the police state behind it and its growing influence.
3 - I am embarrased we share the same species
More beaten commies and more deported spics is more good.
Lol btfo amiright?
Also how the fuck is this antifa? This is just a bunch of succ dems trying peaceful protest and learning that the state doesn't give a shit about your supposed "rights".
You mean commies blocking spic deportation.
…by blocking access to a spic deportation center.
Whose rights are being infringed here?
Bye-bye baboons!??
are you one of those intellectuals that believe antiFa is an actual organization and that it's some sort of vanguard party for a communist uprising?
And at the same time you believe that having the biggest prison population of the world, police officers armed to fight an actual war and the highest military budget in the entire world is NOT a police state.
Boi am I glad I am not a burger. When your joke of a country explodes in a beautiful ball of fire, I'll be in my yard with pop-corns.
Lot of niggers need imprisoning to keep them from being niggers in public.
It buys lots of shiny toys to kill commies with, does it not?
I am sure as shit glad that I live in a country that has freedom (unlike the Euro caliphate).
our police is militarized because of the vibrancy from the people of the color brown
Don't even bother, this classcuck has never actually stood for anything other than sucking off power.
Adorno of the "Frankfurt School of Jewish Subversion and Killing White Babies with Porn" made a great analysis of these retards. He said in one of his essays about Fascism that "the people who obey the dictators also sense that the latter are superfluous. They reconcile this contradiction through the assumption that they are themselves the ruthless oppressor." That's why all these retards jerk themselves off over cops beating some protestors up.
love too get taxed to shoot people across the world for corporate interests
holy fuck you retards actually believe this shit
A hell of a lot less than Europeans.
If it's killing commies, it's worth it.
Do you have a loicense for that statement? Because I think the local constable might have to arrest you for denying the rise of the Religion of Peace.
Must be horrible living with so much fear. The world is a dark place for you isn't it? Commies trying to destroy your home, niggers trying to steal your lawn, chinks trying to steal your job, kikes trying to steal your money, the left trying to steal your culture, the government trying to steal your freedom.
The entire planet cannot leave you to live your life in peace. I am surprised you have the courage to even turn your TV on. Who knows what new threat will be discovered tomorrow.
I almost feel bad for you now.
I admit, it's harder not growing up in a gated suburban community like Antifa does. But it's worth the struggle if I get to see soft bourgeois antifa kids get beaten on a daily basis.
It was part of the plan all along.
By launching a bunch of invasions and interventions with their big stronk military, the American right accomplished their unified goal of driving shit tons of people to immigrate out of the middle east and into Europe. It all lead up intricately to this one day and this one post on Zig Forums because Europe is ruled by Muslim rape camps now. Brilliant if u think about it.
the struggle is real
Everyday there's another compilation of American cringe, burger classcucks cheering on their exploiters, or LARPing yanks beating each other up in frog outfits or drag.
Khrushchev should've pushed the button.
The lowest US income tax bracket has people paying 1k in taxes out of 10k total income per year. You don't get to save the rest of it, and the price of necessities goes up due to speculation while wages stagnate. The American working class is extremely overtaxed, and pointing to Europe does nothing about this. Meanwhile, American politicians make 6 figures and are immune to the tax burden handed to their constituents.
If you defend this, you may as well fuck off to Europe.
That's not how taxes work in America, Yurop.
And I'm sure communism will totally fix that.
Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Mao's China had the best income equality in the world.
Why are you burgers so ignorant?
Also no amerimutt on pol lives in a gehto
Most poltards dont even know what a gehtto is
Uh-huh. Sure. I totally believe you!
I think there's a difference.
top kek
Yeah it is.
No it's not. That's the tax bracket, but if you make less than a defined amount all your tax money is refunded to you. So you only pay 10% if you're making quite a bit more than that.
Never said that you fag
Stop lying
You ameretard does not live in gehtto
Yes you did.
lmao they're proles too retard
do you mean terror attacks? the same shit white people do too?
I actually grew up poor around degenerate lumpen shitheads, fuck off, I was poor and I don't jack off over cops or want to kill darkies
no you illiterate, he said no Zig Forumsack lives in a ghetto
the vast majority of white people aren't Zig Forumsacks
They're invaders supported by the 1%. They're scabs designed to lower wages and standards of living. They don't belong here.
Qnd I said he's full of shit.
they're here because of imperialism, they're not "invaders"
europe isn't a fucking islamic shithole
I just think you're retarded, whether you were poor or not. A lot of Zig Forumsyps don't come from poor backgrounds though.
I agree with you, but not for the reasons you think
They ARE the imperialists
Do you have any idea what imperialism even means? Read a fucking book.
do u
Yep. Niggers and spics are not my brothers. They're foreigners, and they should be punted over the border back to where they came from.
They're here to take jobs, housing, and other limited resources from the people.
They're destroying the local culture and people. See: Rotherham.
Ohhh so you are a boomer
Cause only seltered boomers believe this stupid nutjob theory
I live in southern europe with many muslim migrants and they have not forced me to become a muslim
Thanks for admitting you're completely illiterate.
Thanks for admitting that you're incapable of forming an argument.
nice anecdote
i wipe my ass with your anecdote
there's a big thread here full of books
if you don't know how to read, hopefully one of your teachers in the high school you go to can help you
you literally don't know the definition of imperialism
it isn't "when brown people end up in europe"
just because I reject the narrow marxist conception of the term that you insist is the only valid one does not mean I do know what the term is, SWEETIE
No, that's the definition of an invasion.
Is americans acting like anthropologist thread nmbr1256
Why would I argue with someone who doesn't know what they're talking about? You don't deserve to have your hand held user, and your feelings don't matter when it comes to being uneducated.
Not reading a set of defined books is not knowing what you're talking about? How very Ivory Tower of you.
you know what this is always fun. define these terms: Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Proletariat and Bourgeoisie
Let's see how warped the reactionary mind is
You're completely missing the point. If you're here to discuss leftism you should know what it means in the first place instead of just throwing up bile all over the place like you've been doing, but I have a feeling you're not here to argue anything you're here because you're just another young moron who thinks he btfo gommunism with a video of some liberals getting beat up by cops.
you are the personification of the dunning Kruger effect
knowing the trivial definitions of marxist terms doesn't mean you're smarter or have a better understanding of the world around you whatsoever
Now you're acting like a coward after I called you out. You don't know anything and you're sitting here jacking off to violence. AWhere's the famed debating skills of the right when all you seem to do is misuse words and spew opinions you've formed from YouTube. You're worthless
You're also missing the point completely. If you used these words to argue against us (ie calling antifa soft bourgeoisie kids) then you should know what bourgeoisie means you dork
Why would I want to discuss a failed ideology? I'm here to shit on you.
By not playing your word games?
I will admit I haven't read Loki.
No, I'm jacking off to commiecat rape. But I do admit violence would be a close second for me.
well I never once call the antifa bourgeoisie itt but I would definitely claim their value system and world view is thoroughly bourgeois ;^)
That's what they are.
Groovy - good news today. Apparently the actual income owed here in the given example would go mostly to the state taxes, and that's $248, with a total tax burden of $4,131 after other taxes. I maintain that $248 from income is still too much for $10k, but it's way less than I thought and the federal tax is nil on that income. I'll have to start talking about people who make 12k a year now.
Jewish-Mason conspiracy to enslave the world under NWO and eliminate the white race, see Coudenhove-Kalergi
Taking from those that work and giving to those that don't
Bit like above, but less. Taxes are socialist. Banks are also socialist.
White people
Daily reminder that this is what infowars burgers believe unironically
Apparently the mods are bootyblasted. Which mod is it, I wonder? Is it the tasty looking one?
Oh Zig Forums, you are so funny!
they took the cuckpill
This is why communism won’t win. They care more about whining than winning.
So you want to buy guns and kill policeman
Ok officer
Are all burgers really this retarded or do they breed people like OP in tubes specifically for the purpose of being a brainlet online?
Show me on the Eagle where America touched you, Zig Forums.
It certainly did something with my head, because I'm loosing braincells just looking at that image
Looks like we've got someone in need of a patriotism boost.
I'm a Georgist, tho.
That's what I said.
Which is to say it's not even just that the taxes are too high. Personal income should not belong to the state, period. And any tax like sales or excise which taxes production and then is allowed to be passed on to unemployed homeless people is ridiculous. Nobody who can't afford land should have to pay anything to the state, and those who own more land or use more resources should always pay more for it.
Hit me with a zinger mid-sentence.
So you're basically a libertarian.
I'm a libertarian in the sense that I'm strongly in favor of individuals' rights and opposed to the power of the state. However, I don't advocate privatizing everything. There are some things we agree with the libertarian right about, but many Georgists see them as disingenuous and we firmly disagree when it comes to any proposal for tax reform that isn't based on land values. The modern day libertarian party seems to routinely fall in line with authoritarian sympathizers as well, which is disappointing.
A simple way to parse it is that Georgists don't agree with the strict focus on public/private property - socialists, anarchists, libertarians, and ancaps all tend to fall somewhere along this spectrum. As Georgists, our idea is that land is the natural domain of the public, and thusly the only thing which falls under the jurisdiction of the state to tax. Our tax model hence discourages speculation (IE the buying of large amounts of land to accumulate value without having to produce anything) by making it unprofitable. The end result is that people keep their income, housing prices drop dramatically, and there is incentive to use land rather than let it sit idle since the risk of production decreases and the risk of speculation increases.
Factories remain private (except, effectively, in Georgist-Mutualism), though there are differing Georgist views on whether or not monopolies should be allowed to exist or exist privately.
I'm sorry I asked. Just post commiecat so we can get past that boring shit.
I'm sorry, I just can't bring myself to be amused by your overly long descriptions of your speshul snowflake political beliefs that will never be instituted anyway. I'd much rather just post commiecat pics. That's far more interesting to me.
at least you admit to being a brainlet so there's that