Sectocracy: The Sectarian Praxis

With Sectarianism in the Left being so prevalent and extreme I thought of an odd praxis designed specifically to accept the reality of Sectarianism and instead of attempting to pointlessly fight it but to utilize it and use alternative tactics.

1. Spreading Sectarianism to the Enemy: The left can't unite, the memeiest ideology refuses to merge with another and the smallest sect still wishes to maintain its autonomy. A united enemy and a divided left would guarantee that the left would lose, perhaps resources and time would instead be used for entryist projects to specifically divide the enemy. If you can't unite the left, at least attempt to divide the enemy into their own sects so overall things would be easier to deal with. Ex. The Alt-Right is infighting over aesthetics, optics, and tactics. Liberals have always fought over "Conservative" vs "Progressive" make it worse for them if you can't improve your situation.

2. Spreading Far-Left Ideology Regardless of Tendency: Sects should just actively spread their ideology as best as they can with any means they are willing to do. If uniting into one revolutionary front is impossible, why not take advantage of chaos itself? Spread every Far-Left ideology of every sect and possible sect everywhere. Have more and more people accept these ideologies with the best of your abilities. Hypothetically speaking if there are enough Far-Leftist in a country and the enemy is also infighting due to point #1, then you can destroy the establishment, the status quo, and maybe even capitalism because everyone is infighting so much that it all breaks down.

3. Sectocracy: A final idea is to create some kind of Panarchist Far-Left "Sectoracy" where any Leftist Sect gets the right to rule over what area it holds. Since sectarianism is so strong, it is unlikely for one faction to grow and purge everyone else like what the Bolsheviks did. I envision ☭TANKIE☭ Microstates and many hundreds of tiny Anarcho-Whatnot Autonomous Zones dotting the landscape. Every sect can meet up in a very very loose Convention where they talk about how to perpetuate themselves more and split up their Non-Leftist opponents.

A weird praxis but one born out of the bleakest situation.

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Flag Checks Out

Makes more sense than left unity

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thats exactly what would happen and did last time

Absolutely disgusting. Ancap-tier idealism.

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Well for anarchisr we just need to give them some land to rule
Tankies only exist on the internet so we just let them(or kill them if they act to autistic)
The party will rule the new socialist state (we are speaking just after socialist take power) and factions will exist either inside the party or as indepedent parties to run in elections

Look we are splitting already, you collectivize your area and I collectivize mine and hopefully it does not end with bullets being thrown by both sides.

How about we split the Trots… literally.

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If only we can do that now….

How about we just implement a parliamentary democracy for different leftist sects? People can vote for parties spanning everything from Posadism to National-Bolshevism to Anarcho-Socdemism. Only barrier being that we're all genuinely anti-capitalist leftists. The idea sounds like a massive meme, but I honestly think something like this could work to handle sectarianism.

That can work for the Anti-Capitalist Non-Anarchist. Anarchist get their own territory where they can have their communes and autonomous zones since they don't believe in participating in state politics.

Ironically enough, your non-sectarian Far-Left Parliamentary System would probably be a sect in and of itself instead of uniting the other sects. Just imagine an army of self-proclaimed "Non-Sectarian Parliaments" acting extremely paradoxically.

Lol fuck off dumb Trot reformist. 'Antisectarianism' always means in practice trying to force actual communists to work with reformist & proimperialist scum. Any political faction could be potentially useful to our cause but that doesn't mean anyone that calls themselves a socialist is an ally. In fact, most of them are anticommunist scum. Especially ⛏️rotskyites.

Fuck anarchists, fuck reformists, fuck socdems, and especially fuck all the irrelevant pet ideologies like Mutualism or De Leonism. Kill them all before they kill communism. Until all communists simply refer to themselves as communists instead of ideology-shopping we're fucking doomed.

Nowhere is the folly of this scheme more transparent than in this braindead post, thinking it's possible or desirable to try to get reformists, anarchists, and Leninists to work together. Disgusting anticommunism parading itself as revolution.

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I know it isn't a real solution. It'll just give us a place to have our petty squabbles while making real progress beyond capitalism.

It could be great though. Let all of these idiots have their meaningless debates while we really work to implement a functional Cockshottist cybernetically planned economy. The anarchists can whine about how everything needs to be open, transparent, federated, directly-democratic and what have you, and make sure no weird nationalist or personality cult shit pops up. The reformists can think about how to interface our system with the remaining bits of capitalism. And the Leninists can keep everything moving in the right direction. We'd be a good team.

Shut up nick land

Welcome to the union son


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What if people living in a region controlled by one sect want to move to a region controlled by another? What happens if the entire population of one region wants to move? Who would the sect govern?

If people living within a region controlled by one sect wants to leave they can just declare secession from that sect and win that right if they are not suppressed by the sect they were formally part of.

Sects control territory because they forcibly hold it, if you don't have forcible control over it then it is not longer your sect's territory. The sect governs the people who either voluntarily join the sect or are conditioned to believe that their sect is the legitimate ruler of an area or the true ideology. Just look how Sectarianism works today. Don't like a sect? Then you leave and start your own or you just take those who support you and split without even moving.

Shopping you say?

There can also be a form of Self-Annexation Secession where people of one portion of one region secedes and has itself annexed by an authority it wants. For example, imagine a split occurs in a sect and that splitting sect merges with another sect without moving people. Essentially this creates weird non-contiguous borders for sectarian territories.

Didnt happen in the paris commune tbh

Paris Commune is more like

Paris Commune was before the Big Split Between Marx and Bakunin. After that a Precedent was laid out for future Leftist Groups and Ideologies.

congrats, you just invented the d.s.a.


I am converting Fascists to National Bolshevism and Solidarism/Strasserism. So I am already contributing to the cause I suppose.

That Already exists its called Boriga's Organic Centralism model which functions similarly to Democratic Centrism except if a faction / sect emerges in the party with views deemed Revisionist or oppurtunist instead of being given the option of self crit or expulsion they are automatically expulsed then purged

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Nice more retards is what we need
Unleast you lower the poltard internet meter

The only retards are people that think international revolution can work without socialism achieved in a nation at a time. Most Strąsserites I have met are more Socialist than larper Communists who basically are just SocDems with autism in most cases.

Where are you from cause i agree about the socdics but all Asserist i know are crazy fags

Lol. I don't know any of them irl. Strąsserites usually are former right wing nationalists that read about economics or former Fascists that acknowledged what a fucking brainlet and joke of an ideologue Hitler was. Problem is: Many of them didn't read Asser but still call themselves Straląsserist. First off the bat many of them don't hold strongly negative attitudes towards Marx and some even tend to be bros with ☭TANKIE☭s. But Otto Asser clearly wrote in his books that he opposes Marxian Socialism etc. After I am done teaching them about Capitalism they usually all score state socialist or some shit on various political orientation tests. They usually don't wanna go full leftie though to stay in harmony with their past so they call themselves SocNats or Strąsserites or NazBols even. But yeah I have met many Strąsserites who are well read as well and one of them I knew converted to ML later because ge started thinking Otto wasn't socialist enough. It's basically a transition process that sometimes goes faster or more slowly.

Thats why m-l's get more stupid everyday
Actually i most asserist give me that feeling
That they are leftist but they are so deep in the nazi rabbithole that if they love they will loose there last freinds or some shit
But again being spooked in the first place means something about you

muh spooks muh nazis

Good job