South Korea's Elderly Prostitutes

Absolutely fucking disgusting. Best Korean liberation can't come soon enough.

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its just like fucking Waimar


You mean Weimar?


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Capitalism is far more despicable than feudalism in so many ways.

i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks. at least under feudalism people weren't fed dreams thy can become everything they wish, people were born in a family of farmers, they were going to be farmer all their lifes and at least had the winter as holidays.

typical for a place full of ex-polyps


Feudalism for lack of a better word is unironically more desirable than capitalism.

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Feudalism had some advantages like having way fewer work hours, but abolishing serfdom and feudal lords was absolutely necessary.

Is this the most BPP post ever made?

Revolutionary Jacobitism when?

This is the best capitalism can offer.


It's also bound to a specific level of technological development, making any such discussion a moot point. You might as well be arguing that pre-civilisation is preferable to capitalism.



Tha'ts not that bad actually. I was recently watching some news story on British prostitutes recently and all of them were talking about fucking for 'fivers' ($6.62.) And they were relatively young too, 20s-30s it looked like.

Actually I just looked it up and the video is called Selling Sex For £4 In Liverpool

Why are British prostitutes so cheap? Is it because by their 20s they already look more aged than a South Korean women in their 50s and 60s?

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I dunno, in my early 20s I was doing "dances" for $20 per 6 mins, and I don't even have a vagina.

Are fivers really the standard in Britain? Honestly baffles why anyone would move to Thailand when the UK has rates like that.

Primies pls go

Those are crackheads or heroin junkie prices. The worst looking women possible who are the most desperate for their fix. Plus with most journalism they find the worst possible story and portray it as the standard.

Jesus fucking Christ and his fictional father.

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Do you realize that serf were strong, simple men? If feudal lord tried to rape daughter of some serf, he would need to take bunch of bodyguards which would hold the serf from hurting the lord. That could be easily seen/heard by neighbour serfs, which could easily come and look what the hell is going on there, equipped by one of the best weapons of time - sharp axes. In case that girl was very liked (which beautiful women tend to be) this could easily end up pretty bloody.

When feudal lord wanted some girl, he offered her some material benefits so she would """voluntarily""" agree to fuck him.

example: Roughly 100 years ago, in very late stage feudal society/early capitalist society, when former feudal lords still had lot's of influence and wealth, there was my, very beautiful, great-grandmother. Local feudal lord fancied her, but she had a husband. Feudal lord used his influence and made sure that my great grandfather was conscripted (despite the fact that it was not legal because of nationality of my great-grandfather), and he went to fight and die with red army. Because living without husband with a few kids ment poverty, my great-grandmother agreed to marry feudal lord.

That is still coercion, in the liberal sense of the word. And then, feudalism was surely losing to capitalism, and aristocracy was correct in doing primitive accumulation for the new mode of production.

Feudal lords had to employ a cunning strategy of targeting the weak ones, misguiding everyone in order to give in to their depraved perversions. What would happen if such serf would actually use an axe on the feudal lord's guard? He would be caught and hung at the gallows for rebellion. Feudal lords employed similar methods of coercion to police the serfs. How else do you facilitate compliance with economic exploitation?

Your story indicates that this feudal lord was not a completely deplorable person, that he might have held any illusions about himself, about being an honorable gentlemen, despite his social and economic class having ultimately determining effect on him. Kropotkin and Bakunin were both aristocrats, and so were many russian writers. They obviously were not some deplorable monsters who abused the serfs to satisfy their dark desires.