It baffles me how Zig Forums can be this delusional, this is getting to the point of being completely politically illiterate. Then again, idk why that surprises me at this point.
It baffles me how Zig Forums can be this delusional...
I admit I was taken aback the first time I saw a Mexican president do a Roman salute at an inauguration but then realized that's just what they do lol
Literally all of that is fucking based
Funny how Zig Forums needs to coopt leftist at this point to pretend their shit has wings
I don't disagree that any of what he proposes is based, but to think doing those things makes him a fascist, now that is retarded.
I would also point out (somewhat obvious) that the average leftypol user is much more educated in politics, theory, etc than the average pol user.
Even though he's just a SucDem who will only do 1/8th of the shit he said he would does anyone else like AMLO just because he triggers Zig Forums and Burgers epic style?
Of course.
Oh I am laffin
Seriously though there are MORENA committees in the U.S.
A hint for the socdem groups out there in terms of alliance building.
Idk I like him because I just feel he's one of those few socdems who is just a bit more "soc" than usual.
That being said though, most normie leftists probably won't like him, even other socdems, considering his actually reactionary views.
Oops triggered BO doesn't like anyone having s ocially conservative views, even though Stalin was pretty much this.
Don't worry, gay word filter.
t. Bluehair landwhale
I'm fine with a "light" social conservatism but I tend to associate that with good manners, moderate temperance and so on. I'm in the U.S. and the political right is not that especially with someone like Trump as their avatar. Just a grotesque embodiment of stupidity, greed, gluttony, self-regard and endless consumption.
ok, gringo
t. fascist
I think also, that things like a higher minimum wage in Mexico and universal healthcare there will have a positive effect on the worker's movement in burgerland.
I do understand where you are coming from. The way I see it, regarding social values I relate it in a way to sectarianism. Considering how few actual socialists exist that would be willing to organize and/or fight in a revolution, especially in a place like the US, being pissed at some socialist because of his social values is extremely infantile. After all, many socialists socially c onservative, like Stalin, Castro and even the ⛏️rotskyist George Orwell.
Him getting rid of county autonomy is very bad for the Zapatistas.
I thought he was going to honor the deal made between the Mexican government and the Zapatistas in 1996?
Its a Zig Forums shitpost it isnt actually going to happen
i was just saying it WOULD be based
but now in retrospect yes i agree that would be bad for the Mayans
Just fuck off liberal
It is. It's also like, well, who cares? If someone has actually reactionary views about gays, then so what? I'm gay and really don't care.
If someone gives me trouble then we'll have a problem but the older homos I started to meet were like this. At a certain age you stop giving a damn because it's not worth the bother and you'll just make yourself miserable. If someone tries to bully or screw with you (talking to any gay people reading this), tell them to back off or else you'll put them on the ground which shuts them up quick. Seen it happen. But otherwise you can't expect everyone to "like" you. It asks too much of people. Insist on a minimum standard of mutual respect and carry on I think.
Incidentally, in my lefty group there's an ultra-queer guy who is rainbows and hammers and sickles all the time. Actually the most MLer in the group and a much better and harder-working organizer than I am by leaps and bounds. I have no problems with him but when he'll announce an event being done with radical LGBT types the rest of the group will applaud in a kind of positive affirmation of queer/LGBT/etc. – but I don't. I just sit there quietly. But they applaud almost on instinct. Most of them are/were liberals until recently.
There's a Catholic term, "supererogation," and though I'm not Catholic and probably getting it wrong it means "acts going beyond what God requires." The applause is nice in its way, but it's not necessary. These acts should not be obligatory. I guess that's my light social conservatism.
Guilty as charged.
Thats not being conservative, thats your dissasociating, idiot
Then what's AMLO?
Good post lad
user they passed that point a long, long time ago
It’s summerfags again.
Not true.
OOH SHIT now that sounds interesting.
AMLO will make Mexico great again. AMLO will recuperate Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado etc back to Mexico
It's about fucking time mexicans wake the fuck up and got ride of crooked politcians that lick US cock
Tbh he will do everything he promised because all of it was solid policy:
- lower wages on elected officials to pay for pensions
- undo the shit tier education reform
- pass workers legislation
- implement the San Andreas agreement
- off an amnesty to cartel members
- stop the selling of PEMEX
All socdem, all nessicary and all perfectly achievable (especially with a majority in both both houses of the legislature). As for how useful he is to Socialists? Well he is ending Mexico's hostile stance towards Venezuela, he will stand with Nicaragua and likely build ties with Cuba. All of which are good for the socialist movement in Latin America.