Political Scene of your Countries(s)

ITT: List / give opinion of all parties in your country represented on a national political level



Red Neo-Libs
self explanatory
"Send dem LibTARD city folk back where they came from!"
"Send those filthy Metropolitan Neo-liberals to work in the country to see how the working peasants live!"
Literally "Muh Radical centrism" the party
"Muh Chinks and da Mudslims and Blacks!"
"Lets bring back the death penalty and just hang all these pedo's"
He dosent actually say it but he might aswell
Based tbh
Vestigal wing of the Liberal Party fucking T*at*her tier
Literally our fucking Trump (Pic Related)
Owns the Largest Nickel mine in the fucking country and runs for office every year because he cant find enough ways to spend all his capital

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Other urls found in this thread:



Social democracy with neoliberal characteristics

A weird ass mix of idpol libs, hippies, people who believe in chemtrails, and literal islamists. They're currently in a coalition government with the social democrats, but everyone hates them now so they'll most likely be gone after the election this year.

They used to be the major communist party, a member of the comintern at one point, but nowadays they're mostly social democratic feminists and anti-racists. Lots of really dumb idpol.

Right of center libs.

Used to be an agrarian party. I don't know what their main appeal is supposed to be nowadays, but lately they've tried to make anti-racism their thing, as basically every other party, except for the Left Party, has begun changing their stance on immigration. They're pro-"free market economics" and are in a coalition with the three parties above.

Anti-immigration party. Their ideology is sort of vague. They used to be a literal fascist party, but nowadays I would call them a nationalistic and conservative party. Seems like they got some people in the party who are basically socdems that dislike muslims, some neolibs, and others who don't give a shit about economic policy at all.

Right now it looks like either the social democrats or the Sweden democrats are going to become the largest party in the next election (september this year). However, the Sweden Democrats are trending upwards while the socdems are trending downwards.

I think calling them a neo-liberal alliance of hippies, hipsters, SJWs, new agers, trot entryists and anti-vaccination loonies is both more accurate and more descriptive then what their name would imply.
They really are quite a horrid lot altogether.

While he has pretty bad social policies.
His party really does have a the best economic platform of any other party.
I always give his party my top preference due to that and his stance on firearms.

I would honestly consider them to be more cynical populists then anything.
No firm ideology, just backing whatever policies they think will let them stay disgustingly highly paid professional politicians for the longest possible time.
Potentially quite dangerous tbh.

I drove by a billboard a few days back that had his ugly mug on it.
In big lettering it actually fucking read "Make Australia Great!".
I really do wish he would just fuck right off.

I was just meming with the Pol-pot shit
But i wish i wasnt

I know the one you're talking about. It doesn't even say what his fucking party is. Just has his slogan, that's shit advertising. The one I saw got taken down though (thank fuck, don't want to have to see that eyesore).
He doesn't have any substance to him, he just tries to capitalise on the whole 'meme magic' thing thinking that'll work. I hope he ends up wasting all his money on a botched campaign and then goes bankrupt from one of the lawsuits against him.

So i am the greek from the leftism by cauntry thread
Time to do some post magic
Two-party system
NΔ(new democracy)
One of the two big parties
Centre-right party liberal party
It was created by a Karamalis dude(nato agent)
Back in the day it was mostly the anti-PASOK party
But in 2010 Samaras a former spliter took over, he was mostly a conservative and with an anti-austerity platform he winned the 2011 elections(and we exit eu just kidding) he did NOTHING ..
Now after Samaras and cut pensions and sucked eus dick Mitsotakis a free-market fag is on the weel
Created by BASED Papandreou the party had a grant turn to just be anti-ND party
He took a big hit when papandreou's grandson(typical greek thing) called imf and eu's austerity to help with are shity debt
Now they are in a centre-left alliance
Born to be third KKE will always have people to vote for them cause there grandpa died in the civil war
They are not the great theorist tho or anything else
A now tiny party it was the conservative 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧nationalist party🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 whose politics are " turks did it".Golden dawn before golden dawn tbh
That all the main parties of the past
Back in the day we had maoist,pro junta nationalists and even a fucking turkish party
Part 2 with todays situation is coming soon

Ruling pmrty. Reactionaries, former PM had some ok social policies, the current is more of neolib.
Moderate neolib conservatives. Currently the biggest non-ruling party. They stand for absolutely nothing and people vote for then, only because they don't like PiS
PO v.2 but they're slightly less conservative and more neolib.
Agrarian party. Irrelevant, nobody votes for then, they never did anything good.
Socdem at best. Supported war in Iraq. The only party that had or still have ex-politician from PRL.
He starts new party every two years, is basically a meme. National libertarian (muh muslimes, muh free-trade), but mostly irrelevant.
They are gaining some minor support, but are still mostly irrelevant. They like Russia, hate Islam, Ukrainians etc.
Socdems/Demsocs. They support Podemos, Corbyn, Die Linke. They had some libertarian communist in party, but expelled them. They are gaining more and more support, although they probably won't even achieve 5% in next election.

Overall, it's pretty shit. There are bunch of smaller left-wing parties like KPP (Communist Party of Poland), but they stand no chance.


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If you / someone else is a twitterfag you / they should un-Ironically post this at him and see the response

Ten flavors of liberalism, pick your favorite!

Republicans and Democrats

Politicians and restaurants now shitpost on twitter and facebook. I want them to go back to being boring and corporate safe then whatever weird sort of social media shitfest they are now.

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Sorry for shitty 1st part but i was waching flash
We all know the and we all love them
They are………….. proggresive ..yes proggresive
I do like that they gave more rights to the gays and trans(so tsipras and porky can rape the working class )
Also he is going to end the naming dispute with FYROM( finally..)
The posible winner in the next elections
Biching about anarchist and taxes
Main voters are:petit bouj fags and the mafia
The nazis that really hate to be called nazis despite being nazis
They are falling in the polls
Voters:75% oldfags that vote them as a complain,15% lumben, 10%russian-greeks
They are there
Voters:oldfags that were on the anti-nazi ressictance,oldfags that fought with the communist in the civil war ,oldfags exiled ,non-oldfags(40-30%)
Were pasok now is
Partys join and then leave like every month, centre-left(they are not that socdem),on the rise
Voters:petit bouj fags that dont like nd,public workers that dont vote for Syriza,
Created by journalist
Centrist ,thats all i can think of now
Voters:muh centrism
Union of centrist
Created by a PASOK spliter
Now in his 500s
He went crazy and talks about god and shit like that
Voters:the old dude was a meme back in the day cause he was talking about some stupid crisis cause of debt also he was telling god to "send cancer" to other politicians

I could give so more information about the trillion smaller parties if you guys want

Dont you have a Literal Posadist sect of the KKE which collaborates with KKE Sometimes?

Neoliberal hellhole with 1 (in 2018 terms far left, but in normal political terms slightly left) party, that is slowly becoming more and more liberal

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I posted it on the other thread
We have too many parties dude

This is the situation in Australia

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What are "wets"

Centrist tories that fall over whenever someone to the right of them tries to pass something.

Thx comrade

The SuccDems. Unlike the German branch they haven't OFFICIALLY denounced Marx yet. They are basically red liberals that shill for anti-egalitarian things like women quotas and hilarious nonsense like absolutely unconditional basic income. They once were thr strongest party of the wirjeteof Austria but they lost their support because of the party's cuckoldry. Formerly most hard labourers and factory workers supported them but now it's mostly lower class immigrants.

The Christian Conservative "People's party". They are the moderate right in my country and currently their leader is our de facto head of state. They are economically neoliberal and socially moderately conservative. Currently they are in a coalition with our far right party. They are the party of the wealthy middle class, indistrials and Christian farmers.

The self proclaimed "Freedom party of Austria". They are German nationalists and are considered far right politically. They have national conservative social views but only use Christianity as a force for populism. They also are neoliberals economically but they pretended to be isolationist or "social" to trick disappointed SPÖ voters into supporting them. Their current leaders are members of far right pan-german student fencer unions and their main leader is currently vice chancellor. He has a bad reputation for impulsiveness and aggression against minorities. The party is losing support whatsoever since they are in parliament and bowed to the 12 hour work day reform. Their voter base is the youngest and mostly apprentices of manual labour or students support them.

The oldest and only somewhat present "Communist" party of Austria. They used to be ML but they went eurocom and libsoc due to the bad reputation of Stalin and the states of the eastern block with the years. Nowadays they have adopted all of liberal IDPOL and only made it into one relevant city council via elections (Graz). They haven't been in parliament for decades and their youth organization + the last remaining MLs split away from the party and created a new smaller one. Currently they are being very secterian and the KPÖ refuses most alliances with othet Austrian leftist groups. They also made the former Young Greens their youth organization. It now has been renamed in Young Left. (They are still leftlibs tho). Mostly old notorious Communists and university students support this party. But all in small numbers. Their party leader has been under fire ever since he said border control is racism.

Former eco-party. Now they are leftlibs that promote radical feminism and view integration of immigrants as racist. They are pretty much a joke at this point. Their former leader got "bullied" out of parliament and then became a leading member of a great company showing off what a bunch of clowns her party was made off after all. They didn't make it into parliament last elections for the first time after their foundation.

Free market liberals that want a capitalist empire called the United States of Europe. Only confused ex-greens and businessmen vote for them.

The new eco party. A party that won't survive till next election because their leader was accused of sexual abuse by a functionary of the Greens right after he made it into parliament instead of his former party. (Hmmm what an insuspicious and convention accusation with good timing) But yeah. They are basically left populists with pro environmental stances. Their leader is a former ⛏️rotskyite.

Those are the most relevant I guess. Ask me if there is any questions.

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Club for oligarchs and celebrities

Reactionary succdems. Exist to neuter leftist sentiment. Did more than anyone else to ruin leftism in this country.

Meme party of le funny man who screams on TV. The only people who vote for them are gopniks or memeheads

Very mild succdems. Funnily enough have some of the most reactionary MPs that make United Russia blush.

Pathetic pro-American liberals who will never be relevant.

It's fucked.

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So the 12 hours work week thing passed already? Holy shit

Yes. They pushed it through as fast as possible in order to prevent big protests. To their demise the Bus drivers made a protest anyways paralyzing the public transportation system for 3 days.


MLs. The successors of the old communist party(mszmp), Aligned with Fidesz.
Socdems,the more popular successors of the mszmp. Still, many people(rightfully) hate them, after the scandals in the 2000's.
Liberals, Formed sometimes after pic related resigned as prime minister and left the mszp in 2009
Green liberals, nobody cares about them
Pretty new party formed last year, basically centrists. Almost dead after the election.
Conservative party, won by 2/3 in april. If you watched the news in the last 4 years you know what they're doing
Far right party, but has shifted towards the centre before the election, the second largest party, but still smaller compared to Fidesz

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absolutely ballibsi

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Is this a flying holy ball thing?

Leaf here, we have five parties with any kind of relevance.

Current ruling party under Trudeau with a majority in parliament. Shiteating neolibs in the realm of Clinton or Obama, but significantly to the left of them given the overton window in Canada leans far more to social democracy. They are well known as political whores who will shill whichever way the wind is blowing, and lately they've been spouting off SJW rhetoric to siphon "leftist" votes from the NDP, but their actual policies are exceedingly right wing.

Formerly composed of libertarian types and so called "Red Tories" who were open to limited socdem policies, now overrun with social conservatives and Trump style right wing populists. Economically they are probably on the same level as the Democrats but socially they are moving further and further right by the day.

Only the Liberals and the Conservatives have ever held power at the federal level.

Social democrats, much like Labour in Britain they took a turn to the center in the 90s and 2000s, but are currently facing a backlash from old school socdems. The right of the party remains dominant for now, but I know many people in the party who lean more towards democratic socialism than social democracy. Again, much like Labour the youth of the party is itching to push it left.

Quebec nationalists. They got alarmingly large in the 90s, even becoming the second largest party in parliament at one point, but they have been sinking into irrelevance ever since. Their policies are economically socdem but socially they are pretty conservative, especially on issues of immigration. They are actually about as anti-immigrant as the conservatives, and their provincial wing which formed the Quebec government a few years ago tried to bring in burqa bans and such.

Pretty irrelevant but they hold one seat in parliament so I'll discuss them. They are pretty centrist on economics apart from their emphasis on environmental issues. Apart from a greater focus on the environment they are basically indistinguishable from the Libs.

We also have three communist parties, the CPC, CPC-ML, and the RCP. The two former ones are just a handful of 90 year olds who run candidates in select ridings during elections but dont do much else. The RCP are a pack of Maoist LARPers and in my experience totally incompetent. I ended up being a member of their youth wing for a while and it was pure cancer.

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it's a traditional hungarian royal thingy, basically a golden "apple" with a corss, but the party has no monarchist tendencies (afaik) so idk why it's there.

why is there so many of those in the US and Canada?

No idea. The best reason I can think of is that both the US and Canada have large, repressed ethnic minorities and colonized people. Canada was for a long time an explicit apartheid state, and in many ways still is today.

Oligarchs and white nationalists in an uneasy alliance that might already be obsolete. Totally captured by special interests (defense contractors, energy companies, predatory banks),. They seem to have lost their nerve and many office holders are resigning/retiring, while the voting base is only in it for Trump.
The voting base is a broad mix of minorities, comfortable middle and professional class liberals, and people who just hate the Republican party. The leadership, however, is the left wing of fascism, and they have cultivated bloodthirsty nationalist sentiments among a significant portion of their base, especially in the last two years. The 2016 loss may have been a deathblow to the party and the left wing may split off or try to coup the current leadership.

Third parties are mostly irrelevant beyond vanity presidential candidates that trigger the media for "throwing" elections. Most left wing political currents lack representation in the political system which is a big reason for the unpopularity of Congress as a whole, and the two parties system is having a crisis of legitimacy as a result.

Thanks for the warning, I was planning on joining it

To be fair it seems like it really depends on the chapter, but I would still warn against it. They tend to be super out of touch and uncompromising in terms of adjusting their rhetoric to the political realities.

Who are they? Are they christcom or something?

Does that mean that the RCP is mostly First Nations? Here in Burgerland most Maoists I've seen are white, although there are plenty from other races as well.

Traditional conservatism, anti lgtbtq, strong presence in public sector unions, slightly kleptocratic, slightly social democratic. I'm friends with some of party higher ups like Jamal Simmons, they still kinda hold to their anti-colonial and black power roots, but are a wispier of their radical origins in the sixties, and they often use the unions as a political tool, making many people on the island hate public workers.
the white party, party of oligarchs, rational™ technocratic™ liberals™, pro business. Was originally the UBP (united Bermuda party), but too many people kept associating it with the forty thieves that use to run the island as their personal business. They cosmetically support gay rights and other libshit stuff, and are generally regarded as being the more competent party, at least in the face of our dismal economic situation.

Politics don't exist here, we are completely at the mercy of international capitalism, and hidden rich people money.

Straight out fascist party who wants to take all the immigrants on a shit take them in some deserted part of africa and let them build their nation there, I'm not joking. Recently has come out that they have ties with the mafia. A journalist tried to interview the mafioso who was involved but the mafioso jumped him in front of a camera, this then led to and arrest that then led to an arrest to a whole mob family who basically owned an entire city near Rome where they did all kinds of awful shit
Currently at the government, is a meme-right part born from a couple of mountain people tired of southern Italian emigrants and wanted to split North Italy from the rest of the country. Also they belive in the superiority of the Lombardia region. Their biggest enemy was always the southerners, but when salvini took control they became another run of the mill center right populist neoliberals but anti immigration party like the rest of europe.
Every year they have a reunion in a city called Pontida where they drink, sing and have party speakers. One time the guy who funded the party went on stage screaming about how his dick is always hard and lega nord has more pussy than anyone else because of it. Before salvini they were Silvio's stooges. They steal a lot of money, they still do.
These are Silvio's parties . What can I say about these guys? Silvio is the equivalent of tito and thanks to him this one was THE center right party and THE party of Italy for a long time. When the silvio government fell they started to split but Silvio is still in the shadows playing them all. Populist neo liberals. Corruption, organized crime, bribery, fascists in the ranks, pedophilia, pimping… Name one thing they did it. It would take too long to name all the shit they pulled. There are literal ex whores and private dancers in the ranks because Silvio promised them a career after he banged them. They are starting to fade away recently but they already ruined the country.
I don't think there is something more to say about silvio tho, the guy has already books about him
The most impotent, shrimp dicked neolib center left party in the world. Thsde guys are a fucking joke, Renzi destroyed this sorry ass party by being the Blair of the situation but the guys before where Clinton tier. They are pussies and pro europe neoliberals. This party has everything inside basically a massive umbrella for everything that calls himself left. That said Renzi destroyed the illusion of them being left with all the privatization he did.
Mild Succdem who's most important plan is to scream fascist to anyone that doesn't cry when a immigrant gets bitten by a bee. Fuck them. Boring.
Oh boy. Created by a stand up comedian they took in everyone who belonged to other parties but didn't feel rappresented anymore. You got people who belive in flat earth and that Australia is a marketing invention (not joking), reptilians, soros, chem trails left from planes to weed smokers who just want to legalize it to lolberts to straight out billionaires. Economic plan? Totally absent. They just say what's going om around here is wrong and must be changed.
They were anti europe… But then they were not
There were anti globalist… But then they were not
I mean they are a cluster fuck of lolcows. They protest all they, then don't do shit.
The biggest economic plan was to abolish life salaries for politicians and give away Free money. They are at the government with lega nord now.

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It's the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.

Since it has been bandied about overhere in britain: what do you think would happen if we gave you lot an MP?

Dude what the fuck we just did

elnézést elvtársam

"Hungarian Poor people's party"
it's a fake party that became kind of a meme
many parties are created because they get campaign money from the government. If they don't reach a given percentage in the parlaiment, they must pay the money back. of course, if the party founders are friends with the government they'll be allowed to keep the money, so it's an easy way to get a quick buck for your new mercedes.

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We act pretty autonomously, so I don't think much would change since most britbong stuff already doesn't effect us (except the fucking brexit vote which destroyed my chances of living in Europe with my British passport). And a lot of us (primarily black population) don't quite like being a colony, of course it's hard to hate the good things (trade deals, free protection, etc) that come with being Britain's colony. Maybe getting an MP will give voice to those of us wanting better privileges for being part of the empire, but we can already set up shop in Britain without much hassle. Getting a single MP might not be much for us, but if all colonies got an MP we might be able to bargain for more privileges and gibs, of course the biggest gib we could want out of a relationship with Britain, that being free access to Europe, is under threat.

No, its mostly white people in my experience. When I was a member of the youth wing we only had one black member, everybody else was white. However indigenous issues are a major thing here, so it would make sense than a communist org would adopt a tendency more closely linked to those issues. I don't know for sure if our indigenous issues are the reason for the RCP being what it is, its just a thought. Its also worth noting that they are the smallest of the three, and even the largest, the CPC-ML is laughably tiny. I don't worry too much about any of them because they are all irrelevant.

Was it this guy?

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Ruling party for the past 3 election cycles. Neo-liberals who are fucking up the entire country. They're in a coalition with:
Muh Christian values.
Progressive liberals who, despite being formed in the '60s to democratize the political system, have helped to repeal our right to referendums. This is what politically illiterate students vote for.
Muh Christian values, but also social-democracy and caring about the environment.

That leaves us with the opposition:
Geert Wilders' party. Right-wing populists who fear monger about muh rapefugees. At 20 seats it's the second largest party.
"The green left" pretty much is a party of slightly further left social liberals.
The party most Dutch lefties vote for. I'm pretty sure the party's leader one time said they're best described as "Social-democracy+", this is all we've got. Send help.
These guys got cucked this election. Last time around they were the largest party after the VVD, but they became extremely unpopular because they formed a coalition with the VVD, resulting in them losing an historic 29 seats. The best known member is probably Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who helped fuck over the Greeks during the crisis.
Mostly care about animal welfare, but are otherwise pretty left-wing.
Our country has aged so much that we need a one-issue party for the elderly.
The few percent of the population who still want to pray the gay away.
Erdogan's lapdogs.
Zig Forums's new favorite. This is the PVV for hip cool students who don't like the PVV's poor voter base, but like their policy.

tl;dr: hopelessness

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Well I mean the idea is to give all the overseas territories and crown dependencies at least 1 MP, (Jersey and Mann would need 2). I mean the pushback would be the government pressuring local govs into stopping being fucking tax havens, but yeah. Also I never realised the ability to live in Europe was such a big thing for you guys, heh.

No it was a girl, she's actually pretty based. A bunch of us ended up leaving to try to form our own group after the other members decided to do MDMA one night and vandalize a bunch of shit without masking up. One of them got arrested and the rest of us were extremely pissed off. The ringleaders of that whole mess got ex-communicated by the national org after we left. The only people left in our chapter are the poor bastards who were neither for splitting nor involved in the vandalism, which was a total of like three people out of twelve or so.

Our splitter group made some progress but a number of our members ended up moving away for school, and it kinda died after that. Honestly it was worse than just the vandalism though, the whole org was a total mess. We ended up stealing fucking office supplies instead of doing any fundraising, and the two dipshits that headed the vandalism refused to get jobs, so myself and a few other people were always on the hook to pay for shit. Throughout the whole mess I was always pushing to engage in community aid programs and fundraising to improve our image and bring in some financial resources, but the leaders were more interested in being a pack of retarded smashies and holding pathetic marches with like 20 people than actually building our movement.

My gott, that sounds like such a shit show. Also-

She was super hot too, and dressed like a Black Panther. Unfortunately I was in a relationship at the time, otherwise I would have tried to hit it lol.

Yeah, the two analyses pretty much complement each other.

I would only add that Casa£ is not in parliament rn. That's why I didn't talk about them. At the moment Salvini is sucking up all the support you can think about on the right of the political spectrum and it seems like nothing can stop him. So don't expect them to grow anytime soon, at least electorally speaking. Yet, they actually have proven links with criminal families in Rome and it seems like they enjoy the sympathy/protection of some branch of the secret service. Just to be clear, the ones who went about bombing public places from 1969 to 1980 to blame "subversives".
Anyway, nothing really special. Money laundering it's an integral part of the national economy. If you touch that, you're dead. Omae wa mō shindeiru.

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Forgot the most important bits.

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CasaPound is a based party of national syndicalists and they are more left wing economically than the SocDems and not liberalized like the PCI. They have my vote.

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The fucking fuck
What joke is this
Bermunda what is bermunda
Ofcourse people hate unions there
The biggest union is for sea monsters
Only death exists there
Go to a real country kid
Wasnt Ali baba arab

Being a tax haven is all we're good for

die pls

I leld
but yes, we are indeed a country
It was the nickname given to the old landlords and business oligarchs who used to rule the island as their personal fiefdom


Do you have losts planes falling on your head
Also where is the communist party?

I currently run the only run the only communist party on the island
It's comprised of me, Vice chairman Kraken, secretary Poseidon, speaker Leviathan, and our minute taker Davy Jones

What about social media director Moby Dick?

So i guess
So what are you doing posting
Unironicly just pay the tichet and i am coming for a coup(i am euro so no fbi)
I bring weapons and my great mind
Like how many people(sorry sea creatures) does this island has
But i except some good position
i say again that i am mostly kidding

Is also true that our fascist party is less memey compared to the rest of europe. I mean if you read their program is basically the same thing as a communist party.
I could see a nazbol thing coming out in a few years

Falla finita. Go back to /ita/.

Yeah… A long time ago they used to be like pic related, instead.

Years ago I read about a fundamental difference between far right parties in various parts of Europe. In Mitteleuropa, Scandinavia and Benelux, they tended to be more "muh markets", "muh freedom", "muh welfare parasites" aside from the usual "muh niggaz", "muh mudslimes" and sho on and sho on. Basically, they were more similar to hardcore Republicans or Tea Party people. They posed as defenders of the small businessman against the welfarist, "socialist" bureaucracy with its high taxes and huge regulations that, in their view, only propped up civil servants, welfare recipients and an ever growing number of niggaz, mudslimes and sho on.
Even in France, which traditionally is a statist, protectionist country, the original Front National of Papa Le Pen campaigned hard against the welfare state and business regulations. Then, when they started gaining support from poorer voters, they ditched their "Reagan meets Petain" formula and moved to "Gibs, but with national preference". They were helped in that by the traditional left and centre left - but also by the more moderate right - moving toward actual, brutal neoliberalism and their dismantling of the welfare state itself.
Keep also in mind that Italy has a traditionally weaker economic structure. Unemployment has always being higher than almost every other "western" country. Even at the peak of the boom - late 50s, early 60s - a great part of this huge structural unemployment was absorbed by emigration abroad. On top of that, the welfare state has always been shitty and almost exclusively used as a tool of political consensus in a clientelist way, so a lot of people has always been cut out of it and now they are potential voters for a "far right + gibs" kind of party. They are resentful for the past and their only hope is to get gibs from fascists after christdems and "commies" of old - but also Berlusconi - dindu nuffin' for them.
That said, Casa£ is a COINTELPRO 100%. If they only wanted, they could put an end to it in 24 hours. I mean, Tangentopoli brought down the huge, popular parties that had the power for forty years and no one is doing fuck anything when fascist orgs are explicitly illegal? Makes me think…

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He split to form his own party

I think Bermuda will only be socialist when the whole world has gone red first.

I don't know why but the situation in the Netherlands in particular makes me sad. How badly is Rutte ruining everything?


For the HUEMONKEY political scene.
A nightmare beyond nightmares.

Be aware that for 98% of brazilian politicians re-election is the priority, all other ideological and functional things come second.

Generic right wing conservative party, congress fodder, votes right all votes probably bought.

One of the oldest parties still around, largest party in the country with the most seats. Generally rightwing but with a few out of place succdems, sides with whoever is popular or pays the highest. Never runs for president but always has the VP. This party and its allies basically control the congress and senate, if the president does not meet the party's demands they are fucked. Current president (michel temer) is from this party since he was VP when dilma got coup'd. Between local bourg, imperialism and corrupt politicians MDB was the main actor in the public part of the 2016 coup. As corrupt as it can get.

Center-left, barely succdem party. Sells itself as a leftwing party but is quite split when it comes to voting on issues, had some great characters in the past such as leonel brizola, and still has some real leftist members but is also plagued with rightwingers and opportunists.

Main leftist party, quite powerfull, succdem with unionist roots in the 80's when it played an important role in revitalizing unions. Votes left consistently. Members go from succdem to extremists with important figures such as LULA and ties to many unions. Universaly despised by the rightwing, shittalked on a daily basis by the media.

Irrelevant right wing fodder party, was Getulio Varga's part but all semblance of his ideology is gone.

Part 1

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Autistic self destructive leftwing "radical" party. Always trying to distance itself from other leftists parties but is willing to colaborate for votes and propaganda. Votes left has some good members but many champagne socialists. Desperatly tries to stay relevant while being a small party.

Irrelevant extreme right wing formerly liberal now conservative(what a surprise) mini party.

Green party, porky's newest way to fish for hippies, apoliticals and liberals in to voting for extreme right politicians, becuase love the trees fuck the humans. Members are either autistic or rightwingers in disguise.

Recent splitters from PV and some other autists, same shit new name. "Big brain" centrist liberals are proud of voting for them.

Irrelevant center party, changed its name from Partido Trabalhista Nacional (PTN), to seem more apealing, A common trend nowdays with widespread distrust in politics in general.

Christian extremely conservative right wing party economically liberal. Highly promoted in protestant churches.

Your typical powerless communist party that desperatly tries to succed in conventional politics, with a dash of activism here and there. Has some good memebers but is too small to stay relevant in mainstream politics.


Suposedly a repubican nationalist/interventionist party but is really a catch all mess(right wing for all intents and purposes), votes all over the place. Corrupt af.

Right wing scum party, spiritual successor from the military party during the 64-85 dictatorship. Leads corruption rankings but is still a relevant party.

Part 2

Another succdem party, this one is quick to support center right candidates and wobbles around alot, sides with who they think will win, probably only interested in re-elections.

Was a succdem (but not really) party but goes further right every day

small run of the mill christian rightwing party. Their president candidate has been runing since 98 and has a meme jingle youtube.com/watch?v=-Em36Nxsi0U

Small mostly irrelevant rightwing conservative populist party. Also has a meme president candidate Levy fidélix.

Smallest official party, they are probably the most ideologically consistent communist paty and well aware of their small size, for this reason they don't care much about mainstream politics. They are trots.

Big brain neoliberal stemlord party. A super recent political party that sells itself as a "fresh new alternative" from the old politicians, but that's their whole deal and they are really just some neolibs trying to bait people. Novo literaly means new.

I didn't even knew this shit existed, probably more bought votes or rightwing bullshit

Irrelevant rightwing party.

minuscule women's party probably liberals or succdems, doesn't even call itself feminist.

Hey look another irrelevant christan rightwing party! give me money please we need to elect more mayors and lawmakers.

This thing exists and is another rightwing irrelevant party.

Part 3

The name says its a succdem party but this is actually the main straight rightwing party. Corrupt as fuck PT's main rival and always second in presidential ellections since 2002, the previous presient was theirs.

Liberal left party. r/socialism tier. Was originally a more radical split from PT, but in trying to distance themselves from the mainstream left they burned themselves and continue to do so. Quite vocal and present online but not as big when it comes to actual politics. Members are generally champagne socialists or just larpy liberals.

This one is a good laugh. It used to be another irrelevant conservative rightwing party with an ecological twist, but last year they changed their name to market their president candidate Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro only joined the party because his previous one didn't want him running for president, ironically bolsonaro has been cought fishing in a natural reserve once.

Was not aware of the existance of this one either seems to be another autistic left opposition one.

Relatively new centrist party made by splitters from rightwing parties when they became more extreme and oppositionists around the eary 10's. The party gainned a formidable size since then.

Largest self proclaimed communist party in the country. votes left and sides with PT quite often but has some oppositionists members. Also involved in the unionist movement.

Rightwing fodder.

Part 4

This party is center right and represnts the bad side of brazilian unions particularly associated with Força Sindical a real shitty union.

Another catch all party.

Prety much like PMDB but smaller but still the 4th largest in the country.

That's it guys i think i got them all.

part 5

Fuckin' hell! And some people think there are too many parties here in Wopistan!

One question: why are parties on the right called "social democrat"? Is there any particular historical reason?


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immigrant beoble good
immigrant beoble bad

no needs to guess which country this is

hey pire

They used to be a stalinist current inside PMDB(now MDB) until 2012/13, broke away and made a new party, were in coalition with PSOL in the last elections. Apparently they are pretty tanky, or at least the guys in Porto Alegre are, you can some of their members carrying the parties flag and a popular korea flag. I think they were related to mr8 or something like that.

In the 80/90s the military dictatorship made being nominally right-wing a real reason for ostracism, so a lot of them latched into the social democratic label that was popular in europe(or so it seemed).

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Fascist parties are legal in Italy, just cannot name them the National Fascist Party


Germany here.

Current ruling party with Merkel on top. Originally founded as a center-conservative party with Christian values (which means: support of a welfare state), they have since made a neoliberal turn during Kohl after 1991, they now present themselves as the "center" but still keep the charade of being a Christian party. Under Merkelism, the CDU has lost any ideological grounding, they really just do what Merkel cooks up in her chancellory, which is opportunist position-switching, as they have done on nuclear energy and migrants (two of the most prominent examples). Within the CDU there is no democracy, Merkel communicates what she wants done and the base follows.

The Bavarian wing of the CDU which is actually a party by itself, it was founded due Bavarian exceptionalism, they have been the coalition partner of the CDU since 1949, they are just called "the Union" together because the public has often treated them as one party. However, the CSU is significantly more conservative and right-wing populist, originally founded to be more social than the CDU (welfare state + publicly held infrastructure and cooperative banking) they are now also much more economically liberal as they used to be. CSU has a long history of oppressing communists, for example, communists are not allowed to make a PhD in Bavaria and posting a over a dozen US military bases in Syria flag on FB may cause the police to raid your apartment. Recently, they have said that they want to build camps for refugees where they are not allowed to leave, and have passed a new Bavarian police law which puts mentally ill people on a list that enables the cops to arrest you with no reason whatsoever. They are constantly "faking" beef with Merkel to act as if they havn't lost their integrity, but they always get cucked by her which causes the AfD to rise in Bavaria as the CSU looses more credibility over time when it turns out they are just a bag of hot air.

Good old Rosa Killers, have made a massive liberal turn in the 70s under Schmitt by building up a police state and a coalition with the FDP, then under Schröder 1998 they went even more neoliberal and are now part of the neoliberal bloc. Massively cut welfare when they were in power with their "Agenda 2010". This is caused by a neoliberal think tank within the party, called "Seeheimer Kreis" which co-opted the party and since then the SocDem elements in it are in an eternal struggle with their leadership. Their youth organization, JuSos, havn't denounced socialism and have Marx reading circles, but they constantly fall in line with the leadership and the rest of the party are just old boomers who are completely disillusioned. The SPD always promises to revive SocDem policies, but constantly betrays their voters which led to a massive loss on votes for them, in the newest poll they are behind the AfD.

Neolibs/Lolberts. Used to have a social liberal wing, which only exists in the form on one guy (Kubicki) today, they have completely turned into lolberts under Westerwelle, and continuing this path under Lindner. They want to invest in education and digital infrastructure, but at the same time demand massive tax braks for the rich and corporate influence in education, and since last year, they have started to copy AfD talking points about immigration to gain votes. They still publicly distance themselves from the AfD but every idiot can see through their scheme.


Neoliberals with e Green platform. Started off in the 70s with two wings, one the left-radical hippie wing, the other one being the "realist" and "conservative" one. The conservatives have consequently now overtaken the party and most voters are suburban dads. One of their state prime ministers was a Maoist in his youth and is now a conservative. They advocate for Green energy, more migration and a harder stance on Putin. They have brought up a property tax but dropped it immediatly in the negotiations with the lolberts and cuckservative but still failed in these negotiations because of their stance on migration.

Former PdS which was the former SED, big-tent for everything left of the SPD. Has SocDems, left-liberals, MLs, anarchists, DemSocs, etc. which organize themselves in factions and partly also hate each other. So they always have a problem with unity. They merged as PdS with the "WASG", a western left-wing movement with SocDem and anti-imperialist talking points. Their best stance is probably on geopolitics. They are anti-NATO, anti-US and show solidarity with Venezuela and Cuba, although some within the party might be upset about that, domestically they advocate for "democratic socialism", concretely: Tax increase on the rich, high minimum wage, public investment program, worker council in big companies, punishing companies with fees when they outsource, cooperatives, more grassroot entrepreneurship (!). They still have a communist platform and a solidarity organization with Cuba (Cuba Si) but their leadership is mostly SocDem/reformist with the exception of Wagenknecht who is viciously attacked by Antideutsche all the time due to her stance on immigration.

Right-wing populist party. Originally founded as a euroscepticist national liberal party by a bunch of economy professors and ex-CEOs, they ousted their founder and are now right-wing populist. They are made up of two wings, there is the national-liberal wing who basically wants the EU to split in a Northen and a Southern zone and demand tax breaks for the rich, freedom of muh speech and no more migration. The other wing are NutSac LARPers who rebranded themselves to give themselves a more civil outfit, they want welfare, but only for Germans, cooperatives, alignment with Russia and historical revision of the Nazi era of Germany. This faction arround Poggenburg and Höcke exists in the East and is very real there, but on a federal level and in the West they are marginalized by the more liberal leadership which constantly calls them out but due to their voter base this more radical faction might gain traction in the following years, especially when their leadership cucks out.

Posting the current poll which is usually quite accurate in Krautland.

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Okay so another Dutch take

Ruling coalition:

VVD, liberals, basically a bunch of hardcore career politicians and some lolberts who literally wear suits to casual student debates and afterwards talk about wine and said suits. I'm not overreacting, they did that in front of me. Most corrupt party in the Netherlands according to research and with no real beliefs apart from privatizing. By far the biggest party as well.

CDA: VVD but nominally Christian and more authoritarian. Mostly low-key reactionary and opportunistic by now as the leader gave a speech in which he said equality and freedom has gone too far and unironically quoted Burke. Want to give more power to security services and make us sing the Anthem at schools as well as reinstating conscription. Overally pretty lame civnats.

CU: Actual Christian democrats Don't do that much with it and toe the line in the coalition afaik.

D66: A vacuum of a party with no discernible beliefs apart from muh diversity. Say they are 'social' liberals but are about the most enthusiastic privatizers. Say they are all about education but support ongoing cuts there and made it more expensive. Were started to institute referenda but when we finally had one regarding EU trade with Ukraine and people voted against that they found out people can also not be progressive and suddenly abolished it. I don't often get angry about political parties but I really fucking hate these guys.

The glorious opposition:

PVDA: socdems who the VVD drained like a vampire when they were in the previous coalition because they only helped it privatize. Currently in its death throes. Basically shilled for immigration all the way when it turned neolib in the 80s or whatever but now has made a 180 on that in a desperate attempt to attract votes. Doesn't need immigrant votes anymore because angry immigrants now vote…

DENK, which is a split from the PVDA by two turks who like to shill for Erdogan and immigration. Don't want us to accept the Armenian genocide as genocide and constantly respond to criticism of Erdogan with tu quoques. Want to replace integration with 'mutual acceptance', e.g. letting conservative muslims do whatever the fuck they want.

Groenlinks: Fucking Greens. D66 with green characteristics by now. Their leader didn't join the ruling coalition because he didn't agree with the harsh migration line so at least he does have some principles there but otherwise they are just your average progressive muh diversity shills.

SP: The only actual left party, had maybe 5 percent of the votes. The leadership is ideologically schizophrenic because it believes it can capture votes by being 'conservative' while our members (instead of the base) are usually so socially progressive they could have been with D66 on that front. A sinking ship at this point. Tried to be more left-wing in the previous elections but nobody gave a shit because everyone was talking about migrants.

SGP: Die hard christians who want an elective theocracy. Had to be forced to allow women in the party maybe two years ago. Pretty boring otherwise.

PVV: Geert Wilders. Hardcore 'muh values' nationalism. They're not the party that truly hates immigration (just Islam as an idea) and are staunchly pro-Israel yet they somehow still attract all the weird nazis. Want to leave the EU.

FVD: lowkey ethnic nationalists who want democratization and closed borders. Don't actually hate Islam but want Europe to be white. Their leader met with Jared Taylor and some Hindustani guy from Surinam said people in Surinam have lower Autism Level. Want to leave the EU.

Looks like the German working class that used to support the SPD now is with the AfD… Reminds me of what happened here in Austria. Suddenly the right wingers pretended to be the new social party and since people are disgusted by insane leftlibs they fell for the FPÖ. I think Germany will probably have to form a coalition with the AfD after re-elections with Merkel gone. Seehofer already moved in that direction and could fully kick the balance of the Union. So yeah the future looks rosy for businessmen and right wingers… Btw lmao how do the Green good for nothing morons still have so much support? Oof. The *real* German left needs to get their shit together finally…

Do the immigrants vote Green and SPD or is Germany a bit of an exception?

So it is now legal for the capitalists to have a 12 hours workday??????

Like clockwork

Free gibmedats for large corporations, more taxes for the middle and lower class, more expensive healthcare, shitty elderly care, higher education is no longer free, people in Groningen are still experiencing earthquakes as a result of natural gas extraction with shit for compensation, stagnant minimum wage; I could probably go on, but I think you get the picture.

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Yes. The Greens are the immigrant party because they refuse integration measures
and want unconditional welfare for them. They are also being supported by delusional left liberals which make up a VAST mass of young Germans in education.

Yes. The government said it will give people more "flexibility" to decide their working hours… which is a bad joke. Since this law applies to industries where such self decided planning is impossible. Literally only upper class businessmen profit from this reform. Factory workers, Bus drivers and people in the gastronomic sector suffer from it severely though. We also had protests and strikes. Which is fucking rare in Austria usually. Actually it's even possible to make them work 14 hours as long as you pay the other two hours a little bit more. And you only gotta give them a one hour long break at best…


don't forget you get paid youth minimum wage until the age of 23.

Belgium here. Don't know much about Walloon politics, so I'm just going to Flanders.

The Frence really should start a revolt
Who wants to be ruled by a german tribe?