Why are ☭TANKIE☭s so full of hatred?

Why are ☭TANKIE☭s so full of hatred?
This shit makes centrist 'horsehoe theory' seem valid. Why the pathological attacks on identity related issues that trans people really do face?

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Behold the superior ☭TANKIE☭ intelligence

This is why Zig Forums is dying.

they're mostly right though. I don't care about LGBTQ shit in the western world, I care about wage labor. If they truly gave a fuck they'd focus less on themselves (what with being privileged western born people) and give light to LGBTQ people facing serious persecution around the world.

That's not hatred. It's an honest question that should be answered. There are good reasons to care about people's problems. They shouldn't dominate the discussion of capitalism though. Liberals have forgotten that we can love and have solidarity with people without understanding them. And that's necessary because there are so many different people, nobody will have time to learn about everyone else.

he kind of had a point up until the "bourgeois lifestylism" part

That post is 100% correct though.
And on that note, half the ☭TANKIE☭'s on social media are idpol ☭TANKIE☭s who heavily shill things like gender identity stuff and transsexuality.

If they do that they'll be accused of being imperialist even if they don't support military intervention or some shit

i dunno rsoc why don't you educate this person instead of fishing for disagreeable opinions on here

Hatred is one of the only genuine emotions we can express in this neoliberal capitalist hell where we are coerced into suppressing all our emotions and told we are "entitled" by some cunt just for desiring basic human needs. So yeah I'd go as far to say hate is good.

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You can look at his other tweets going on about "sexual perversion." I'm always wary of these guys because the arguments they make against transgender people can be made against any attempt at individuals seeking to improve themselves. Tattoo artistry can be a form "bourgeois lifestyleism" but you rarely see these Stalin avatars spending much time couching opposition to tattoos using Marxist terminology. For some reason gender issues gets them angry. Anyways I looked at this @frankiefatlips' feed and I mostly see superficial chest-thumping about how he's a more authentic revolutionary than the other leftists who are into "goofy shit." I'll pass.

The most charitable thing I can say is that I see the appeal of Stalinism. Imagine for a moment you're a father and a husband when a bird hits a window of your home, breaking its wings and dying slowly on the porch. Your wife and kids are horrified but too feckless to put the bird out of its misery. Now replace the wife and kids with "squishy reformist lifestylists" and the bird with a reactionary agent of the ancien regime. While the Stalinist (in theory) supports "lifestylism" such as gender equality and anti-homophobia, he still believes in the need for this hypermasculine image lurking the background who can go outside and wring the bird's neck. That's what the Stalinist seems to be saying.

Most of the transphobic ☭TANKIE☭s on twitter are TERF roasties too as opposed to principled brocialists

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t. trannie

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Great post

He's Jim Lrofit tho

Its true though, the kind of tanks you see here have a very small presence on twatter

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Mein Gott
I pirate all my shit anyway, so I really don't "support" anyone

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DI6 is based tho, I'll give you that

At best he's a St.rassershit/unironic nazbol

I'm not arguing with you, I'm just editing lyrics. He is absolutely a fascist, but I'm not above editing his work into something he'd hate.

Do you want a class war
Alienation for the masses no longer in store?
Do you want the workers to prevail
To toss the landlords all in jail?
To smite imperialists that they might die
To shoot spaceships off through the sky?

Do you want a class war?
Do you want a class war?
Yes, you want class war!
Yes, you want class war!

People choose to not care about your society and it's ills, and by doing that, they are then attacking you.

You're only a transient because of alienation under capitalism, and consumerism, lol

Fuck there's a new filter for trann.ie

I'm not trans at all though, I was just being frank about the ☭TANKIE☭ community on twitter being divided up into various forms of what most people here would call idpol. Radfems in general seem to have a lot sway in the ML community.

trans people are literally .3% of the population, who gives a shit.

they aren't a revolutionary class anyway. once they get their free operations from their employer a la starbucks (a savage capitalist organization with an ultra-zionist heading it btw) they'll turn it to regular fascist/neo-liberal democrats which most are anyway in the first place

my favorite band man
