Anger General

ITT: we compete to see who can make the rest of the board the angriest

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Other urls found in this thread:

Societal norms are the result of innate biological tendencies.

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From Frederick Douglass's auto biography:

I speak advisedly when I say this,—that killing a slave, or any colored person, in Talbot county, Maryland, is not treated as a crime, either by the courts or the community. Mr. Thomas Lanman, of St. Michael's, killed two slaves, one of whom he killed with a hatchet, by knocking his brains out. He used to boast of the commission of the awful and bloody deed. I have heard him do so laughingly, saying, among other things, that he was the only benefactor of his country in the company, and that when others would do as much as he had done, we should be relieved of "the d——d niggers."
The wife of Mr. Giles Hicks, living but a short distance from where I used to live, murdered my wife's cousin, a young girl between fifteen and sixteen years of age, mangling her person in the most horrible manner, breaking her nose and breastbone with a stick, so that the poor girl expired in a few hours afterward. She was immediately buried, but had not been in her untimely grave but a few hours before she was taken up and examined by the coroner, who decided that she had come to her death by severe beating. The offence for which this girl was thus murdered was this:—She had been set that night to mind Mrs. Hicks's baby, and during the night she fell asleep, and the baby cried. She, having lost her rest for several nights previous, did not hear the crying. They were both in the room with Mrs. Hicks. Mrs. Hicks, finding the girl slow to move, jumped from her bed, seized an oak stick of wood by the fireplace, and with it broke the girl's nose and breastbone, and thus ended her life. I will not say that this most horrid murder produced no sensation in the community. It did produce sensation, but not enough to bring the murderess to punishment. There was a warrant issued for her arrest, but it was never served. Thus she escaped not only punishment, but even the pain of being arraigned before a court for her horrid crime.

Your first picture reminded me of this one from e

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That last picture does make me angry.
Dont you dare call china communist in any sense of the word.

absolutely fucking disgusting

you cut that shit out right now

Because of him, that blond angsty teen gets his organs cut out and sold on the free market. Steig Heil Gorbachev.


There's a personal anecdote that pisses me off a lot - in about a month I'll celebrate the anniversary and I hope that someone joins me. I had a friend in College Park who was going through a bad divorce. We differed a lot on politics - in the '90s he'd run for congress in Texas as a Libertarian, and he'd since moved towards nationalism as libertarians did during the Trumprising. As such, he fell for a lot of the "Cultural Marxism" shit.

Anyway, he used to make movies, too. Then he was in them military during our launch into two wars - though he now doubted the official story of 9/11 and (correctly) believed the cause of the wars was false. When I met him, he was thus a veteran and in the throes of this divorce with his wife who had apparently gotten dementia or some other such age-related degenerative mental condition that I don't recall. He also relied heavily on strong opioids due to pain from his military career, which affected his behavior (he slept frequently for long periods).

His ex-wife was now living in Florida with his brother who himself had suffered an accident. He visited her one week and took a while to come back - when he did, he said she'd made a false report. From there, police had arrived and demanded he open the door. There was still a bit of libertarian in the guy - he asked if they had or warrant and why they needed to get in. They didn't tell him and threatened to bust it down. When he opened it, they burst through, tackled him, got him in a choke hold and pointed a gun at his dog, which was barking, because of course it fucking was. Somewhere in all this he said something like "Calm down, cupcake" to the officer in charge, which resulted in the cop getting even more pissed and taking him in for one of those obligatory defiance-type charges. So they cuffed him and threw him in the back of a metal-walled wagon with no seatbelts and gave him a "rough ride" to the station. He stayed there several nights, and during this time his dogs ran away (though they were later found). His ex-wife backed out, no charges were ever filed, and he ended up with severe damage from the ride which would have been potentially lethal/debilitating without extremely expensive surgery, and might have resulted in his teeth needing to come out anyway. It also resulted in even greater pain.

When he died, he was working on a suit against the Florida police. A kitchen fire burned his house down. I don't know what happened to his dogs. I don't know what happened to the black family who were renting in his basement, though I know they at least survived. He was upstairs. Knowing him, he was probably passed out on prescription oxycontin. Or perhaps it was the "thin blue line" getting revenge for his lawsuit, which would have gotten enough money to pay for his surgery. Either way, it's something that bugs me when I bother to think.

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Shit, my typo-catching game was not good here.

Had or warrant hahaha

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last but not least

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b-but freedom

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lel no

How is this moeshit?
I don't see the difference.

It makes me even angrier than your gif considers China, Vietnam and Laos socialist and also implied that Democratic Kampuchea was socialist

The capuchin monkey experiment is incredibly funny. It really pisses people off. You should grab a PDF of the paper, instead of linking a shitty news article about it.
I showed that study to an anthropology grad student and he had the most retarded ad hoc justification.

He essentially claimed that our primate cousins (and also presumably ancestors) obviously have biologically influenced gender roles/beahavior, but in humans tabula rasa arose as an evolutionary strategy and any biologically influence on gender that existed in our ancestors withered away. This seems like a pretty nonsensical position, but it's canonical in anthropology according to this guy.

how is it supposed to make me mad if it is scientifically accurate? fuck off

Technically, it shouldn't make you mad but the idea seems to ruffle the feather of humanities majors a la

>>>Zig Forums

I am literally a cultural anthropology major though, can't really fathom how scentifical studies can ever piss you off unless you're knee deep in ideology. if it's true, then what do I have to say here? it's only bad when you try to use it as a weapon against people

no one has ever said that, idiot

It's a little more prevalent in sociology and the "X studies" departments ime.

people did crazy shit back in the day: the thread

Don't sweat it user. It's natural when trying to recall all the details from painful events from memory and write them down. I make way worse typos.

It was perfectly interpretable by context. (on the subject of spell checking firefox spellchecker is telling me interpretable isn't a word but cambridge dictionary is telling me otherwise)

Yeah I bet they killed him. This is exactly why I told anons in the other police thread up right now to NEVER GIVE THE COPS ATTITUDE. At least if you're no suicidal. They will waste or permanently cripple your ass and get away with it too. That record everything on a cell phone is terrible advice if you're the one being arrested. It won't save you from shit. Besides most cops have body-cams on them these days which you can subpoena in the court case anyways.

Your story reminds me of this anti-cop/citizens rights activist from San Jose who got "mysteriously" burned alive in his home after his extended beef with the local police department. If you want to start some shit with a police department at the very least move to another city or better yet another state before you do it.

what did he mean by this

Google is not helping me here so I'll have to recount the story from memory:

This man found out that the San Jose Police were going into local shopping center parking lots and running warrants on every car parked there. This guy started documenting this and started posting this info on local citizen's rights groups on facebook. The police found out and started harassing his ass, intimidating him, the whole nine yard. He kept up with his beef with them online and I think he even started getting death threats. Finally he posted on facebook one night something like, "if I die prematurely, it's because The San Jose Police murdered me." He also documented some weird surveillance vans parked outside his home. That same week he was found in his burnt out apartment, burned to a crisp and strangled to death. Then the local coroner ruled it a suicide. That's the last I remember reading on the story, didn't follow up on it much after that.

What do you consider "back in the day?" Anything prior to 7-18-2018?

Another story from when standing up for your rights goes horribly wrong.

Activist & Rapper Facing Decades in Prison After Being Railroaded By Justice System

POMONA, CA – On September 25th, 2013, DaMonte Marquise Shipp Sr., 22, aka Ceebo Tha Rapper was pulled out of the back of a cop car in handcuffs. Two houses had been robbed nearby. Two witnesses, a mother and son, were brought on the scene and asked if Ceebo was the African American man they had seen through the window running and hopping a fence with a light skinned man 40 feet from their house. Ceebo had been detained and arrested by police miles away in an apartment complex. On the stand, both witnesses would testify that they identified Ceebo by skin tone, clothing, and even handcuffs.

This was all witnessed in a matter of seconds through two different windows in the same house: one upstairs and one downstairs. The son testified that the African American man was wearing a white t-shirt, the mother said a white baseball jacket. However, Ceebo was wearing a black shirt on that day. One of three defendants in the case, Ceebo and his codefendant, Andrew Lopez, were identified in a popular practice known as a field ID. Unlike the line ups cop characters perform on television, field ID’s essentially constitute a police officer bringing the witness into the field where they tell the witness that they should not be biased just because they see the suspect in custody or handcuffs. Police then show their suspect to the witness. All in the good grace of faith and non bias, the witness then says yes this is the one I saw or no. A quick shortcut for cops, field identifications are a dangerous practice that that threaten to bring frequently criminalized black and brown youth that much further from justice and closer to becoming a statistic.

When recounting their field ID neither mother nor son recalled the officer reading the field admonishment card which goes something like this: (See pic 1)

Neither witnesses, prints nor anything aside from the field ID placed Ceebo or Lopez in the neighborhood let alone inside either house. However, by proximity, and in Ceebo’s case, identification by shade of skin, both defendants were found guilty… and not guilty. The jury that had taken three hours to decide the next half decade to two decades or so of Ceebo and Lopez’s lives, filled out paperwork for both a guilty and not guilty verdict. No one knows for sure how that happened, but I have my own suspicions. California jurors are compensated $15 per day (while police officers are often paid time and a half to testify as “expert witnesses”). Who cares about getting it right when you want to get out of there?

In the end the jury tossed their not guilty paperwork and came back with a win i.e. financial windfall for the state, guilty on both counts of first degree residential burglary. Despite there being no violence and the only material loss being a broken sliding glass door, Ceebo Tha Rapper faces 4, 8 or 12 years minimum for each count or something like that. Since the verdict, I have not been able to reach his lawyer and even his family does not know exactly how much time Ceebo is facing. Uncertainty, lack of security, threat of violence and the absence of caring is part of America’s prison system experience. For everyone involved, including his family. Lopez faces a minimum of two and maximum of seven+ years.

Each malnourished year Ceebo serves will costs California taxpayers an average of $63,000. More expensive than Harvard but with the only promise prison holds being that of turning out hardened criminals and the nearly unemployable, prison is a profitable tradeoff compared to restorative justice like replacing broken glass. With each inmate costing $63,000 per year, one would think funds would at least be allocated to limit discrimination, save taxpayers money and secure more lineups for beyond a reasonable doubt identification practices. But nah, that simply would not be profitable for the state.

Quite likely unbeknownst to the 48+ people who were paid to persecute, serve and/or give witness testimony in this case, Ceebo tha Rapper, is and is not just another young black man from South Los Angeles that the state put in prison. A father to three boys and one of twenty-one brothers and sisters, Ceebo is a dedicated family man. After the death of his cousin, Ezell Ford, Ceebo became a community organizer in Los Angeles and has been organizing rallies and marches for Tha Movement for Ford, demanding justice for Ezell Ford and all victims of police violence. A rising young leader and artist, Ceebo also released songs and music videos promoting unity amongst all people and an end to police violence. During his own trial, Ceebo’s evenings were spent in the studio working on “They Don’t Care About Us,” a single he would release only days before he was led out of the courtroom in handcuffs. A haunting song considering what was to come.

Admired and adored by both friends and strangers, the young black rapper was also feared by LAPD. Not for crimes but due to the power of Ceebo’s rhymes and organizing. After the release of his “Fuck Tha Police” video in response to the killing of Ezell Ford, Ceebo was publicly persecuted and criminalized by police in the mainstream media. While Ceebo’s personal journey from the streets of South LA to rapper and activist are that of the extraordinary, Ceebo’s personal struggle from the death of a cousin to his own imprisonment is too common. As a black youth, his recent conviction sadly brings Ceebo full circle through the school to prison pipeline. A course that promises a high chance of early death and/or imprisonment for those who are black and poor. Familiar tragedies that young Ceebo himself touched on in his revolutionary rhymes:

However, according to the light skinned district attorney’s logic, Ceebo would only be running from police officers as an implication of guilt and nothing else. A district attorney who began the case by stacking all the odds against Ceebo.

Aside from being an amazing friend, artist, and irreplaceable part of the Los Angeles movement, he’s also a dad. #FreeCeebo — Cassandra (@CassandraRules) October 27, 2014

If race dynamics in Los Angeles are anything like they are in Florida, before anyone testified on the stand, the state had an 81% chance of convicting Ceebo the minute the District Attorney eliminated all black jurors from the jury pool. Throughout the trial one of two alternate jurors, a lone black man in the corner of the jury box, constantly glanced at Ceebo. Had him or one black person had a voice in Ceebo’s case, Ceebo’s odds of conviction would have dropped to 71%. And the minute Ceebo came out of his mother’s womb, he had a 33% chance of going to jail according to the an August 2013 Sentencing Project report on Racial Disparities in the United States Criminal Justice System, that was submitted to the United Nations.

“One of every three black American males born today can expect to go to prison in his lifetime.” – Racial Disparities in the United States Criminal Justice System

Despite Ceebo demonstrating discipline and dedication in the wake of the police killing of his cousin while advocating the exercising of rights to fight for justice, his bail was exonerated by Judge George Genesta and Ceebo was immediately detained. Upon hearing the news, Ceebo hung his head like it was in a noose… because now it is. Courtrooms host modern day lynchings for men of color. Next Ceebo will be given his “bid” i.e. sentencing into a prison system that is almost guaranteed to fail him. All paid for by your tax dollars. Right now, the odds remain stacked against Ceebo. As a young black man, Ceebo faces a hasher sentence than white counterparts according to a comprehensive survey of 40 studies covering 30 years of sentencing outcomes at both the state and federal by Professor Cassia Spohn –

“Although it is irrefutable that the primary determinants of sentencing decisions are the seriousness of the offense and the offender’s prior criminal record, race/ethnicity and other legally irrelevant offender characteristics also play a role. Black and Hispanic offenders—and particularly those who are young, male, or unemployed—are more likely than their white counterparts to be sentenced to prison; they also may receive longer sentences than similarly situated white offenders. Other categories of racial minorities— those convicted of drug offenses, those who victimize whites, those who accumulate more serious prior criminal records, or those who refuse to plead guilty or are unable to secure pretrial release—also may be singled out for more punitive treatment.”

One of the last things Ceebo spoke about on his last day as a free man was the importance of people who care serving on juries. Part of the reason the prison industrial system thrives is because the public is not present and participating. We need to change that. We need to serve on juries and pack the courthouses to support people facing time, if we are afforded the privilege to do so. It helps hold the system, courts and juries accountable for their practices and conduct. Not to mention that it shows those facing time that their lives matter. The decision to strip them of their and their children’s futures matter. Children matter. Your time matters. #BlackLivesMatter

The odds stacked against Ceebo may be alleviated with your support. To help #freeCeebo aka DaMonte Marquise Shipp Sr., please send letters pleading for leniency for from “Judge George Genesta” for “DaMonte Marquise Shipp Sr.” to [email protected]. Ceebo’s sentencing is November 20th @ 8:30am at Pomona Courthouse. Please join Ceebo’s loved ones, fans and supporters on 11/20/14 and Let’s Pack the Court! Court Support for @CeeboThaRapper. To donate to Ceebo’s criminal defense fund, click the donate button below.

His fund only has $360 dollars donated so far as of now BTW.

Also they gave him 17 years. I think he can get out in 13 with parole or something like that. Also I looked him up on the California prison website and he was in Mississippi last time I checked despite being from South Los Angeles.

I'm sorry fam. Kill all cops.
Reminds me of

One more update. The LAPD finally settled up for killing Ceebo's cousin Ezell Ford for $1.5 million dollars. I hope to god they gave some of that money to Ceebo's defense fund and he can get some kind of appeal to get him out before his parole a few years from now, but I haven't been following up on it.

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Sad thing is, he was probably going to end up in jail anyways.

For what? What do you mean? Do you really believe he robbed that house? I think it's obvious he wasn't a criminal and they came and got him for the first crime in the area they could railroad him on.

I don't know if he robbed that house, I'm not implying he did. I'm just taking into consideration what his background is and what type of person he seems to be. If you look at his music and lyrics, you can see the very standard-issue promotion of the thug/money/violence/sex lifestyle. It's pretty rare to see these types of things from an educated, upstanding community member. I knew lots of these "X tha rapper"/ "lil X", etc. people growing up, and most of them ended up dead or in jail.

What a way to generalize and stereotype. Do you honestly think even the majority of rappers end up dead or in jail? If we're going off of anecdotal evidence all of the rappers I've known have been free men. I've known one that's served time before, but that was years ago and hasn't been locked up since. A lot of people retire from the gangbanging and don't end up in prison forever or murdered.

Go watch streetgang videos on youtube and tell me how many old ass dudes you see out there. And those are just the ones who haven't retired from gangbanging. A lot of black people with jobs and careers in those areas are former gangbangers.

Not rappers as a whole, but people with a similar background to this particular person have a pretty high incarceration rate. Again, it's not about generalizing rappers or even black people, it's about this particular type of person, and being a thug rapper just happens to be a common characteristic, as does having a criminal background.

You're still generalizing quite a bit. I don't know where you're from or who you knew or if you're giving me an accurate depiction. I'll just tell you from my anecdotal evidence that people I know or know of that've been locked up, got locked up once, did their time, and never got locked up again. Also "thug culture" is so ubiquitous in LA, to assume that MOST people who were into "thug culture" at one time or another in their life end up locked up is a gross overstatement.

Do you think the rate of black people into "thug culture" is as low as 20.8 per 1,000 people?

Also to think every rapper does everything they rap about in real life is incredibly naive.

But I'm not defending gangster rap. I don't really like it for the exact reason it leads to dumb debates like this. It's just all anyone listens to in certain areas of LA and elsewhere. People don't want to listen to "soft" music. The biggest proponents of gangster rap are fucking Platinum rappers like Jay-Z who even got the Obama cosign.

To be fair, he wasn't living in FL, which is where the dept. he was suing was based.


jews are a genetic fact and they have the most genetic diseases.
they also are the weakest and most cowardly race of hominids with males being way below the female in power.
screaming fat communist girls gurgling with fructose corn syrup generally have more balls than the average jewish male since these shrieking harpies will still go out into actual harms way, that's why even this kind of person is a good enough conscript for the average jewish puppetmaster.

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Just stop


Based Leo.

That last map completely ignores South Vietnam.

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Guess I won the thread.

Bacteria are weak and can still wreck an organism.
You can literally be a gentically diseased subhuman if you have other strengths.

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Does tricking wh*tey and the poor oppressed gamers count as strengths?

Tell me how groups of individuals being predisposed towards certain genetic diseases debunks leftism epic style?
Seriously tell me
Tell me how this Blows is the fuck out?

It Dosent

Wow almost like people aren't the cardboard cutouts that Zig Forums makes them out to be ehh?
It's literally run by the jewish genetic disease consortium.

People not, yes, jews, however?
Their blood curse shines through every time.

It doesn't. It just makes people working for jews a total embarrassment since they are literal parasites (the orthodox ones being parasites to non orthodox jews, too, taxing them and stuff to finance their wage earning talmudic studies) that hate everyone that isn't them but you guys must protect them, and do their bidding lel or you're one of us one of us one of us.

That's why it's impossible to name any significant drawbacks if jews all left tonight, peacefully, in unison, leaving to another dimension.

It would be a boon to the rest of the world without a single exception.
It's not like they're the only ones who have ringbread or nasty fish or hashbrowns, or yowling music, or whatever.
And science is logic based and therefore both inevitable and patient.

Also, I am still the winner of the thread.

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The increased prevalence of genetic diseases in Ashkenazis is likely due to a millenia of selection for higher intelligence
We know this because the diseases are clustered in a few metabolic pathways in the brain, something which would have been extremely improbable if it occurred by random chance.
It's sort of like sickle cell anemia in west African populations

ctrl+f "pathways" in this paper to hear more about it

There's plenty of intelligent humans out there, you're just baffled by the jews because you do not belong to that group, despite "reading a lot".

It's literally totally normal to be smarter than jews.
Man, how must it feel to be below the one thing literal misshapen mutants have, lol.
You can probably run faster than a jew.
Lift harder than a jew.
Be more courageous than a jew.
A bar so low a child can bound it while being swaddled in lead.

That's just it they don't control everyone, just the shabbos goyim.
You think anyone fears jews? No.
Nobody does. Not a single person on this earth fears jews.
A small militia unit could easily slip into any Rotschild palace, abduct the jew larping as a human from within it, paddle its ass raw and red and then deliver it right back into its little crib.

Well, if the shabbos goyim didn't protect them because they fear other shabbos goyim, it's pretty effective, there aren't even that many shabbos goyim, but everyone thinks there are.

That is the realm of the jew, mind tricks. That's also why their power ends where you deny them right there.
I mean, what are they gonna do? Fight you?


A warrior race has no need to be worms in the bodies of other people to survive.

you are incoherent

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Stopped reading
Leftists don't "Work for Jews"
The only fuckers who "Work for Jews" at all are Right-Wing Zionists
Also communists strive for the abolition of organised faith including Judaism

I can just smell the fucking Anerimutt

Well Zig Forums seems to have an insane irrational fear that their out to get them somehow kek

You know that's not what OP meant when he made the thread. Obviously he meant give me some good agitprop. I think it's a good sign that this board and the moderation pisses off both the Zionists and the Nazis.

are you fucking schizophrenic?

I think it actually angers and frustrates the fuck out of Zig Forums when they realise that leftists aren't the Zionist communists (kek) they make them out to be and that it is infact the right-Wing who form the vast majority of Zionist base

You said that idiot.
Lol yeah your trying to spook them into believing you should have the right to mutilate them based off of your worship of science.
This is why spooks are so bad, if you try to justify ripping their arms off they should try to justify murdering you becsue they're just dumb primates and can't control themselves.

I like his cognitive dissonance about the fact that he believes no one fears Jews and Jews are completely powerless over his enlightened mind while he likely lives his (Lumpen) life in constant fear of that same group of people

Yeah, I still thought it was kinda funny tho.

from personal experience with his type (strength-obsessed, simultaneously calling his enemies weak and all-powerful), he's probably a lumpen.

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Also nice kym pic, gay-cunt.

just because someone is being retarded, doesn't mean you have a license to be ignorant
jewish genetic diseases are quite real, a sufficiently worldly person should know that

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Good post. Made me remember the Bubonic plague America dropped on Korea.

There is a great deal of misunderstanding between the people of the United States and North Korea. This is largely due to the lack of information the average U.S. citizen has about the suffering endured by Koreans during the Korean War, including war crimes committed by U.S. forces.

While U.S. forces carpet bombed North Korea, bombed irrigation dams, and threatened nuclear attack, their most controversial action was the use of bacteriological or biological weapons during the war.

For decades, the U.S. has strenuously denied the use of such weapons. At the same time, evidence of such use was kept from the American people. Even today, very few are aware of what really happened. Only in February 2018 was a full documentary report on the U.S. use of germ warfare during the Korean War, prepared and written by mostly West European scientists 66 years ago, released online in easy-to-read format.Some former Cold War researchers have maintained that China, the Soviet Union, and North Korea perpetuated a fraud in their claims of germ warfare. They rely on a dozen or so documents supposedly found by a rightwing Japanese journalist in Soviet archives. But these researchers never counted on the fact that someday the public could read documentary accounts of the biowar campaign for themselves.

The story that follows concerns one such episode, the dropping of plague-infected human fleas on a single small village. But we will see that the story itself is much larger, and includes a U.S. cover-up about Japan's use of biological weapons in World War II, and testimony from a Marine Corps colonel about how the U.S. conceptualized its germ warfare campaign.

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This is going to turn into an American hate thread but Operation Midnight Climax is too good to not post:

The project consisted of a web of CIA-run safehouses in San Francisco, Marin, and New York City. It was established in order to study the effects of LSD on unconsenting individuals. Prostitutes on the CIA payroll were instructed to lure clients back to the safehouses, where they were surreptitiously plied with a wide range of substances, including LSD, and monitored behind one-way glass. Every one of these acts was blatantly illegal, but several significant operational techniques were developed in this theater, including extensive research into sexual blackmail, surveillance technology, and the possible use of mind-altering drugs in field operations.[2]

The Operation Midnight Climax soon expanded and CIA operatives began dosing people in restaurants, bars and beaches.[2]

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An hour long special on MK Ultra from ABC News with lots of good interview from back when the news programs used to be better:

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And they did it to the Canucks too.

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And the Frenchies.

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And there was the time they gassed all of San Francisco with bioweapons.

In 1950, the U.S. Released a Bioweapon in San Francisco
This was one of hundreds of bioweapon simulations carried out in the 1950s and 1960s

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Are you seriously insinuating that there really is ANYONE on this planet that shakes in their boots when thinking about facing either singular jews or group of jews in either singular, group or army combat that involves direct confrontation?

Oh yeah, poeople routinely thing "oh fuck I was an antisemite, Shlomo is gonna follow me and beat me up".

No, Shlomo would only kvetch and have some shabbos goyim do the apprehending and stuff.

t. leftypol that doesn't work for jews.

I remain in my pity for all you poor idiots who are below jewish influence.

Boris Lelskin.

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no one was relating to the OP with that fyi, not even the first post in the thread

Yes you clearly
The main difference between leftists and rightists is we are able to see the difference between Right-Wing Zionists and Jewish porkies and the rest of the Jewish ethnicity


Sound like utter fucking bullshit.

Thats only 8 people per square km.
Map related, its today, lots of africa still lives in the same kind of conditions, its perfectly possible.
Congo is not a desert, its quite wet, perfectly fine for small farms and villages.

Attached: maptodaylink[1].jpg (1500x841, 274.5K)

iirc the developing world has had a large increase in carring capacity after the introduction of modern breeds of crops
density that exists today might have been difficult to achieve 200 years ago

Infantilized to the extreme. As I said, I am not surprised you are baffled by jews.

Yeah, my depends are so full of shit that I might actually consider joining the israeli armed forces.

There are no good jews, that's why I also rightfully stated that their entire disappearance, even peaceful, as long as it is fully complete and thorough, would be nothing but a boon to the world.
The collapse of fractional reserve banking and other usurious practices alone would make it all worth it.

You moron, even if we assume only jews are engaged in banking, removing the jews would not remove the banks.

Lenin was part Jewish
Marx was Jewish Ethnicly
Engels was part Jewish IIRC
Yes you literally are
You live your life believing Jews are somehow hell bent on killing you and everyone you love but believe your "enlightened" mind is somehow immune to fear
Im not one for gas lighting but I think I smell a bit of a persecution complex

Dat mental dysfunction

i want incels to leave

Well you are subhuman after all and deserve to be mass murdered.

It's scientifically accurate to say that American soldiers killed Vietnamise civilians at Mỹ Lai. are you saying it doesn't make you mad?


Stay angry!
When a human is angry, their brain makes decisions with the amygdala, or "reptilian brain".
When a human is given positive reinforcement for an action or behavior, it becomes a neurological hard-coded habit.
So stay angry like good black goys! The jew doesn't want you to think like humans!

Be angry when you see white people! If you stay angry, you can't think like a human! And the last thing the jew wants is black people acting like humans!

Good goy.

So, what did this cat do to deserve this? Honest question

Attached: antifa cat.jpg (974x1020, 317.21K)

honestly what the fuck does this have to do with "atnifa" it's literally just some cat beaten up by a dumbass. Please contain your austism somewhere else, we have enough of that here already