Got banned from r/neoliberal

I posted something quite tame as well. Neoliberals seem to be very anxious on anyone questioning the Russian narrative.

Attached: Screenshot (3).png (1238x696, 91.88K)

Did you get any other responses? I wanna see what they would actually say to that

They took it down within a few minutes but I had one more response

Attached: Screenshot (5).png (813x458, 41.44K)


figures posters here would spend time lurking /r/neoliberal

disappointed, but not surprised

They've probably been bugged about this by /r/the_donald and think you're "concern trolling" or whatever. Liberals on Reddit are paranoid like that.

I think that neoliberals are the greatest threat to socialism so its a good idea to learn more about what exactly they believe

Why isn't't this kind of faggotory banned?

Attached: 1525787683854.png (300x325, 83.5K)

good one lad

I love how the first answer is only about e-reputation, that's why I only use anonymous chans.

It's not paranoia if it's a real thing that happens often



It's a popular site thou.

If you want to know a real rightoid circlejerk go to r/virginvschad

Russiagate has a religious hold on liberals. If you ask for evidence you get catechisms like "Russia hacked the election" without any evidence, despite Russiagate being the monomaniacal fixation of investigative media for years. It's like Benghazi mixed with the Iraq WMD scare in that it relies on very selective readings of events and jumping to pre-drawn conclusions that happen to reinforce partisan narratives and the national security state. It's scary to watch people disappear into a bubble of propaganda and emerge as bloodthirsty nationalists.

What the fuck who willingly WANTS to be called a Neo-Lib?

This. Neo pretty much implies that a thing is in someway lesser and/or derivative of the original.

Rarely is that prefix applied to something that's positive. It's neutral at best.

If you're gonna be a lib then I think it would be far less embarrassing just to call yourself a lib.

I don't think this is correct

Is this where the ten people who still like the clintons and those people who make those awful memes that are spammed at Dolans twitter that go like "oh so you like 2 scoops Blumf? Well guess what you got 2 less of 2 MILLION VOTES #LikeifDrumpfownedepicstyle #Imwithher #Resist #MadamePresident"
Hang out?

These people are impotent charlatans and political science stooges who desperately want to be validated for their years of fellating the status-quo. I would frequent subs like this more, but I'd probably hemorrhage myself from rage.

Upon closer inspection the board simply appears to be shitposting and mocking NeoLibs either that or Poes law and NeoLibs are so far gone they've become a self parody

t. r/thedonald


y doe

listen to the intelligence community goyim!

this probably, 90% are hillary fans who unironically think internet nazis are coming to holocaust the gays or something, just type "alt right" in their search bar and watch the cringe

*tips fedora* but mlady, I am a classical liberal, I get my views from philosophy scholar Rube Davin

nope, half of it is /r/badeconomics and /r/askeconomics crossover, other half is genuinely retarded, look at the most popluar/ frequent posters