Communism leads to nationalism which then leads to Fascism
All communist countries that ever existed turned nationalist including your precious CCCP
Why do reject nationalism when your precious ideology turns nationalistic in the blink of an eye
Communism leads to nationalism which then leads to Fascism
You're a brainlet
You know if the people of USSR were not nationalistic, they would probably have given up agaisnt germany because nationalism is bad
nice spooks faggot
also the soviets were specifically internationalist, they did not discriminate on a racial or national basis
go fuck yourself
Hurr durr
Take a politiSci course 101
They sure did
Both of them are retarded, both the liberal because it only wants muh freedumbs and the communist because they like sucking foreigh cuck because muh workars
Wtf are you even talking about
What communist countries suck the rest of the worlds cock?
Vast majority of them have focused on attainment of autarky
actually the ussr wasn't nationalist as socialist patriotism(which is based off of a politcal unit) is distinct from nationalism(which is based of off any ethnicity).
Holy shit, no wonder you fuckers are right-wing, you clearly lack reading comprehension
This. I have seen fascists complaining about this in former socialist countries.
We are hitting retardation levels which shouldn't even be possible,
That's because you can't have any sort of autarky with Capitalism. If anything Capitalists and people who support Capitalism suck foreign cock cuz muh foreign workers needed to support system that is 100% dependent on slave labor.
we shouldn't bully him too hard, it's not okay to make fun of the mentally challenged :^)
Shoo, shoo fascist shill,
lest you die upon this hill.
you're just retarded and don't know what internationalism means
here's a tip: it's something else than antinationalism
now go read a book or just fuck off to your shithole board you complete and utter retarded dumbfuck Zig Forumsshit
Class stratification isn't peculiar to any national identity, I'll grant you that, but if you think that everyone in a Communistic society is pulling in one united "Internationalist" direction then you're allowing your penchant for ideological purism to cloud your understanding of how things play out in the real world.
The Soviets were fiercely nationalistic. They fought for, worked for and believed in the Motherland. The Motherland refers to Russia, which formed the core of the USSR. Russia, a massive nation with manifold ethnicities. They fought the "Great Patriotic War" not the "Great Internationalist War". The USSR was an amalgamation of Republics, each distinct and ideally retaining its' own national identity.
I don't know how you can possibly misunderstand these fundamental principles so badly and call yourself an adherent of Communism.
the "motherland" was the Soviet Union
again, over a dozen nations in itself
maintaining national identity, and even further developing it, is core of international principles
it's the direct opposite of nationalism
read a fucking book you mothbreathing imbecile retard
Patriotism is not nationalism
Nation is a spook but wanting the good of your neghboor is somewhat natural
But when you love you only some of yoir neghboors cause the others are gay,jews or something else is mental illnes cause YOU gatekeep what means to be belgian,russian,arab etc
Before the Russian expansion West post 1945 the USSR was mainly Russia.
nationalism, on the example of the Nazis (source: Heinrich Himmlers "plan for treatment of the foreign people in the east")
- deprave them of education
- no own leadership
- breaking down to smallest units of tribes
- depraving them of their national identity
internationalism on the example of the soviet union:
- the exact fucking opposite on everything of nationalist exploitation
Not much to be gained from treating with a pleb like you.
The Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
The Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic
The Azerbaidjan Soviet Socialist Republic
The Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic
The Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic
The Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic
The Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic
The Tadjik Soviet Socialist Republic
The Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic
The Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic
The Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic
The Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic
The Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic
The Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic
The Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic.
Du bist ein selten dämlicher Spast, mehr nicht. Geh dich selbst entsorgen du hässlicher Vogel :D
When he was younger he was as rascist as most people of its time
But after traveling a little he embraced his african comrades even in war
So are you denying he went to congo or are you saying that che was a nationalist and we should be to?
If that's the case why did Hitler take over most corporations