Holy fuck imagine actually believing this
They believe in a pre 1700s tier theocracy
Its as reactionary as Reaction can get
Damgit he figgureg us oug.
So which are you Zig Forums: Pseudo, full-blown or neo?
You can tell this guy is a real 150.I.Q. Jordan "Sitting eagle" Peterson
That's bizarre. How in hell is ultra conservative religious fundamentalism leftist exactly?
Old big brother is expanding his target audience it seems.
Are they counting The Dallas Sniper as left-wing? If they are who are the other two people they're claiming the left-wing killed?
I'm dumb the NY Patrol car shooting. Killing cops is now solidly left-wing. They could've inflated the numbers even more then.
Oof. Sidenote. Looking at a list of all active duty officers killed in those years. 2008-2016. These NY cops are dropping like flies from "9/11 related illnesses" 29 in 2015 alone.
Is this actually him talking?
I'd ask how such a person gets a consulting position, but lol he's rich so it's not like it's a mystery.
Nothing says it like this - the USSR is gone, the age when Communists would bomb things is gone, and most of the militarized movements of the era in the US are defunct. But he presses on against the red menace, a foe he apparently has no coherent understanding of - because coherent thought is the very thing threatening this buffoon.
So, you're saying it's fascism?
After the hard traditionalism around which such rules base a lot of their order, and the very fact that Islamist terrorists are literally militaristic theocrats, this interpretation (though also wrong) at the very least makes more sense than thinking they're akin to middle-eastern Bernies. Much closer to the Iron Guard.
Keep in mind whoever spit out that genius take has serious power in the United States. It wasn't said by some dumb reactionary hick, but someone who has actual political sway.
Marxists in the middle east agree that isis is some kind of super fascist group. maybe even worse than WW2 fascism.
Black nationalism is a left wing force in America.
There was this German journalist who got into Mosul to interview some of these ISIS guys back when they controlled it. Shit was wild. The people he ended up interviewing were these dorky ginger ISIS recruits from Europe in their early 20s who'd say things like "yeah, so our plan is to kill all the Shia and Hindus in the world."
Journalist: That's hundreds of millions of people.
Dorky ginger ISIS guy: "Oh yes. Precisely." Then he smiles.
The demands of every black nationalist organization are to the far left of America's status quo. That makes it a left wing force within the context of America.
Anarcho-Salafism when?
every time a white man gets into a fist fight it counts as a hate crime
Not if you scream worldstar
Watching America move closer and closer to outright unironic fascism despite being the global hegemonic power is a fucking trip.
Stfu and read a book
We are already there bucko
That's saying very little, tbh. Raising gas tax is a left wing force within the context of America
NBPP isn't. It seems like most of the black nationalist movements left over are ones that are not explicitly socialist economically and are extremely reactionary socially.
No, it's you that must read a book. The BPP were not black nationalists
You cant claim black nationalism cant be left wing, which is what was said in what i replied to, and then say "just because some black nationalists are left wing…"
Surely they either can be left wing or can't be.
Im not claiming all black nationalism is left wing, im just saying it CAN be, in response to the post saying it cant.
not "fully" left wing just means not left wing
The BPP renounced black nationalism later on, but were at points openly black nationalist, and left wing.
Then they embraced working class solidarity and got murdered by the FBI and CIA
that wikipedia page just tells me they're a small group of french tots who were into sociology. That's not an ideology, and it is especially not an ideology followed by left wing terrorists.
fugg :DDDD what are we gonna do? :DDDDD
They try to look intimidating but none of them really achieve that.
Somebody who quotes the matrix movies, other variations might be Morpheus-marxists, Agent-Smith-Marxists, Trinity-Marxists, …
hmmm it's almost like right wing ideology poses no threat to the status quo or something
have you cunts forgotten about the Black Panthers? You also support the ANC and EFF, both of which are black nationalist
We need to stop the pseudo and full-blown socialist and neo-Marxist Islamist terrorist groups who despise Western civilization and liberal democracy.
I'm totally a neo. No doubt about it.
he meant neo-matrixsts, they want to upload their brains into porn vr simulation
So you agree with this then?
when have islamist terrorist groups ever threatened the status quo
Neither does the Tru-Left, really.
What about the True-Dohs of the North?
I use "Tru-Left" because I don't want to get into an autistic dispute over what categorises "True Leftism" vs [insert insults for anarchists/marxists/social democrats here]
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