Do they teach in school about basic nutrition and the dangers of eating fast food and in restaurants all the time in...

Do they teach in school about basic nutrition and the dangers of eating fast food and in restaurants all the time in USA and Britain? Or is that not allowed / heavily censored because of restaurant lobbyists?

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Obesity is a problem in most developed nations, I don't think its solely a policy problem

looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool no

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Fun fact: South Koreans rarely if ever cook (like Americans) while Japanese women cook and both countries' obesity rates are in single digit percentages.

we had nutritional segments in "health" class (the class is called health class ) and our required physical fitness class, but besides that pretty much everyone knows fast food is bad for you.

As for lobbying influences one of the middle schools where I used to live had actual franchise food in the cafeteria but that was the only one. Also I remember a few years back congress classifying pizza as a vegetable.

they teach you how to pass tests and follow simple instructions

It depends on what corporation sponsors the school. If you're at a burger King or McDonald's school they're obviously not going to attack their own business, even ignoring what's served in the lunch rooms haha

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See , everyone knows it's garbage; we don'tneed schools to tell us that. The problem is that fast food in the US is significantly worse than fast food in most other countries because we have much looser food regulations than everyone else; you could live entirely off McDonald's in France for your whole life and just be moderately unhealthy whereas if you did the same in the US you'd be dead by 50.

americans were taught to eat fuck tons of carbs every day until recently

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Based Kellogg ruining the health of generations of American children

Went to a very good public high school. We watched Super Size Me in health class but that's about it. My teacher didn't really emphasize the issue as much as he did things like depression and bullying.

Translation for all the europoors out there:

Am OP, can confirm.

Despite health officials and doctors not knowing much about nutrition and how processed foods and animal products are now as deadly as smoking, I think the core of the issue is convience. There aren't many healthy options unless you want to eat a salad with little calories and nutritional value. If you're lucky and live/work near a Chipotle you can get a sofrita bowl, chinese restaurants are decent too, but both of these options come with too much oil and salt. It's the best you can do, at least where I live. The situation is comparable to when doctors smoked. There is lobbying from various industries but they don't have to try very much when people are so uninformed. It's going to be a while until consumers get caught up with nutritional science, especially in capitalism.

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Jfc that pic
In what states do they make students do that?

I don't remember learning shit in my health classes, and I grew up near San Francisco, so I can only imagine how bad it is in other states. Southern comrades, how was it when you were in school?

The biggest problem with health in the US is that most food products are crammed full of superfluous sugar, salt and fat. It's a competition to make food taste better without actually improving the quality of the product, and it provides cheap filler subsidized by the government, which increases revenue. As a result, unhealthy diets have become a cultural norm, because cheap, healthy food in the US tends to taste like complete shit.

wew lad. This is the worst thing I've ever seen.

It's usually taught during sex ed however everyone ignores it because:

1. it is illegal to discriminate against disabled people, including people who are so fat they become disabled (or at least claim it).
2. making fun of fat people is a quick way to get suspended or expelled from school, or fired from a job. This is made very clear to students/workers.
3. Even if people are 100% informed of the "danger" they'd just make junk food at home.

Fast food is popular because people demand it, there is no way to change that basic fact. It is also why nearly all fast food joints have drive throughs, because people demand it. It is just how life works.

It remains the basis of all nutritional programs in America, despite the FDA trying to change the pyramid the old one survives because it's the one people recognize and makes sense. More importantly the government telling people to live an "active lifestyle" is like a boss telling his workers to stop being so fat and using up all the company healthcare money on their pain pills and scooter batteries when some other employee needs dialysis or antirejection drugs (this is a very common problem, which the ADA attempted to address by having all the healthy employees pay for the fat people).

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Just thought of something. Won't the first world get less food, at least for a little because we'll be feeding everyone in the third world? Will everyone have to survive on 2000 some dollars a year everywhere because most of america is in the top 1%?

States don't, it's done a per school basis as some will contract out catering services to Mcdonalds or Burger King. This only happens in schools that still bother with cafeterias though, most (at least where I live in Norcal) eliminated them and only serve welfare students who get prepackaged PB&J sandwiches (pic related) sent straight from the school district's warehouse. Students with nut allergies or who are vegan get some lettuce and ranch dressing.

This relates to a large divide between urban/suburban areas and exurban/rural ones: the former tend to have a lot of closed campuses where students just skip lunch because they don't want to pack one, while rural people tend to have open campuses with a Mcdonalds either in the school or within walking distance.

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Where do you live? Doesn't happen at any school I know of.

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408 area code, I grew up as the area was gentrifying and the schools closed down and cafeterias eliminated due to health concerns. Most rich people send their kids to one of the newer charter schools (which all have cafeterias that serve junk food lel) anyway.

US: they talked about it in middle school health class in school a bit iirc. Also I think the food pyramid was brought up a lot in elementary school.

South Koreans barely have any free time to even take a shit, so it balances it out.

This is a more complicated issue than it sounds because there are a myriad of health problems that can stem from poor lifestyle choices, and it doesn't make sense to only exclude one poor choice in particular.

From Britain here, yes: we watched "Supersize Me" like at-least twice, had mandatory foodtech lessons, and we covered health in GCSE biology.

legit it just tasted like a nutella crepe

there's fat candians aswell,
pire tru-weight

No it's more to do with how fast food is convenient and sometimes fairly cheap. If people had more free time they would maybe eat better by that alone. I should note not all fast food is bad for you though but the healthy stuff is less available.


Burger here. I had a health class in my public high school. We talked about nutrition and shit but it was surface level BS. Most of what I know is shit I researched on my own.

East Asians actually get seem to get start getting cardiovascular problems at lower BMIs than other groups.

devours bigmac

not an american, and schools do NOT teach us about healthy diet. Food which can be sold in schools is heavily regulated by /fit/ community (which I remember got me angry as hell because my young organism could get anything anytime and burned it all)

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Shit thats a bad draw

the absolute state of this country.

Texas, one year of PE in High School, once a year health segments K-8. High School was a closed campus, we were on the edge of the county line.