Which european country to apply asylum

i got a court order claiming i am a member of gulen islamic organization who tried to coup erdogan(am not, i am an atheist socialist) and i think they are just trying to put me in jail and torture me

which european country should i flee to?

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Join the Maoist group that is currently fighting.


Binlan of gourse :DD

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In that case, the closest one.

Go to Greece to be among your brethren


It is best that you join the fight at home, rather than running away. You have access to all sorts of political and economic knowledge; perhaps you could be the one to bring socialism to turkey?

Your socialist organization is more informed and capable of giving actual useful advice relevant to your situation.

Then fuck off, Europe needs help being unstabalized so it's prime for revolution, if you're going to be civil about things stay the fuck in Birdland.

Zig Forums here, please stay the fuck out and actually fix your country. The reason why fags like erdogan can continue to ruin your life and the lives of others is because you're all too lazy to do anything about it and want the white race you hate so much to save you.

This is a thousand times more honorable than just fleeing to one of our countries and living off our gibs. Make something of your life, nigger.

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He may as well go to South Italy if you're being this ignorant.

Requesting mods give out this guys ip so OP can come to his nation.

No fucking way your getting extradited then!

It's Canada, and we're full.

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nice spooks kiddo

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I second this – fuck you and the country you come from. How do you expect America, or Europe, to fix any problem when they are constantly loaded with refugees. Do you think people reaallly want you to occupy their homeland, further leveraging a healthy nation into sickness? We have our own problems, let us solve them. We don't need you getting in the way. Im posting from America, California.


Get off the damn site

like every online left wing circle

The main issue Nazis have with Commies is the retarded need to outright destroy the nations of others.
Nationalism is the idea that individual nations can have individual sovereignty for their people and not be chained to a globalist yoke. In some ways this is not incompatible with communism and this has created the nazbol ideology.
People like OP are cancerous fucks that don't belong on either side, nationalistic or communistic, because they tuck tail and run without fighting for anything or holding real beliefs.

Stirner-fags go too, your entire reasoning is based on not having real conviction.
Honestly can we just go to war yet? You commies are depressed and hate the world, us nationalists are depressed and hate the world; wouldn't we all just be happier if we eschewed the expectations of discourse and began shooting eachother?

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Every right-wing circle in USA / Europe have been Fed compromised since the 90s
Some Counter-Terror Think tank in the US just said that Right-Wing Terrorism isnt a threat because of how compromised they are

No, it is but what isn't.

Like dubsman confirms Zig Forums is probably 90% feds. Hows that lack of moderation working out for you guys?

The Jew plays both sides. The world government controls both you and me in their attempts to hold onto futile power.
That's something I never get about you commies as well; you say bourgeoisie, banker, piggy, etc without naming your actual enemies. Most of your governments that showed any potential were also destroyed from the inside by Jews such as the USSR.
Why don't you people actually get to the source of why you "revolution" hasn't happened yet? To branch off from that point, why don't you just start shooting already?
In a strange way I feel a kinship with you all not because of ideology (hell no, I think communism is silly) but rather with the blood that flows through you all. You want to fight, you want to die, and you want to see something prosper.
Just grab a rifle already and drop the formalities, we can be friends a barrels length away.

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Why do you think that?

swing and a miss

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Jesus what the fuck is that image.

Because a Jewish bourgeoisie is no different then a white or black bourgeoisie
We debate that a fucking lot actually
Just see the debate between M-L's Anarchists and LeftComs/Oddballs over whos revolutionary tactics are better

I'm not sure if you realize the irony of this statement.

a super edgy ego ball

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Join Vatan Partisi

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But why does it look like a mentally retarded deviant art oc.

The is kind of like the ideological conflict version of "geeze there's a lot of sexual tension in the room." Like an orgy, a war sounds like a good idea in the beginning, but once you're doing it, it doesn't feel so great.

I dunno though as I've never been in a war but I've read books about them. Have been in an orgy though.

For maximum annoyance, most likely

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I hate you guys so much sometimes.

But it's not annoying it's just objectively bad.

We hate you too bitch,

That's kind of the point.

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I see Zig Forums is still pushing their tranny memes

I think nazbol is retarded, but it "exists" as a retarded ideology. Individuals that follow it show that some level of logic can be made from their idiocy even if it's flawed.

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By all means give me a quick run down on your understanding of communism.

We don't call out 'The jew' because 'The jew' is a phantom in your dumb Nazi mind. We call out Israel and capitalist jews all the time.

Wasn't Eastern Europe that you Zig Forumsacks praise for being based Commie?

Isnt he basically a fucking Turkish NazBol meme that wants Turkey to Leave NATO (Based) And join some Eurasian Union shit with Russia (Not so Based)?



Says the side that thinks reposting a 10 yo stale maymay frog is an objectively good meme
I leled
Only youth we are losing are dumb kids that think yelling nigger is the height of comedy. Good. Keep'em.

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for an actual honest answer, I'd say Portugal. Immigrants usually never go to Portugal, they either stay in Spain or move north, so there isn't as much of an immigrant fear mania as in many other countries. They also have a somewhat leftist government, so if what you're saying is true, you might actually get asylum.


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Here is your issue again: You prevent yourself from accessing your potential as an ideological force by refusing to radicalize beyond the accepted level.
Hating capitalism is normalized in western culture by people on the left, it's no longer edgy to do so. You're avoiding naming the actual clique which robs you of legitimacy and ability. "The Jews" is not a phantom in my mind but rather a phantom within the mind of the Jew itself.

You won't see me praising it.
Frankly I just want to see you all do better. Even a degenerate ideology can achieve something greater than what I see on here. At this time you guys just won't be able to start the war you want to see, the war I want to see, the war any of us want to see.
If you want your revolution to exist you have to create a real threat, something worth desiring and hoping for.
I remember when communism was this cool, edgy, and interesting thing. The aesthetics of the USSR are still beautiful to this day; with a combination of beautiful imagery and high contrast, blood pumping art they captured entire generations.
I'm not here to argue with you, I'm here to tell you why you're failing and what can be done to fix it without sacrificing your core values.
Mainly, dropping the LGBT and "we're ALL equal!" shit and going back to aesthetics. Remember that Lenin was actively against gays and so was Stalin.

Most of Zig Forums is filled with 56% americans these days, I won't deny that.

Another issue with you commie sorts if you base your arguments off of groups rather than individuals without understanding why those groups pursue the symbols, words, etc they do.

America is shit, we can agree on that much. Most of the supposed peasant uprisings were heavily subsidized and encouraged by the various communist powers of the time.

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are you from Tibet or Mozambique or something?

Yeah, we know why. It's because they're spooked.
We keep trying to tell you this, but it seems to be going over your head.

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The jew is in you, nazifag. The mind of the jew is what you don't want to admit to to in yourself.
You are the vile jew and must be put down unless you grow up.

Either you're trying to push some retarded reverse psychology at me or you're completely missing the point.
There is a racist clique which has unfair control over the earth,
This clique is bourgeois.
They put down the worker and hurt and oppress.
They use nepotism to get what they want.
Now up to here you agree with me, but the second that I add:
That's when you shut down, that's when you let your dreams of revolution die, that's when you become reluctant. You're afraid of the truth despite it being inherently a goal of socialism to remove unfairness based on race.
Do you want your revolution to fail?

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No, I don't shut down. I violently oppose Zionism. I just don't stop there like a fucking brainlet. I oppose the conditions that give rise to fascism.

This meme needs to stop
Rhodesia was pretty much controled by the local except some big cities
The only reason the rebel(and civilian) deaths are so high is due to use of superior tech(planes,chemicals.etc.) not jewish mercs

Literally describing the bourgeois.

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You still never replied to me.

Spurdo shits should be ignored by default.

this, tbh

Hey man just because no one gives a shit about Lenin posters anymore doesn't mean all other ideologies should be ignored.

You are LITERALLY talking about America here

Hmmmm not surprised you think that tbh.

Spurdo gang is the end goal of communism, you're just assmad because your ideology is literally the 2nd most irrelevant after Trots.

gais, stahp

From wikipedia article on Holism:

Your line of reasoning break down on the observation that systems are not merely a collection of parts. It is important how these parts are connected. And when it comes to socio-economic systems, this allows to distinguish which factors are important and which are just for show.

The economic goal of socialism is to abolish "production for exchange" and replace it with "production for use". If you fully understand what is behind the terms in quotation marks, and understand the difference and connection between system and its parts, then why do you argue for a particularity like jewishness being deciding factor in oppression of workers while downplaying capital accumulation?

While you might be acquainted with communism, you might have never laid an eye of foundational texts of Marxism. Before you begin, may I suggest excellent videos by Paul Cockshott on materialism and atomism as a foundation for further study.

Series on materialism

Or forget about marxism and read foundational texts on cybernetics instead. Ross W. Ashby, Norbert Wiener from the western authors, and Russian ones are good if you live in eastern europe.

The point is here, being a materialist is a prerequisite for any revolutionary thought. And it also helps with getting rid of the spooks.

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… > :(


Why does it have to be Europe?

Go to greece and operating from there would be my best bet.
Turkroaches in northen europe are all erdogan cucks.

Yes, why not China, Brazil, Chad, Egypt, Indonesia, Mexico – yes, why always Europe or America?

Where can I take asylum to get away from people like you? You've ruined Europe and America – what country can I go to that will give me free passage away from foreign invaders? Oh, the answer is none.

Netherlands literally voted in a Erdogan party and Germany has Grey Wolves who are literal terrorists.

So greek here
I dont know what is going on in turkey but more and more people are coming
Its ok here, turks come and buy houses to get visa (and there is nothing a greek loves more than easy money)
MIT agents here are only in thrace(many muslims live there) so as long as you are not there ,everything good
Buuut this thread is clearly bait

Why not go to Turkey???



Dugin is right about destroying the πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§w*SternoidsπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ tho. History has shown that with πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§w*SternoidsπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ alive you can't have communism

I need a modified version of this Spurdo pic, with Dugin instead of Garl Margs, saying "Garthago delenda est :DDDDDD t. Dugin X–DD"
Could someone do it plox?

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Ebin, thank you. That was bretty quick :DD I'm gonna have to erase "gommunist manifesto" tho :DDD

fugg :DD ids hard to do it on touchpad :DDD

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If you don't like Europe or Burger land then just leave!


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The USSR originally decriminalized homosexuality. Personal reservations and political relevance are not the same.
We understand far right ideology, we just think it's completely retarded and literally anti-reality.

We did once, and I think we all know how that turned out :3

Nice reddit memes
+1, Upboat, and gave gold

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