What's the general consensus on Christian Anarchism around here?
What's the general consensus on Christian Anarchism around here?
Lame but you can believe in it and not be horrible.
Lame but you can believe in it and not be horrible.
super lame
But - why?
Marxism is the only scientific leftist political theory that actually meshes with Christianity.
They just tend to be losers and not very smart. Anarchists are generally overly critical, or embody some other shitty quality. Ive never been attracted to their message and they just whine about the USSR. I just generally dont like them. Christians are surprisingly similiar, just play word pasta with the preceding sentences.
ill type more if you want
Sorry to hear you've had negative experiences with Anarchists and Christians.
But are not the guiding principles good for ruling over society?
It allows for near maximum freedom with a sturdy moral structure that most find easy to follow.
Not a Christian myself but Tolstoy was a pretty cool guy
The board is full of autistic twitter tankíes these days, they tend to get assmad any time anarchism is mentioned
upgrade to egoist taoism for a good time ideology
Generally harmless but I really don't see the appeal. If you hate rulers, why worship the biggest ruler of them all?
Should have stopped here.
In terms of an actual political movement that's pretty pointless as well but at least egoism and Taoism can fit together.
meh, I'm cool with some anarchists
nice image
what's the point of abolishing hierarchy if you're just supporting a hierarchy that's religious?
I'm going to assume you grew up Christian, in a majority Christian area?
I don't really care for "sturdy moral structures" myself
my dude you need to diversify your reaction gif folder
I grew up influenced by Christianity and spent my teens as a devout Jehovah's Witness before falling away from the Watchtower for not agreeing with some of their doctrines.
I'm surrounded by homosexuals and atheists in a heavily liberal state and always have been.
Those sturdy moral structures can be found at Matthew chapters five through seven.
If we abolish governments, Romans 13 applies to God and that's just to keep the non-believers in maximum freedom check.
christian anarchists tend to be more monistic and see god not really as a hierarchy reigning from above but a force interpenetrating all life, humans, plants and animals. so, they view religious practice through a totally different lens than normie caths/prots. 'the kingdom of god' is about realizing the enlightenment jesus christ manifested and spreading it (compassion) toward others, not building a hierarchical sociopolitical order. tolstoy despised doctrinal christianity and was a moralist through and through. he basically only accepted the validity of the sermon of the mount and the ethical implications.
im not christian but i have respect for legit christians like tolstoy and radical quakers like benjamin lay. they have been some of the strongest historical opponents of war and slavery and have been persecuted to death by theocratic, reactionary christians for it.
We need to be practical here. In Latin America, Catholic Church is the only real existed institution that could be potentially reworked.
I hope this is ironic
No, I'm being completely serious.
It's still anarchism without the "No Gods" LAW of anarchism.
And stop using shrek related memes, you're embarrassing yourself.
I think it's clear that humans can't rule one another and to try is folly.
The best we can do is create a simple moral structure and enforce it.
go back to twitter rebel