/leftydead/ - dead left general

A general for all leftists in countries (or just areas) in which the left has died long ago/ is dying/never really existed or is fiercely fought against.

Share sad red feels in this thread… about the absolute state of your country's left… your life as a Socialist in capy hell… or pessimism about developments in the left in general.

Note: This thread is not to demoralize people it's there to mutually aid other comrades during harsh times.

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Tony benn, the Labour Marxist. A hero that if he were alive today would weep with joy at what we are building. Was based in everything he did, stood up to the bastards and lost: but he didn't give a shit he kept on fighting. A quote of his always sticks with me: "There is no final victory, there is no final defeat: just the same fight fought over and over again. So toughen up, bloody toughen up."

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Wow. I expected a sad feel thread but got an inspirational post instead.

Isn't this every country except literally 4 countries.
Wait now it's 3.
Wait no it's 1.
Oh shit it's 2!
Wait no it's 1 again sorry guys.
Wait no, it's 1/2.

Ireland is kinda meh. We've got PbP I guess, but they're trots. Kinda wish I lived up North, IRSP looks pretty cool.

I wish the paranoid and elusive crypto commie illusions of the reactionaries was true about my area. For all of the gerontic propagandizing and cultural stigmata about my town, it remains one of the most pacified and unproductive centres of the impotent and factious American left. I'd prefer this place glassed, in all honesty.

I unironically believe that America has no chance of a serious left-wing revolution in my lifetime.



Oakland, but Portland is equally awful


Portland at least organizes pretty consistently. And all of the recent Proud Boys demonstrations seem to be increasingly radicalizing the city, at least among 20-30somethings.

Yep, this is a 'no fun' state

That is true, didn't know the proud boys were an actual things to be quite honest.

America is a lost cause. Just let it burn


This country needs a fucking civil war

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They're surprisingly big, although Patriot Prayer is the big one around here. The August 4th rally is set to be more important than Unite The Right 2, Alex Jones and Milo might be appearing.

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Chilean left is a steaming pile of dogshit. Our closest attempt to socialism was with Allende, which unfortunately a lot of people here don't like cause "he's a succdem", but imo he's a socialist hero. He's probably the definition of being betrayed by everyone, even by his own guys.

Does Allende really get that bad of a rep on here? I thought Zig Forums was generally a fan save for his pacifism.

Idk, I mean from what I've posted and said about Allende here, some people here have legit criticisms of him, like being too pacifist and not arming the workers, but there's still the people that go "lol succdems" and offer no real critiques of him.


I am a bit jealous of burgers right now tbh. At least the demsoc/socdem left is having some kind of moment in the US right now, which is good in and of itself but is also an opportunity for more radical groups like PSL to gain some traction. Here the left is just dying a slow and humiliating death, while the right wing conservative nationalist party (Sweden Democrats) are probably gonna become the largest or second largest party in the election this year. I wanna die.

Did socialism ever have a moment of glory in Sweden?

Yes it is and Corbyn is the next Lenin. Deal with it.

Depends on what you mean by that but Sweden had an era of pretty fucking sweet social democracy, that has really shaped this country. The social democratic party did make an attempt to start a transition to some kind of "real socialism", through "employee funds". It's a pretty neat idea for a reformist transition to socialism tbh but of course it didn't go anywhere.


I see, so the furthest to the left they've been is socialdemocracy? Better than nothing I guess

Yeah basically. I'm pretty sure the Left Party, that used to be the (pro-USSR, comintern) Communist Party of Sweden has always got less than 10% of the vote.

So literally every country?

Is the DPRK socialist?

Hell yeah


He's not the next Lenin but he's the next Wilson and that's good for now

Pretty sure the workers don't control shit there and are abused on the regular, so no.

I mean one can never know, the country is so fucking elusive and finding reliable non biased information about it is pretty hard.

The DPRK Has workplace democracy features to its economy which is better then 90% of the world at this point tbf

They are SocDems larping as Communists. Do you really think they know what Lenin was about?

probably no
/socimp/ is a better name for this board tbh

keep crying faggot

New Yorker here. I know people think the same way about this place. Sure theres a bunch of party chapters here for left parties and some anarchists, but Im pretty sure we all know how those parties are. Also with all the sucdems here cheering for oscaio-cortez most of them dont know how she took off her anti war platform. Sucdems never learn and the hive of liberalism here makes me sick.

It doesnt help that i live also in the one conservative borough where they had blue banners adorned for blue lives matter on all the poles down a major street here during that recent wave of police distrust.

I also go to college in Baltimore, and while i wouldnt say any american cities are anywhere near having a proper leftist movement taking off, Baltimore is deffinitely the closest. While liberals are also plenty there too, theres that general feeling of distrust of the powers that be there that i certainly feel interacting with people in that city. Hell, even the Democrat Cops of America seems to honestly be more luxumburgist there and DC compared to the succdem social club that is the NYC Democrat Cops of America

This is one of the problems I have on here with people's Democrat Cops of America bashing, they're still, overall, a big tent org. The Anchorage chapter is full of Trots, and Portland's seems to host a good deal of anarchists, who still probably outnumber proper socialists here. I'm goin to their next bar social to try to feel them out a bit more. The point, anyway, is that they're a harder group to generalize than most people on here seem to think.

The left here is almost nonexistant, and that which exists is not revolutionary by any means. America won't have any significant movement until the coming crisis of capital.

What has this world come to

Sure!!! And Bernie Sanders is the next Che Guevara!


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I've never seen anyone talk bad about Allende.

I think he's pretty much the only reformist who's universally well liked on this board.

The removal of that was a mistake. She didn't actually take it off. Check it for yourself ocasio2018.com/issues

Jokes aside it's true though.


You can call me sad and delusional all you want but that won't make the things I'm saying untrue. Look, sometimes you have toughen yourself up and accept reality. That's just how it goes.


Is the link expired?

It works for me

Ausfag here. The absolute fucking state of the left in this country. Where's the real shit at? I want to be bashing fash, not parading around George St with 15 uni students who think they're revolutionaries.

IRSP does fuck all, at least PBP are actively working towards the 32 County Socialist Republic. There aren't any useful parties up North who aren't also active down south.
I don't really think Ireland belongs ITT, Marxism has been a major force in Irish politics for over a hundred years now and is stronger here than most Western European countries.

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don't be too sad. In a country where there is no left whatsoever it is possible to revive it, even with the hood old tactics. In a country with socdems and larping red-liberals there is just the farce left, acting as strawman for the rest of the population.

Russia here. While you guys have liberals poisoning the leftist well with safe spaces for trigendered otherkin, we have the same situation with nazbols. Being a leftist in Russia means praising Stalin for being a "strong nationalist leader" and thinking that socialism is when Russia is stronk and does stuff. It's depressing how Soviet legacy is being used to make leftism into a farce. The CPRF are reactionary socdems who wouldn't know Marx if you hit them in the face with Das Kapital and the actual left is nearly nonexistent.

Is the nazbol meme an actual reality in Russia?

Yep, that is what the establishment in Russia wants with the CPRF and the left. A safe and powerless communist movement.

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Well Limonov's National-Bolshevik Party literally exists here, or well what is left of it after it got banned and fell out of relevance. But I mean more broadly, people who support the USSR out of nationalist sentiment rather than belief in socialism. That is distressingly common here.

It's worse.

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That's a shame

Glad to see an actualy russian invalidate faggots like this. Cheers.

pic related

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Hardly anyone here thinks like this

Someone literally made a thread saying that and was full of people saying it.

Imagine someone who is a die-hard fanboy of both Soviet Union and Imperial Russia. These people are united by support of all totalitarian rule, regardless of ideology, severe anti-Western xenophobia, imperialism, jingoism and love for mass executions of all "enemies of Russia". The signs of them drifting towards each other first appeared during the political strife of 1993, when Yeltsin and pro-Western liberals faced an unholy alliance of communists, various other left-wingers, nationalists, monarchists and neo-Nazis, all united by their opposition to economic shock therapy. You'd typically see them together back then.


In fairness, I don't think too many people here think like this…there is some support stemming from Russian opposition to America and in reaction to the hacking scandal, but not many people think Russia is actually a good place. But yeah, revolution here is highly unlikely.

Some fun trivia. The black-gold-white flag that's used by Russian neonazis (like the Imperial flag in Germany) originates from mid-19th century. It wasn't the national flag for long, it wasn't the most glamorous time for Russia and there isn't even conclusive evidence it was ever official. They still use it anyway. What is funny is that it is based on Romanov heraldic colors, so by flying it they aren't honoring the Russian people but rather the foreign ruling class.

While what almost of you say it's true, I myself and probably many other people don't believe the USSR was totalitarian. I would go as far as to say it wasn't even a dictatorship, and I'm not an ML btw.
However I do agree most soviet nostalgia is just nationalism.