So since Pepe is a right wing meme, how about we have this little dude as opposition?
Sorry if my posting is weird, I haven't really used this board before.
So since Pepe is a right wing meme, how about we have this little dude as opposition?
original here
shut the fuck up liberal
I like this dog. It is cute.
his name is wofl. He is kind of a dead meme but before he died he was kind of becoming another shitty Zig Forums thing. I thought maybe if he becomes associated with the left enough he wont be touched.
I nominate Malboro as the offical Zig Forums mascot. My rationale for this nomination is it will be hard to sexualize the Malboro by the alt-right, despite looking like the average women's genitalia, which helps us kill two birds with one stone, in a non Islamic fundamentalist way.
wofl doesn't have the variety that pepe does. You'll need to synthesis a meme with more variety than wofl in roder to get a commie meme out there. wolf would be a good start, but it's memeforce power is simply too low because of it's geometries are stiff unlike a pepe which is fuid and conveys emotions that the 4channer enjoys. wofl is also too pure for reddit, as it is a creation of pure internet resonence instead of FBI niggery and other sorts of psyops that one may find in reddit. Maybe in some forlorn corner of the internet wofl will be saved, but Zig Forums will destroy the meme and make him irrelevant if he becomes a known, known at all.
based Killary made normies think of it as a right wing meme for all eternity
Whats wrong with this? Don't waste your time reinventing the wheel
tbh memes need to be more like a trojan horse.. So, for the same reason alt-right don't just use swastikas for all their memes
These notions are a large part of why we have Trump as our president
I like wofl. Bump for wolf
Whooooo the fuck is this writing style for???
The left should embrace NICE shitposting and oppose any fascist RUDE posting. This is the only way forward.
Frog memes are great however. Note that Froge wears a communist hat.
Also, I found this frog looking through soviet cartoons. Soviet cartoons are a source of high-grade militarized memes. I dub this frog, frog name of Frognik. Frognik shall henceforth and from this moment onward be considered top quality meme.
No. Also lmao. Pepe is a fucking comic character and everyone can meme him. I bet you are some Zig Forums infiltrator OP.
this really makes me think so
Haha wow, a fucking fox. The thief among mammals, how iconic that the radical left uses this as their symbol.
Literally nobody needs more memes period, let alone political mascot memes. Kill yourselves or just read a fucking book.
Almost every post is rejecting this rather obvious false flagging like a fucking transplanted organ.
Sage because shit thread.
its a wolf you r e t a r d
memes are a highly dialectical art form. we need them exactly because we don't need them
say sorry to frognik please :)
I'm just being real, chief. You don't need to get so angry over a little mascot suggestion. Its just I saw this cute thing already becoming a shitty nazi meme and thought for a fun little goof we could ruin him for Zig Forums. But if you're so serious about it being a shit idea, then I'm sorry.
if people keep being rude frognik grows horns. you better apologize
I think the meme is cute af and I'm gonna start using it on this platform. Thanks OP
Didn't mean to sage
we have porky and sturnur
one word more sionista
We already have the best left-wing meme.
You faggots can't meme for shit.
more like fox
user said it was the name
He's just so cute no matter what situation you meme him in!
Here I fixed it to be more cute just like wofl!
You're right
Just use one of the other three ugly characters from the original comic
Neat drawing though
I got a better idea
Learn from the leftywofl’s good example, loyal to the revolution, loyal to the gang
Comrade WOFL will crush American imperialists
no fren
is wofl