Why is it so hard for right wingers to understand that capitalists control the world and not some shadowy monolithic...

Why is it so hard for right wingers to understand that capitalists control the world and not some shadowy monolithic entity with mystical powers (illuminati, jews, reptilians)? Why are they so susceptible to global conspiracy theories?

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Because of their idealism.

Actually I'd say its because of their lack of materialist analysis. The thought process goes like this:

Also, jews have been demonized since time immemorial, they make good scapegoats for that reason.

reptilians controlling the world is actually closer to the truth than capitalists running it.

yeahhhhh but here's the thing, ZOG Occupied Government is a verifiable, empirical reality

why are communists so opposed to dividing the bourgeoisie by ethnicity? I mean i know you're not supposed to stratify the proletariat by ethnicity, but Marx said nothing about stratifying the bourgeoisie by ethnicity

You're not fooling anyone. Class is irrelevant to nazis because they don't operate in economic terms. They're shills for capitalism.

peak cuckoldry
it's okay cause he's white
fuck my wife

Feeble brains and cowardice, mostly. An honest evaluation would require the right winger to ask questions about him/herself and that is too much, because conservatism is an inherently retarded ideology for retards.

That said there are conspiracies about. That's what human civilization is, a giant conspiracy surrounded by millions of smaller conspiracies. There are rings of sex slaves groomed for the elite - shit, there are women who practically beg to be used for such a purpose, and certainly enough scummy men who covet such things. That is the nature of sexuality that creates such a situation. They're not about to give up that monopoly. It's not even particularly well hidden, that's why Lolita Express went out into the wider world and we all know it's just a small fraction of what goes on. The truth though is that most people don't care, because they've taken it for granted that powerful men have a right to do such things.

What do I say to right-wingers when they say the Frankfurt School is all Jews? It's literally the ultimate gotcha.

It’s annoying when right wingers see a problem and attribute it to some conspiracy nonsense instead of the obvious. I don’t understand where they came up with the whole “popular music is bad because it’s a plot by the globalists to corrupt the youth”, when you would have to be completely blind and deaf to not figure out that when someone in the music industry sees someone else make money off of formulaic garbage that appeals to the lowest common denominator, they’re going to copy them in hopes of striking it rich. Capitalism breeds innovation my ass

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Capitalists don't control the world, Capital does. You think they're happy? They're just as much indentured to the system as we are.

This. We must abolish capitalism to save not just ourselves, but the capitalists!

no, humanity as a whole. Focusing your energy on hatred is not the way to go. Yes, the rich are bad. Ultimately, until Capitalism is completely dismantled- it's irrelevant. The fact is we as humans are indentured to Capital regardless of class.

so why do capitalists become counterrevolutionaries when socialism arrives?

Why did steve jobs think homeopathy could cure his cancer?

it's the product of reconciling "capitalism is good", which is the axiom of your ideology, with the fact that your life is shit, thus is capitalism is good but your life is shit, then there must be something wrong with how capitalism is ran, but what can be wrong?, after all your party has been in power hundreds of times and nothing has improved at all, well then of course your party must have never been in power at all, because 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧they🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 control the government, whoever 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧they🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 are

Sorry if I seemed sarcastic. I was actually being sincere.
I agree with you man.

The Capitalist parasite has dug itself into our collective conscious.

tell them to actually read the frankfurt school?


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Some "le infographs" of Jews getting kicked out of civilization and Jews running the media is enough to sell them the meme. Regardless of how true it is.

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they're petite bourgs that need reasons as to why the world sucks but not one that says they needa give up their shit.>>2593473

The knew it.

You can't wake up a man who is just pretending asleep

The -> they

Holy shit you are dense.
You mobilize the WASPS to rebel against the non-WASP Bourgeoisie which is better than them not having strong feelings towards any of the Bourgeosie.

It's not even capitalists that control the world, they are slaves to the economy too and must seek profit before anything else or they will be taken down by other capitalists.
It is quite literally capitalism that controls the world rather than capitalist.

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Except that makes no sense. A capitalist only can be taken down in that they just become a prole at worst. A corporate entity takes all the fall while the capitalist can often leave a completely failed business just fine if they had started high up to begin with.

< Israel doesn't exist

It's natural to want a simple explanation: "Somebody did this"
The problem with capitalism is that this isn't what happens. Nobody sets out to set the lake on fire to ruin everything on purpose. The capitalist sets out to maximise profits, so he builds a polluting factory, then barrels of poison start piling up, so he pays someone to get rid of the barrels. The guy stuck with the barrels is trying to maximise his profitability, so he tosses them out of sight and out of mind - in the lake. They build up, and up, and up, and then one day the lake is covered in dead fish. The birds take those and probably die too, more barrels, more barrels, more barrels, hot day, lake catches fire.
That's a complicated process of two people just being lazy and acting in their own self interest. It's harder to give blame (the barrel guy almost certainly doesn't know anything about pollution, the factory guy can't be blamed that the barrel guy isn't doing his job "properly") and so on. It's much easier to say "A communist set the lake on fire because they hate our freedom."

You get it on the left as well, really. As though shooting Thatcher or Pinochet would have prevented structural reform across the world.

It dates back to the late 18th century when conservatism was founded as a ideology. People like Burke and othersoutright supported the theory that the French revolution and republican ideas gaining traction at the time were a conspiracy by a vast shadowy network of Masonic and Illuminist enlightenment intellectuals to destroy monarchism and the church.

Because they don't intend to actually fight that power.
These hysterical conspiracy theories are generally advocated by petite bourgies, or peddled by capitalists.
The aim is to undermine and divide threats to the dominant system, instead of trying to overcome it. That's why Alex Jones will denounce Antifa, strikes and socialist movements, and why types like Roger Stone (mutually) support and works with Infowars.
It's why Zig Forumsyps will gladly support smashing "white" workers, and tax cuts that primarily benefit those same rich bankers jews they claim to hate.

These sorts of conspiracy theories are the piss running down the legs of a terrified class, realizing that it's position is fragile, and it's time is almost up.

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stop posting this garbage

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Whether it’s the Mandate of Heaven, the Great Chain of Being, Divine Right of Kings, any of the innumerable national myths supported by various bourgeois states, so on and so forth, every class system presents itself as some sort of harmonious natural order. For those who recognize that there’s something wrong with the system, but can’t figure out or otherwise don’t want to face the fact that these are indeed just myths and their system is intrinsically flawed, you have to come up with some sort of force ‘’corrupting’’ the harmonious order to make it not harmonious. Things are going to shit in Northern Europe because of witches, the Freemasons and Illuminati are secretly republicans trying to bring down the monarchy (yes, that was the original conspiracy theory, apparently conservatives just couldn’t let a good conspiracy theory go even after the switch to republicanism), Jews are corrupting our proud Christian culture, socialists have infiltrated the halls of power and are making capitalism not work the way I think it should, so on and so forth. Conservatives of any era have always wanted to love the status quo and fully embrace the mythology surrounding the societies they live in, but very often find themselves in a society that is anything but what they believe it is supposed to be. The evil conspiracy allows them to bridge the logical gap of wanting to love their society and it’s institutions and hating almost everything about their really existing society and it’s institutions.

Because right wingers are a trick. They're either porkies successfully tricking people into going against their own interests or they're retards.


It's okay to be a cuck, as long as the bull is white. lel.

Mostly they have. The "frankfurt school aren't marxist" thing misses the point of what is meant by marxist. It's not referring to material, class-based analysis in that context, but the broader dialectic of oppresser versus oppressed. The "cultural" prefix is there to clarify that it's focused on social and idpol dynamics rather than wealth and class. Nobody denies that so-called "cultural marxists" have embraced capitalism so long as it suits their purpose.

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I'm not even a leftist but this strikes me as pretty obvious. Obviously the capitalists think socialism will be bad for them so they resist it. You might as well ask why so much of the American proletariat votes republican, or go back further and wonder why the native American tribes allied with the white man against each other.

Ideology is the drug

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Ideolgoy, propaganda, and a shit ton of spectacle.

The bourgeoisie make their most important plans in secret.

The bourgeoisie organize in monopolies and nation states, these are both monolithic.

it's my understanding that the frankfurt school, essentially having given up on real revolution after the failure of germany 1919, ignored class and promoted idpol and therefore a bunch of "poz"

They are. It's just ironic that they wrote about the capitalist media/culture yet alt-righters blame them for the thing they criticize.

For right wingers capitalism is about hard work, individualism, small business, freedom and free markets. The capitalists that conspire together to run monopolistic, collectivist and anti-competitive cartels don't have much to do with their vision of what 'real' capitalism is. It's no surprise they don't see it as the work of capitalism because they do not have the left-wing view that capitalism is an inherently nepotistic and centralizing power.

Johnny from across the street opening a coffee shop, that's capitalism. Johnny going out of business because of real-estate squeezing, government regulations that disproportionately punish small operations, and undercutting from the 5 starbucks that were cluster built in the neighborhood to drive out competition is a marxist plot.

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mystical thinking promoted by the capitalist class to sell shit, including their own rule
of course they grow detached from reality, the capitalists are themself

Because capitalists don't control the world. The market does. Capitalists work in service of profit. They have de facto not much control at all. People have a hard time with the idea that people are not in control, or that some Big Other is not in control. Markets and profit are extremely chaotic and anathema to control. It's less scary to believe joooz are ruling everything or that capitalists are ruling everything than to confront the fact that the system forces people to behave in a certain way and deprive anybody of real control.

If they soviets were trying to stop a hidden death cult why did they not expose them?

You're not entirely wrong but if you think most major industries are actually subject to what economists call market forces you're crazy.

Cute example from a documentary about garlic production in the US. The major producer in the US is christopher ranch, small local producers have already been wiped out except for things like farmers markets. Christopher Ranch has bulk discounts and way more heft and cozy relationships with food distributors making their distribution and logistics relatively cheap. So even if anyone wanted to compete to sell garlic they would have to make up for the greater costs to get their goods to market. So what about foreign competition? China produces most of the worlds garlic and has cheap labor. Well turns out there's an industry group that sends a list of foreign garlic companies to the commerce department every year who are assessed steep tariffs. The tariffs are too high to compete in the us with imports. Now guess who controls that industry group that drafts the list? Christopher ranch, the major us garlic producer. And it just so happens that the only company that is left off the list and so exempted from the tariffs is an importer that has a deal with Christopher Ranch to only sell to them and not compete directly or sell to other distributors. Market forces would dictate the importer should try to get the best profit and sell to other distributors but if they did that they would be back on the tariff list next year. Is that a market? Not in the conventional sense of the word operates more like a cartel with government support.

I don't think it did, but I'll stand corrected if true. What it certainly did was talk about how capitalism deteriorates culture, albeit that could in a way be construed as idpol.

It is not hard to accept. Capital is a tool. Even though it acts and shapes the user by the nature of the system it does not ecompass the totality of being nor history. There are motivations and drives that come prior, we are not purely rational beings a priori, there has to be a basis to act first. If you follow a class based history you will find previous historical artifacts embedded into the present. Through primative wealth accumulation many aristocrsric families were in a position to seize capital when fuedal economies liberalized. Many of these noble families had intermarried with jewish and other banking families. It was the very nobility that would allow such institutions to exploit those under feudalism and when convinient turn on them (when they owned then loads of money). That is why jews have been historically expelled so many times.

Most communists ect ect cannot even name prominent capitalists or their family lines or explain how the current systems around the World work. All you have is theoretical understanding, but most of you have no nominal understanding of it.

Such as life for a class conscious petite burg. We must agitate against the marxist capitalists!

Why do capitalists fight against market forces when its against their interests? I mean in an ideal world, the market for labor in a certain country would become strapped and bosses would start increasing pay to pull in people from competitors or those who aren't currently active in the labor market among the domestic population.

But what actually tends to happen? That is usually the point where capitalists begin bringing labor in legally or illegally to artificially reverse the "tight" labor market and also begin applying greater automation in response to the class war.

These aren't the disinterested workings of market forces that are beyond even the control of capitalists. Said forces do exist but the attempt of leftcoms to minimize the agency and real power of the capitalist class is ridiculous.

It's not like every individual capitalist is smart and well informed enough to take coordinated action to head off market forces or technological changes that would adversely affect them, but a few of them are and they can lean on the whole class of professional management, business intelligence professionals and other assorted lackeys.

These days I believe hedge funds and other private wealth groups like blackstone and friends fill the major role in coordinating the actions of the capitalist class. Pools wealth and puts a 24/7 skilled staff on the job of wielding it to best effect. Even big aggregated wealth pools like that have limits and will get surprised due to institutional biases, bad intelligence and etc. but treating such organizations like big, dumb, reactive capital is a mistake a lot of leftists make. They quite literally have better intelligence networks than anything short of the full us intelligence-industrial complex. Probably better than them for some things too. No standing armies yet, but just you fucking wait.

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But it is. Starbucks receiving funding from the state works as a state business.

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Definitely and you would also be interested in the U.S. Working Group on Financial Markets, colloquially known as the Plunge Protection Team. This was set up after the 1987 flash crash in the markets and is comprised of the Treasury Secretary and the chairs of the Fed, SEC and Commodity Futures Trading Commission. And they work with directly with the banks.

The European Central Bank probably has a similar system.

The idea is they can work together to inject liquidity into the markets during sudden downturns, avoiding another 87, but there's a lot of informed speculation that the group intervenes more regularly in the markets. Now, it's not just a means of stabilizing markets, if politically-connected billionaire traders know where and when the Working Group is intervening, it's also another means to redirecting wealth upwards.


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utopianism intensifies

Are you a real National-Socialist ?

Why is it so hard for slaves to realize that it doesn't matter what economic system you are enslaved under, you are still a slave.

The chemicals actually are fucking frogs up though

Likely there's an ever-shifting network of those types of organizations, pseudo-governmental finance and business institutions that represent the collective interests of capital in one way or another. The details of exactly who is doing what and how they're coordinating together are gonna be a fairly tightly kept secret. I don't think any of us are in a position to know all of it but they're real.

All big corporations receive massive government welfare, must be a marxist plot.

I'm not sure where you get this impression from. Frankfurts were engaged in idpol insofar as they desperately wanted to make sense of the Holocaust. They were also pretty damn interested in class, given that's where their whole interest in culture partially originates from. Hell, the whole Adorno-Benjamin debate is about whether or not pop media is capable of fostering class consciousness, Charlie Chaplin in particular.

duh, don't you see the flag. That's how it works!

We are (Illuminati and aliens) and capitalism is their tool to enslave us your retard. Go back to /r/socialism or where ever you Reddit tier "Hurr durr it's the system" morons circle jerk in.

Stop posting.

that is a good analysis, user

Wait, how many convoluted explanations has the Left come up with to explain why the working masses haven't just voted in a socialist party, or risen up in arms to overthrow the current system?

Sure the jew/reptilian/loominatty shit is dumb, but uhhhh uhhhh I guess the dumb proles are so braincucked by capitalism they don't even know why they should be socialist isn't much better

It's objectively better, but I agree that is not a good explanation. I hate these kinds of circle jerk "I'M SU SMART" threads

It's literally a fact that a Jewish cabal (the rosthchilds) control the federal reserve and many of the global media companies.

How is this hard for leftists to understand?

They literally rule every nation's central bank and all global media companies.

They are wicked

Contrary to what most contrarian on the internet will make you belive is not much about "it's not true" but "even if?"
My point being: Jews control the market, you take out the jews and markets dissappear? Or a Black/ white/yellow man will bring us a different flavor of capitalism? We are against capitalism on here, stop. We know that if we kill every jew there will be another "tribe" to sostituite them and it won't be better or worse.
I'm tired of taking it up the ass, not by taking up the ass by a specific tribe

Wealthy oligarchs /= capitalists. All people are not created equal, but in a capitalist system, they're born into equal opportunity, what happens after that is not the fault of the successful. Unfortunately, the world is void of true capitalist societies.

If you took all the world's wealth, and divided it evenly among all adults, within months, the people who had been wealthy would be wealthy again, and the people who'd been poor would be poor again. Equality of outcome is a childish fantasy, and you'll have to take that up with whomever you pray to.

Of course. Markets are going to look different depending on who/if somebody controls them. If a market has a decentralized currency, this is going to create a more healthy environment. Or if the person in control of the market is putting the well-being of the nation first, that is also going to look much different.

The Zionists are invested in collapsing or abusing every nation they have a central bank that occupies it.

Because the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Capitalists🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 tend to be…jewish.

What in the blazes are you smoking

A decentralized currency creates a stronger chance for meritocracy. A centralized currency is tyranny depending who it is under.

In this case, Zionists.

Socialists are in fact for equality opportunity of opportunity, not outcome. Equality of opportunity means you don't get to inherit pappa's mansion, his business or his money.
Equality of opportunity means that if someone is born with a disability, the society should compensate to give him the opportunity to be seen as an equal. Equality of opportunity means you have to work to earn more, not to make profit from the work of others.
You can be a factory manager and get paid, not from the pockets of the workers, but from your own labor.
Taking a risk to increase your profits doesn't serve the society.
None of your workers agreed to you taking a cut from their produce because you won a gamble. Don't you dare say its voluntary, after all they have to make a living.

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Screech about Jewish conspiracies all you want. Even if, for the sake of debate, we assumed it was the truth, it would mean the jews control the world through capitalism. Interestingly, nazis defend capitalism and attack communism.

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Because the left's "explanations" all boil down to patronizing assholes and an apparent blindness to what appears to be obvious to most people.

The right says SJWs are communists and part of some insane marxist conspiracy to essentially "kill wypipo", most likely more than half of those "SJWs" label themselves as some kind of socialist or communist, they're certainly not opposed to those labels, at least directly and intentionally.

The left says that SJWs are not real, or are secretly right wing, or aren't really a problem, or are part of a conspiracy by capitalists.

So let's use an example: say there's this guy called George. Let's say George enjoys video games, is a single white male, and generally unhappy. Now George starts noticing again and again that he keeps seeing these articles, their headlines make it obvious what their content ultimately is: "Dear White People," this and "White men are monsters, they must be stopped" that. This only adds onto his underlying depression/anger, what would be a minor annoyance is seemingly assaulting him day in and out enough that he misconstrues it with the source of his anger.

George attends college, he hears the same cries from professors about "killing whiteness", he hears the usual bullshit about "check your privilege" and his resentment simmers, eventually George meets Jason, and Jason introduces him to people like Sargon of Akkad, who give his "enemies" a name: SJWs. George might namedrop Sargon a few times, and is met with limited institutional "repression" in the form of his professor shouting him down or getting dirty looks from any possible "SJWs" in the class, this only confirms in George's mind that he's facing something serious.

Then, maybe he starts browsing comments on Sargon's videos, maybe he starts talking with other people he meets that seem interested in Sargon or other Alt-Lite figures, and he eventually takes a trip down to Zig Forums

There, George is met with a variety of serious looking infographs: Race and Autism Level! Supposed predominant Jews in socialist parties and "pushing fun", even supposed quotes where they supposedly say "Us Jews can't wait to replace all you Whites with a mongrel race!"

All of this is given to George and slickly produced. For possibly the first time in his life, George is given a serious argument in favor of Fascism or Racism, and when it easily knocks down the exaggerated caricature of what racists think when he grew up, it sticks with him even more: after all, he knows now that Hitler didn't REALLY attempt to kill anyone with brown hair, or that all arguments for Jim Crow boiled down to "Gosh, we just irrationally hate other races!"

Now usually people stop then and there and George would be fully absorbed into the internet right, but let's say he tries to see "both sides" and looks for leftist forums and explanations, this is what he's inclined to see.

George is now further convinced that lefties should get the gas chamber/

The left's greatest enemy will always be leftists.

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Thank you user. Though I tried, I could not bring myself to better explain.

So America and the new left are to blame for everything? 1991 was a mistake

Do you ever think about the “George” who read those articles about and realized they were correct? That after learning more about the world he started to understanding it, and he realized that racism and sexism do in fact exist, the forms they took and how they continued to exist? You know the reason there are so many SJWs, and why so many young people are in favor or social justice and strongly anti-racist and feminist is because they were convinced by political activists.

There’s no way you can get around it. Being white confers you a privileged place in this world— almost to the extent in places that you enjoy a second set of laws and rights. You can claim all you want that people yelling at you online made you racist, but I would have to be an idiot to believe you.

you gotta be honest though, it's really hard not to be a patronizing asshole when you people are so retarded you post shit like this and can't even see how fucking retarded you are
what it boils down to is a person who doesn't read and instead rejects everything with greentext throwing around words he doesn't grasp as if to mock them, without ever reading any of the many fucking threads repeatedly posted on these things explaining them throughoutly, not ever reading even the FAQ or actually reading anything that doesn't fit into a twitter post or a meme chart

what you want us to do is give answers without the other part having to study
and that's why you will always be a retarded illiterate chimp

Define "whiteness"

I really hate this "privilege" shit SJWs use. You alienate people this way. Racism does exist, but to disregard class as the core issue makes you a liberal.

Wow, I bet that poster feels ashamed

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Fuck you, tell me why I should care about anyone that puts race/sex first and class second and hides behind "you're a fucking privileged white male if you can't understand"