
Mexican town eliminates crime with one weird trickán#The_2011_uprising_and_the_transition_to_direct_democracy

What does Zig Forums think? How do we encourage more purges of bourgeois politicians and parties?

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Knowing Zig Forums, they would probably call Cherán an imperialist puppet because it's anarchist.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

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hmmm? Not really…I haven’t seen anyone with a strongly negative view of the Zapatistas for instance.


What's with the Mexican gov just letting this kind of stuff happen? I get it that they are a ultra corrupt neo-liberals and that they'll just as easily just let american companies hire militias and private armies to stop it, but this is a level of Laissez-faire beyond logic.

That said, I'm happy that's a thing, and I hope all of Latin America follows their example. Just hope these people start organizing militias like the zapatistas did, because the fight back is inevitable.

No strong enough central government to set policy.

Doesn't the "other anarchists" knife defeat the purpose of this image?

idk, this kinda thing also happened in colombia, and the government just entered with the army and killed everyone, i have no idea why mexico isn't doing the same

They tried didn't they? There was the government killing a busload of students a few years ago.

I wonder what is the relationship that the logging cartel has with the Mexican government cartel. It seems that the logging cartel is a bit irrelevant to the larger drug cartels around méxico

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If you live in Mexico and dont move there within the week you were never a commie.

Why is rural Mexico so based?

Its not centralized government under the control of the few. Its not communism.

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Oy vey! The goyim know!


Gee, I wonder why communism failed?

take your meds, fag

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You know adderal makes you less productive. You're stealing from the people.



Do you really think the Bolshevik Jews would accept being reckoned with the goyim?

There's already a thread for this on /marx/
Muh Jooish Bolsheviks didn't exist and the ussr was opposed to religion including Judaism

I know anarkiddies and other liberals have a fetish for democracy but as long as they're not collectivising their local farms or whatever I don't see why we should care.

Read Cockshott numbskull. Unmitigated democratic tyranny leads to hanging rentiers, landowners and capitalists, aka everything that makes the rich shit their pants. We want that.

I'm sorry, but communism isn't about enacting your edgy teenage power fantasies.

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That's literally your level of argument


What do you think the "movement to abolish the present state of things" is literally about retard

if you seriosuyl think that democracy is not a fundamental part of communism then you really need to shut the fuck up and read Marx.


Great example of completely bastardising a good quote.

Then why did Bolshevik Russia create JAO ( jewish autonomous oblast )?

Protip: you fuckers have never answered my question because you don't have an answer.

There were autonomous regions for all kinds of different ethnic minorities. Also why the fuck would you create an autonomous region for yourself if you supposedly rule the whole country anyways?

You need to go back to Zig Forums or reddit or whatever sewer you crawled out of.

Nowhere does it say that in the OP.

Try actually reading the thread before responding.

Name them.

Because they feared the destruction of jewish identity to cultural marxism. Why is it good for the goys but not for the jews?