On the new undesirables of the West


Comrade Unruhe was kind enough to publish an article I just put together. I'd like to open it up to criticism, and get your thoughts on it. Thanks!

- Comrade M

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You didn't say anything. Get back to us when you

and then we'll tell you why you're retarded.

post it here or i wont read it, faggot
and even then chances are slim, why would i give a shit about a faggots opinion on anything? you already disqualify yourself by associating yourself with third worldism, one of the most ridiculous forms of cancerous revisionism

For what purpose?

Where's Comrade Big L?

Good article.
You've accurately identified one of the major problems facing the left today. Unfortunately I don't see change happening any time soon. The left is far too ideologically neutered at the moment.

Personally I've pretty much given up on the left as a movement. Nobody else seems to give a fuck about making the world better in any way, so why bother?

This was honestly great, too bad most leftoid faggots will dismiss this off hand. Honestly props to Jason for hosting this, he's come a long way from his Anita respecting days.

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I honestly don't see what was so good about it besides him saying that communists should support incels, Jim…

This article is basically written about me. I couldn't agree more. Not everyone can be reached but those of us who can you will not find people more dedicated to the destruction of Capitalism.

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Thank you.

In general, people or groups who are most miserable, and crushed under the current system are those who are most likely to stand with the revolutionary project. I do not think this should be a controversial thing to say, but unfortunately, it is.

If you ask the average western Leftist who constitutes the most destitute under liberal capitalism, most will answer "POC" or "Queers". In the US as an example, while black/latino workers undeniably have it harder than whites, if you were to ask somebody who wasn't a total dumbass if they would rather be an average, "lower-middle" class Latino or Black person with a social life, a family, etc, or if they would rather live as an INCEL, a FEMCEL, a crippling disabled/ill person, a middle aged white vagabond worker, a shutin, etc, if they really understood what both lives entail, most sane people would say they'd rather live as the average black/latino worker.

That isn't at all to claim that racism isn't a serious issue, or that class based organizing isn't essential. At the end of the day, building proletarian revolution means organizing the proletariat. That being said, in the absence of revolutionary conditions - as revolutionary potential is low in the west right now, that is not a possibility. While the workers by in large cannot be organized, a large subset of the population - the Undesirables, ranging from The homeless, the sick/disabled, refugee/migrants, indigenous people, "FOREVER ALONE" types, etc.. Those who are viewed as barely human by society, who have been condemned to crippling social hardship, have real potential to be organized that is currently ignored by the western "left".

In the coming year, I'm planning on experimenting with on the ground organizing, particularly with Homeless, disabled/sick, and "INCELS". In the mean time, I want to start genuine discussion on the issue. In regards particularly to the "FOREVER ALONE" community - eg, INCELS and FEMCELs, this is a group of people who I think can be won over in droves in the online sphere. While they are currently aligned with the alt right, largely due I think to their rejection by the mainstream left, I think many of them will be sympathetic if they see revolutionaries defending, and advocating for them. In time, they can be brought to more correct positions. We will see.

- Comrade M

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I constantly feel being abandoned by the world, sick of the fake smile, living dead end life, the feeling of watching my body rotten slow motion.

I just want an end to everything. I hate this fucking cursed world. I want to watch this system crash and burn.

Good job. I think I should rethink my stance towards Unruhe.

Re-post of some further thoughts on the subject. If anybody has anything to contribute, or criticize please feel free. I am particularly interested in ideas as to how dual-power/serve the people programs can help the "undesirable caste" - particularly INCELS, FEMCELS, NEETS and FOREVERALONES at this stage.

"So how can the revolutionary movement help INCELS/FOREVERALONES?

Communists understand that the issues facing incels transcend traditional class boundaries. While INCELS are primarily "lower class", a significant portion of the INCEL/FOREVER ALONENEET communities also belong to the middle class (pety-bourgeoisie). The issues facing INCELS are primarily rated to the SUPERSTRUCTURE of liberal-capitalist society (that is, they exist on the cultural social level rather than strictly the economy level). Communists also understand that superstructural issues stem directly from the economic BASE of society (Mode of production/economic system). Liberal-Capitalism, via consumerism and ultra-individualism, have atomized society down to the level of individuals. Community, from the national level all the way down to the sacred family unit have been obliterated by the culture formed around liberal capitalism, which has resulted in the creation of an under-class, or caste of undesirable human beings. Among them, the INCEL, FOREVER ALONE, NEET, etc, communities.

We propose that any short of policy/reforms are incapable of breaking the chains of this new underclass. In order to emancipate "the undesirable caste", radical transformation of society - from the economic system to the social structure is needed. Mass reeducation, and social engineering of society is necessary. We condemn the Liberal-Imperial "socialists" aka "SJWS", whose masters are the CIA/FBI and the Liberal-Imperial state, for their chauvinism toward the undesirables of the western "RAINBOW EMPIRE", the global south, and etc.

For the emancipation of the INCEL/FEMCEL/FOREVER ALONE communities, we propose the following:

SHORT TERM: Via the organization of the INCEL/FOREVERALONE community into a militant political movement, organized around the communism project, focused on the militant agitation, both for political and social change benefiting the INCEL/NEET/FOREVERALONE communities. Raise mass awareness of the issues that INCELS/NEETS face, and via dual-power/serve the people programs, provide both material economic necessities (eg, transportation, food, health services, counseling etc) and social necessities (provide a sense of community and belonging via creation of mass organizations). During advanced stages of pre-state struggle, form inner-party consensual arranged marriages and relationships.

LONG TERM: The destruction of Liberal-Imperial Capitalism, and the radical transformation of society toward Communism (classlessness-statelessness). The reversal of the atomization of society by Liberal-Capitalism, and the promotion of mass collectivism - the reconstruction of a family based, and community based society free of individualist atomization. The destruction of "hook up culture" and in general, the destruction of all forms of sexual fun, the promotion of monogamy, consensual arranged marriages, and healthy, strong family life free of chauvinism or oppression of either sex. State provided education, healthcare (including mental healthcare), democratization of the economy to end wage-slavery, the democratization of the work place, and recognition of a guaranteed right to respectable and dignified work for all individuals capable of it."

- Comrade M

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Whoever wrote this does not seem to understand that liberals are a) not the left and b) not actually in charge of society. They are simply useful idiots for a ruling class that pretends to be the vanguard of a free society.
There is no "traditional" lumpenproletariat, incels are lumpens. The very concept of an "incel" is in itself idealistic propaganda–people with disability or trauma that prevents them from getting laid will tell you that this is hardly the worst aspect of it, and it would be cruel to even suggest this to them. Incels only think their problem is that they cannot get laid. It is merely a symptom of their narcissism and mental illness. The materialist solution to their suffering is psychiatric treatment, not verification of their delusions.
Horseshit like this is why people don't take leftist politics seriously. Not every problem is caused by capitalism. Sometimes people are just fucked in the head.

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Liberalism is an ideology of the bourgeoisie (perhaps the main one) and America is probably the most liberal country in the world.

Many of them already have diagnosed mental illnesses and treatment. Happy pills don’t necessarily cure loneliness.

Thank you for your response.

Social-Liberalism is dominant trend in western capitalist societies today. While the whitehouse may be occupied by a alt-right populist, the majority of the bourgeoisie align with the new liberal project - including the deep state, and the mass media. We no longer live in the era of a "White Supremacist CIS Patriarchy". We live in a Rainbow Empire.

The term "INCEL" is problematic. I prefer the term "FOREVER ALONE", but since the term most people use is INCEL, I use it.

1) "INCEL" or "FOREVER ALONE" are not male/men things. Women make up a larger portion of this community than people realize, and are referred to as "FEMCELS". "FEMCELS" are primarily disabled women, and impoverished single mothers.

2) Foreveralone/Incel is not about "getting laid". An Incel is not somebody who cannot "get sex". An INCEL is somebody who lacks to ability to form any kind of intimate bond with other human beings - sexual, romantic, or even in terms of friendship, due to circumstances outside their control. These circumstances may be individual/social (eg, Unattractiveness in a consumer-individualist society, physical/mental disability, poverty, racism (particularly in regards to Asian and Black INCELS), or a wide number of causes.

This whole "Forever alone thing" is a real phenomenon which is occurring, and drastically getting worse. This is not primarily about sex, but emotional/romantic intimacy in general. Whatever liberals may claim, humans are a social animal. Physical and emotional intimacy - even non sexual, are physical necessities in living a healthy life. We can see this best in newborn babies, who, when they are deprived of physical affection, will most of the time just drop dead.

Physically/mentally disabled men and women are at the most at risk of falling into the "FOREVER ALONE" category of people. If you think this isn't a serious complaint of disabled people, then you are kidding yourself. The number one killer of disabled people is hopelessness and isolation. Most disabled, sick and deformed people are desperate for socialization and some kind of affection. The liberal solution to this problem is "just kill yourself bro!" (eg, the Euthanasia movement).

The roots of this phenomenon the ideological superstructure (liberalism/consumerism) and the economic base (capitalism) of our current society.

- Comrade M

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LITERALLY everyone in the society is lumpen on a certain level. Economic-political condition changes peoples head. We even have lumpen bourgeoisie now like Trump.

That is another way of neo-liberalism system to de- organize people besides turning them into atomic individual consumers: b lunpen-lize the proletarian class. If you ignore this part of the population, you will be left over with a very small base.

I say a distinction needs be made between these groups and the term "Lumpen Proletariat" precisely because the term "Lumpen" doesn't work very well in a lot of the modern well. The term "pety bourgeoisie" is similar. eg; A slum dwelling child selling handmade necklaces in the middle of a highway in Mexico City. Is she pety bourg or Lumpen? If pety bourg, she is put in the same category as multi millionaire stock brockers in NYC. If Lumpen, she is put in the same category as the drug dealer who makes potentially just under a 6 figure USD income. A CEO or hollywood star does not own a means of production, and is an employee, so technically, he would be considered a "proletarian", and put in the same category as the Amazon worker who is forced to shit in a diaper, or the Cambodian sweatshop worker who makes cent an hour, even if he worth millions and millions of dollars.

While the fundamentals of Marxism are totally correct, a lot of the old terminology needs to be rethought, because frankly they don't have a lot of scientific use (predictive/explanatory power) in the 21st century. This is why I insist that a distinction be made between the NEET/INCEL who, while he/she may not economically exploited due to unemployment (thus not a proletarian), and while he/she may live a material standard of living well above what could be called Lumpen Proletarian (which literally translates to "Rags" or bottom rung of the working class) is generally depressed, and miserable to the point of oppression, where he/she could be radicalized.

IMO, Marxism-Leninism/Maoism were fundamentally correct in their day, but the world has changed radically since then. A new synthesis is necessary (And I'm not referring to Avakian/RCP). The experiences of past revolutions must be learned from, although I think it is time to dump the dinosaur "Layercake". Revolution in the 21st century must be waged in fundamentally new ways - both prior to, and after the seizure of state power. Paul Cockshott & Alain Badiou have some cool ideas.

- Comrade M

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why are you posting pictures of stew with every post

Being a leftist incel,is like being a le based black alt righter. They'll expect full loyalty from you whilst doing their utmost best to demonise you and belittle your problems. The left has been thoroughly infiltrated by spooked rad feminists who feel threatened by the Incel phenomena, because it reveals inconvenient truths about male female interactions and gender roles which runs counter to the rad feminist narrative and they'll do whatever they can to get the left to treat Incel's as the boogeyman. There's no place for alienated lower status men who aren't celibate on the left unless the left rejects rad fem idpol

The ideology of the ruling class is not what they actually believe, it is what they want the working class to believe to justify their own authority.
You are also being disingenuous about the broiling crock of autism that the "incel" community is in general. Hurt feelings do not kill people, mental instability does.

"Lumpen" is not the leftist equivalent of "degenerate".

That is a pretty drastic oversimplification. Alienation and social detachment do indeed kill people, and mental instability most of the time either stems from, or is made drastically worse by alienation. This is not about "being turned down for sex". It is about people who due to circumstances outside their control; eg, Disability, deformation, societal chauvinism/racism, etc, combined with personal circumstances leave them entirely without any kind of physical/emotional intimacy - including in many cases platonic.

The fact that humans are a social species, and that humans require social affirmation and closeness is basic human/primate psychology. Without socialization, an otherwise healthy human will die one way or another. There is no getting around that.

If you don't believe me, then please investigate. A few articles I found from a 2 minute google search which may get you started:








This doesn't change the fact that "incels" are a self-styled community, not an actual phenomenon. It is not rational to want "revenge" on females, even if you have legitimate emotional issues.Z

The majority of "INCELS" do not want "revenge on women", and do not even identify as "INCELS", or have any part in the "INCEL" community. There is a difference between "INCEL" the phenomenon, which has existed for a lot longer than the internet (Mao acknowledged the phenomenon to be a major problem in 1930's China, and went as far as to promise peasant men who were FA wives if they joined the party), and "INCELS" the radical misogynist movement. Many of the former are turning to the later precisely because the left has abandoned them.

- Comrade M

(Also, forgot to sign off on )

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Except it is. Long-term virginity rates fit millenials is higher than the ever those of the greatest generation , and in countries like Norway, a quarter of men are forever al one and childless by age 45 and probably greater for more liberal ethnic Norwegian men.

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Just put your name in the name field

I hope I don't need to explain what a No True Scotsman fallacy is. Sexually repressed people that aren't sociopathic children don't use the term "incel". The entire point of the label (which is shorthand for a contradictory phrase) is to imply victimization.

Virginity and loneliness are not the same thing.

Then use any other term you like. You're arguing semantics. I agree that the term "INCEL" is problematic. I prefer "FA", but there is a lack of good terminology.

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wew lad, we are pretty similar

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theyre different aspects of FA.

Does no one here know what a lumpen is? It is a person or group which exists parallel to or under capitalist production while simultaneously having no meaningful contribution to capitalist production. For example, the working class are not lumpens becuase they are vital to production in that they provide labour power. Marx thought that prostitutes were lumpens because they at best engaged in a barter economy on the lower echelon of society (of course modern prostitution is for the most part incorporated into the mainstream economy). Homeless people are another example of lumpens. Marx kinda pitied the lumpens because they had no tools at their disposal to over come capitalism, this is in stark contrast to the working class which actually can over throw capitalism. But beyond that incels are either 1) hyper-lumpens which are not in the position to combat capital and also are ideologically spooked out of their minds or 2) liberals which are in the position where they can put “inability to get laid” above “should I buy groceries or pay the electricity bill” on their lists of priorities.

Source on that test?


I was wondering if OP is familar with Jim Profit's work on inceldom, since we is one of the few other marxists approaching this issue in an intelligent manner youtube.com/watch?v=uJ69qM2-tOU youtube.com/watch?v=oqK7KwDyEhM&t

I'd say rad feminists and even a lot of the really zealously anti incel leftists here are a far more ideologically spooked, especially since they will start spouting neoliberal self improvement shit the moment the topic is brought up.

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What percent of "incels" are actually incels, though, as opposed to just being unwilling to put in the work that it would take them to learn how to get laid? Real incels are, IMO, a very different group from people who could get laid but assume they can't or just don't put in the effort for whatever other reason.


Being poor is often literally dangerous, life-threatening. Being an incel is a very minor inconvenience compared to that.
Also, it is true that in practice, if we recognize a right to not be poor and make this policy, it would mean redistributing the effects of the labor of some in order to help others - the criticism of socialism as being something that steals from some in order to give to others has some validity. However, the counterargument is that it might make sense to compel a redistribution from those who would not suffer much from the diminution of their already abundant resources (what's one less yacht purchase a year?) in order to give to those who are in desperate straits. When it comes to inceldom, the corresponding counterargument is much weaker, for a couple of reasons at least: first, the suffering of the incel is relatively trivial compared to the suffering of the wretched poor. Second, there is the question of how redistribution would work. What would you have society do? Somehow redistribute sex? But that's rape, and rape is a more intimate violation that being taxed.

*than being taxed.

do you have anything to do other than give jim profit blow jobs
youtube.com/channel/UCmJPd6eXXDXAB13AAWO0pQQ/videos raid

here is mine

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Well thats not what im arguing. Im saying that like the increasing difficulty of those who are in impoverished backgrounds to climb out of poverty as a result of economic forces, youre also seeing that for many men, it is increasingly difficult to have relationships or to not be sexually frustrated due to wider social forces. Its very easy to suggest simplistic individual solutions to a problem that is increasingly systemic when it comes to poverty reduction like many Cons have, but it is equally as idiotic when it comes to male sexual frustration or lonliness. The breakdown of trad monogamy is allowing sexual inequality to increase or for humans to return to sexual norms that existed before the creation of trad monogamy which disadvantages average and below average guys, just like economic forces are increasing inequality.

And whilst sexual frustration or male loneliness may not pose immediate problems like poverty, societies with large populations of bachelors tend to be highly unstable and prone to violence, reactionary politics and civil wars.

And its problematic that much of the left which has adopted a socially liberal stance on marriage, family styles or relationships , are in complete denial of the implications of a post trad monogamy society whilst demonizing or dismissing those who are emerging to be the losers in the world theyre trying to socially engineer with Social Liberals

Well thats not what im arguing. Im saying that like the increasing difficulty of those who are in impoverished backgrounds to climb out of poverty as a result of economic forces, youre also seeing that for many men, it is increasingly difficult to have relationships or to not be sexually frustrated, which is partly due to wider social forces. Its very easy to suggest simplistic or individualistic solutions to a problem that is increasingly systemic when it comes to poverty reduction like many Cons have, but it is equally as idiotic when it comes to the emerging phenomena of male sexual frustration or loneliness. The breakdown of trad monogamy is allowing sexual inequality to increase or for humans to return to a sexual playing field that existed before the creation of trad monogamy which tend disadvantage average and below average guys, just like economic forces are increasing inequality.

And whilst sexual frustration or male loneliness may not pose immediate problems like poverty, societies with large populations of bachelors tend to be highly unstable and prone to violence, reactionary politics and civil wars.


And its problematic that much of the left which has adopted a socially liberal stance on marriage, family styles or relationships , are in complete denial of the implications of a post trad monogamy society whilst demonizing or dismissing those who are emerging as the losers in the world theyre trying to create with Social Liberals, namely incels, FAs, fatherless children and to a certain extent impoverished unmarried mothers.

I mean, just look at how the left and liberal establishment treated jordan peterson, just because he said in a matter of fact way that forced monogamy could only ensure that society would highest number of stable two parent families, and avoid the societal consequences of having a large proportion of men becoming restless bachelors. This is something that is accepted as an established fact by most social scientists yet hes getting called the incel King and misogynist for saying what the Economist has said last year about the link between social instability and the rejection of monogamy.

I think that you partly have a point when it comes to relationships, but I certainly wouldn't to try to compel people to be in stable monogamous relationships. Just seems like way too much of an intrusion. Yes, society is facing some potential issues because of the breakdown of traditional monogamy, but I think we should try to solve these issues without going back to compulsive old systems.
When it comes to sexual frustration… well, even if we had stable monogamy all over the place, sexually undesirable men would still be sexually undesirable. They maybe would get laid more often, but to me it seems that sex is only worthwhile when the other person actually, really wants to fuck you. And really, only guys who are seriously physically unattractive or have serious mental issues have my sympathy when it comes to them being incels. When I read what some "incels" write, I suspect that they aren't really incels, they just don't realize that if they put in a bit of effort they could start getting laid.
Again, I go back to the problem of redistribution. We can look at it a different way: if a man is starving, redistribution can solve this by taking a tiny amount of resources from each of millions of other men and giving the sum of those resources to the starving man. This does not work with sex. You can't take a tiny amount of sex from each of millions of women and give the sum to an incel. The only way to get an incel laid is for some specific other person to have sex with that incel. So I'm not sure what sort of systemic, as opposed to individual, solutions there can be to inceldom.

Well you can say that with wealth can you not? I mean, if you spread out the wealth of all nations accross all people, including the billions who live on less than a dollar a day, it wouldnt amount o much. Whilst trad monogamy has been successful in turning unproductive beta males into productive family men with a stake in society. Its not a great argument.
The problem is also not that men need Sex to be redistributed, but for social engineers among the liberal fem/New Left cultural and political elite to stop denying the role of sexual dimophism and gender roles in attraction. If we can bring up a generation of active masculine confident boys, and stop trying to replace the role of man as a protector to women with the state, theyll all be sexually attractive to women. Maybe introduce compulsory military conscription/Camps. Upbringing is hugely important. A lot of incels or men who have trouble with women come from fatherless homes or didnt have great male role models. Stop trying to artificially raise the status of women too, through programs.

Sorry, looks like one of the stupid mods is deleting all of my comments. Hope you see this before it vanishes.

Looks like I can still post, for now at least…
But at what cost?
Also, it's not that hard to become a family man nowadays if you want to. There are loads and loads of women out there who want to have kids. Yeah, it's probably harder to keep a woman from running off than it used to, but if the wife wants to run off, then that trad monogamy family is dysfunctional anyway.
But if you're at least average-looking, even a bit on the ugly side, you should be able to attract women without too much trouble if you get your psychology in order. I agree that some of the anti-gender role social engineering is misguided, I just don't think it's even close to being a major factor in why some men have a hard time getting laid. Whether men act as actual protectors of women, due to socioeconomic factors, or not, doesn't really matter much when it comes to getting laid. You can play-act all of the stuff that is attractive and get results. You don't need to literally be a protector to attract women, you can just display masculinity in some form (and there are many forms) and get results.
No thanks. Compulsory camps just because a few incels can't get their shit together without being forced to? No.

What Unruhe says is true: Many self-styled 'real' leftists will disown immigrants in an attempt to distance themselves from liberals, completely ignoring the kind of exploitation they face and how much revolutionary potential they have. There's people on Zig Forums that defend the ICE terrorizing brown people outside schools and supermarkets lol.

Good stuff. Incels/forever alones have far more revolutionary potential than LGBTP. It's also a far more racially diverse coalition.


Some thoughts on organizing the new “Undesirable Caste” (Looking for criticism/suggestions)


As of 2018, there is limited revolutionary potential in the western countries. The working class have yet to be re-proleratized in majority. At this time, our focus should be on building the infrastructure to support advanced struggle at a later time. A necessary part of this infrastructure is the support base - or social base, of the Communist party. To do this, we need to go “lower and deeper” to reach the bottom rungs of society - the “undesirables”. The undesirable caste is a broad, diverse caste made up of several groups. “Forever Alone” men and women, the homeless, drug addicts, “NEETs”, migrant/refugee workers, large elements of the indigenous community, vagabond workers, convicts and ex-convicts, etc.

A unified plan should be constructed to tie in the various groups of the undesirable caste into a single revolutionary social base - more will be written on that later by myself, and hopefully others. In the meantime, here are some of my thoughts on building rapport, aiding, and organizing in a few of these communities in the short term.


Physical goods: One of the big issues homeless people face is being perceived as homeless. Eg, “looking”, and “smelling” homeless, will quickly get you kicked out of job application, restaurant, shopping centre, or public space. Via serve the people programs, revolutionaries can provide basic hygiene & other necessities. Things like clothing - warm socks, clean shirts, jackets, simple formal wear (eg, button up shirts, cheap formal shoes/pants, simple make up, etc for job/housing interviews), decent shoes, hats, etc. A lot of these could be collected hand me downs, or bought from pawn/charity shops and redistributed. Hygiene products - eg, Cheap shaving razors, shaving creams, cheap deodorant, women’s hygiene products (tampons, pads, etc), condoms and simple medications - eg, ibuprofen or paracetamol can also be distributed. Earphones, and backpacks may also be useful. All of these can be distributed by party volunteers in bags, which come with party pamphlets written in simple English (no cultishness, no “wizard speak”) at regular times.

2) Services: Another huge issue facing homeless people is loneliness. Most homeless people live on the streets because they have no family or friends to turn to. Basic services to the homeless could include having party members go in and talk to them regularly - hold “street assemblies” where we hear their problems at regular times along with distribution of STP program goods. Cadre should not be afraid to use terms like “god bless”, etc, to relate to them. Transportation is another big one - party cadre with access to cars could offer, via scheduling, to transport homeless people around town - eg, to Drs’ appointments, free of charge. Haircuts could be provided by cadre to the homeless, along with counselling and basic medical care by comrades with adequate training (eg, psychologists or med students). More complex services could include holding street events - eg, street plays, performances, comedy acts, etc, or festive celebrations. Eg, a “Christmas on the streets”, where party cadre (in uniform_ spend Christmas eve with homeless people, distribute hot drinks and food, put on a christmas play, sing christmas songs, etc, in a very public place. Regular food distribution - eg, a once a week soup/food kitchen staffed by cadre may also be a good idea.

3) Political Organization: Formation of a Homeless People’s mass organization, focused on agitating in the short-term for affordable housing, jobs, mental healthcare, and against political/social chauvinism against the homeless. Squatting programs, and civil disobedience. Agitate against evictions. When evictions of homeless people take place in public spaces, have cadre protest and defend them.

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1) Social Necessities: Most forever alone people deal with crippling loneliness on a day to day level. To help with this, the party should try to form a sense of community, for both cadre and non cadre FA/NEETs. This could be done via group activities - eg, counselling/talking sessions (Think Alcoholics Anonymous, where people can talk about their problems and receive support) gaming nights (eg, once a week mario cart tournaments, or board games, etc), group work out sessions (eg, jogging, martial arts, dance, etc)a buddy-system (where a small group of cadre agree to stay in regular contact, eg, via whats up, and check on each other daily, set daily goals for each other, etc), and perhaps self-help courses/classes. For FA single mothers/fathers, daycare/respite could be provided by the party. In the long term, consensual arranged relationships could be set up by the party between suitable, reformed individuals.

2) Physical Necessities: More difficult question, as the NEET/FOREVER ALONE Phenomena tends to be cross-class. For single mothers/fathers, childhood necessities - eg, diapers, baby milk, children’s toys, could be provided. Free transportation via cadre with access to cars is another one. Suggestions are very welcome here.

3): Political Organization: Formation of a “REVCEL” mass organization. Agitate against hookup culture and sexual fun, and against chauvinism towards FA/NEETS. . Agitate for access to healthcare, adequate jobs, affordable rent, access to advanced education and disability rights. Militant organization on the basis that “FA refuse to lock ourselves in our houses, lay down and die alone”. Education of FA/NEETS - Explain why it is that their situation is tied to capitalism, and how Socialism will emancipate them. All of this should take place both on the ground, and online (via social media, eg, youtube).

More to come…

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In that case the term "left" is misused on such a large scale that it is effectively useless. I challenge you to find a single person on the street who doesn't routinely refer to the "Democratic" party and feminist organizations as "the left".
It depends which part of society you look at. Some regions and political structures are undeniably controlled by liberals.

You're not wrong. I'm not exactly an incel myself (depending on which definition you use), but it's still abundantly clear that the modern left doesn't give the slightest fuck about me because I don't tick the right identity boxes. I support communist economic policies, but the modern left seems to care less about those and more about pursuing their own brand of social authoritarianism.

we are going through another great eugenic filter, incels are merely the first and most obvious victims

No u first.

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The term is meaningful because it is what they have chosen. The implications of the word are very telling.

Correct. In the US, left wing politics are almost nonexistent, mainly due to COINTELPRO.
Not this part. Feminists are like religious evangelists, they are not a part of the ruling class as much as they are dedicated to whoever panders to them.

It's the other way around. People who make a lot of money have the financial independence to live how they want, so they are more likely to be open about their sexuality. There is no correlation between sexuality and class or class consciousness, so it doesn't really matter.

Or rather a few did and the rest oriented around it, faute de mieux, as in most cases like this.

Then feel free to navel-gaze on the implications of a word which is for many somewhat arbitrary.

There are similarities, but I wouldn't say so. They're largely liberal, with some affiliating with the left but possessing an idealist worldview, and there are a few actual leftists who also identity as feminists for whatever reasons, even merely social ones.

The problem with this argument is that the word is inherently nonsensical. There is no such thing as "involuntary celibacy" because celibacy is, by definition, voluntary.

Such words can have meaning. I can understand well enough what's meant by a "celibacy" that is "involuntary" rather than voluntary, even if the combination "involuntary celibacy" is an oxymoron. Words are often appropriated from their original context and meaning to describe new phenomena that, while vaguely similar, is also different.

We should really have a strong leftist theory of self-improvement. It would attract a lot more people to our cause. I've been thinking about making a series of infographics or something, laying out basic perspectives leftist philosophy offers to people figuring out their lives. Maybe I should get on that.

This is the result of nihilism not capitalism. People that are extremely successful in a capitalist society are still prone to feeling the same way.

here's me…
it's uncanny

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Here's mine

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Every time. Every time.

Jason and Profit are brothers.

Profit brings it up alot. In fact Profit even caught the attention of Nathan Larson but ignores him because Profit probably doesn't agree with that pedo shit and associates that with something a moderator would advocate.

Incels are just part of the dialogue now and real intellectuals are taking a stance. You don't have to agree with it but you're going to have to acknowledge it.

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lol virgins

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