What is or are the differences between state capitalism and market socialism, if there are any? Also, would the last "socialist" countries on Earth be better classified as state capitalist or market socialist (unless you believe they're still socialist).
State capitalism and market socialism
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State capitalism doesn't exist, it's a ⛏️rotskyist word to attack to Soviet Union without any actual arguments so they use the bad word (capitalism) to scare off non communists or people radicalizing turning them against the vanguard of socialism in the world at the time.
I still don't know a lot about market socialism, so sorry about that one.
State capitalism is a buzzword.
Market socialism is a free market socialist society.
But what about China or Vietnam nowadays? Aren't they considered state capitalist by most socialists?
I mean yes the free market is objectively a bad thing, it's for this reason that I openly insult all mutualists but socialism technically doesn't need to be anti free market.
Depends on who you ask to define state capitalism. For example; a Marxist may define state capitalism as a system of governance that combines capitalism with ownership or control by a state i.e where the government controls the economy and essentially acts like a single huge corporation, extracting the surplus value from the workforce in order to invest it in further production.
Anarchism has a slightly similar definition. To an anarchist, having a state control the workplace as opposed to the workers having DIRECT control of the MOP would be considered state capitalist.
I see, but for example, in a country where the state de facto owns the MoP, but the workers pretty much control them in every way possible, that would still be socialism right? Also, can this system be considered what the USSR was before the Kruschevite liberalizations?
No, free market capitalism does not exist, it is pure ideology. State has always been playing a central role in capitalism game. i.e. the African Country Mali, producing the best cotton in the world, cannot compete with US and EU product because of subsidies.
And there in lies the rub, especially when you get theoretical debates regarding as what counts as socialism.
If we're talking about the workers "controlling the state" evidence still shows that the state can over-ride decisions made by workers in order fill out their own agenda, as was the case in the USSR (i.e the petrograd strikes, which would lead to the Kronstadt rebellion). Is Australia therefore socialist because the people as a whole VOTED on wether or not gay marriage should be legalised in Australia, and is thus using the state to carry out its will? No. However, just because workers control the MOP doesn't mean that it's exempt from global capitalism either.
For example, one could state that Tito's yugoslavia was socialist as there were more workers co-ops, but there was still the accumulation of capital, and it still competed on international markets as well as opening itself up to liberalisation.
I could make the same cases for the Zapatistas, who, although having communal ownership of shops, farms etc, aren't necessarily out of the loop when it comes to global capitalism.
"We describe the economic activities of the Zapatistas as contradictory substantive practices. They are not in direct antagonism to the capitalist law of value, but they are undoubtably transformative. They are capital and state resistant, as they prevent complete incorporation into world-capitalist institutions and processes. They are anti-capital in certain respects or at certain times, but sometimes supportive of capitalism, even simultaneously."
Read Lenin.
Really says a lot when the titoist tells the maoist some extremely basic info about Lenin he would know if he had read him
Read Arch Getty you ahistorical pleb
that means a state that is privately owned by a capitalist, doesn't seem to have existed so far
planed socialist economy for at least one country, fixes crisis cycle, fixes unemployment, fixes wealth concentration, has directed development
sorry it's just a pipe-dream and will revert to capitalism very quickly see: youtube.com
Apparently Richard D. Wolff co-authored a book in which he claims that the USSR was state capitalist.
Richard D. Wolff's book:
goddamn that is absolutely wrong, state capitalism is when the mop is owned and directed by the state in a capitalist order
Mao said reading is bad.
He didn't
Haha this looks like the flag of Benice :DDDDDDDD
no, he didn't
he literally just meant that being a bookworm is unhealthy for a human being. reading is important, sure, but with too much text you can nearly end yourself physically and mentally, most of things that were ever written are a waste of time too, also:
"the leader of China during its cultural revolution had two pieces of advise for his students.
One, it is okay for students to cheat on their homework and tests. If you do not know the answer then it is okay for a student to look at someone’s work to get the answers.
Two, if you are tired during class, then it is okay to sleep during class. If you are too tired for class, then it is important to get rest in order to be ready for the rest of the day."
Anarchkiddies and their mutualism maybe.
But proper Market Socialism of Lange (Roemer too, or even Wolff) is still the only visible/possible project of an alternative to capitalism. Larpers BTFO.
State Capitalism does exist, it just doesn't apply to the Soviet Union
idk if you already knew this but the USSR stopped following the NEP after Lenin's death.
Stalin pressed for a lot more collectivization and power to labor unions.
didn't know about this before, i consider myself a maoist expert but this information is helpful