Kyle Kulinski's liberal fans ENRAGED as he sides with Rand Paul over Bernie Sanders regarding Russiagate-inspired sanctions. Mass downvoting and angry commenting ensue.
Kyle Kulinski's liberal fans ENRAGED as he sides with Rand Paul over Bernie Sanders regarding Russiagate-inspired...
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"And Bernie's gonna go out there, and give this speech, and not mention what exactly it is that "Russia" exposed… that he got cheated. I'm trying really hard not to call Bernie a cuck right now. Because that's a cuck move!" - Kyle Kulinski, 8:51
fuck off Kyle kikelinski
Sanders did his bit to move the political discourse, but his personality cult has really gotten out of hand.
I honestly feel really torn on him. Of the talk show people, he's the best at choosing topics, and doesn't spam his own channel with bullshit like literally everyone else. However, in the last year some of his opinions have gotten weirder and weirder, and more off base. Because of that, I honestly think David Pakman and Sam Seder both have better opinions generally. Pakman is a liberal, but a really intelligent, perceptive, well educated one. Seder and his crew aren't afraid to flirt with socialism and anarchism.
That said, all those commentators are frankly inferior to leftist vloggers like Shaun, Contrapoints, Three Arrows, and Reich-Wing Watch, so I wish these guys would cover actual current events, rather than just spending all their time refuting the latest bullshit coming out of the alt right.
is this a Zig Forums meme now or something i keep seeing it
Sorry to be rude but I literally burst out laughing.
Kyle is the best socdem besides dore, and shaun and contra, and ( ( ( three arrows ) ) ) and reich wing watch are all socdems.
Pakman's too spooked to take the rad pill.
Seder and friends are blatant partisan shills trying to rehabilitate the Dems and draw socialist millennials back to the party.
Shaun is and Contrapopints are cliquey careerists.
Three Arrows and Reich-Wing Watch are nobodies.
Jimmy Dore at least speaks to working class interests and occasionally advocates for revolution. As for the actual radical left on youtube, they're people like FinnBol, Anarchopac, and Jason. They have zero potential for mainstream appeal because they're so far into their ideology that they can't relate to normies.
what about batko
RadLib / RadFem
Garden variety Left-Liberal
This. Hontrapoints cultists are brainlets.
glad Kyle recognizes Bernie is a massive establishment cuck
Not your personal army.
lemme be contrapoints
I think Reich Wing Watch actually makes good content tho
three arrows isn't a rosa strangler
You forgot to quaff several liters of strong drink while implying that you want to fuck anything that moves.
Yes he is, the dude straight up is a SPD apologist
Why on earth do you think Sam Seder is better than Kyle Kulinski? Kyle is the best socdem. Michael Brooks is pretty good but Sam Seder is nothing but a smug russia conspiracy theorist lib.
He literally said that he votes for SPD
Pakman, Seder and even Kyle would side with Republicans if it came down to them vs commies. Dore is the only one with any degree of fanbase who might stay on side if it actually came down to it.
kek, source?
This HAS to be a shitpost, If you genuinely believe this shit why are you here?
Zig Forums's anonymous posters ENRAGED as OP uses same post once again. Mass saging and angry replies ensue.
i wonder where would you put Cuck Philosophy?
I actually agree, but Michael Brooks is on Seder's show, so I give the show points for that. Jamie Peck can be off base, but she's literally a left-anarchist
The only thing you could take offense to is that I'm not authoritarian or purist, which is your problem. I'm to the left of all those people, and am more of a Syndicalist. But Zig Forums is a better board, because there are fewer Stalinists over there.
I assume it's the girl that sometimes chimes in but you never see her face? Not that impressed with her takes tbh.
Nigga what the fuck are you doing
I'm not even an ML lad, why do people like you automatically assume all criticism levied can only come from deranged ☭TANKIE☭s?
Contra fan here.
This is entirely accurate.
the exact same reason why MLs automatically assume you're a liberal or an anarchist if you critisise them.
existing proof of the horseshoe theory
The three arrows, which he uses as a logo, was stems from the Weimar SPD to strike against monarchism, Not Socialism and communism. It's literally a symbol against communism.
That means he is a right-wing neoliberal.
this, just cause he was one of least worst option in the last us presidency (big fucking whoop) doesn't mean ppl have to keep sucking his dicks afterwards. especially when you see how retarded he got.
contra is the only good one, all others are reddit tier tbh