Are communists defective transhumanists?
Are communists defective transhumanists?
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Are transhumanists defective communists?
Por que no los dos?
No? Just because I want to see capital done away with doesn't mean I worship technology as an end in itself. Not sure who that chump is or why anyone should care.
What I heard about Eliezer Yudkowsky is that he has some website that's all about using science-thought to turn humans into rational supercomputer people who will go off to colonize Mars, which means "mind-killing" oneself of anything deemed political. Surprise, this has pumped out a bunch of contrarian internet fascists which has been very embarrassing for Yudkowsky, since not only is he's Jewish he also has to square the fact that his ominpotent science-thought might actually be producing flawed people, so he has opted to largely ignore the problem.
Transhumanism is a praxis, not a theory. Whoever the guy in OP is, is surely an imbecile. I also love how he left out that Hitler thought Aryans were descended from Atlanteans, from Atlantis, the fictional city invented by Plato in his book Critias. Do nazifags use mythology as an excuse for their lack of theory? It's a reification fallacy (I'm naming the logical fallacy here, not the term ascribed by marxist critique.)
This term was used by Friedrich Nietszche to describe lions. Yes, you heard me right. Lions. As in, the animal.
seems like a non sequitur to me
Transhumanism is idealist, transhumanists have no proof that technology will allow people to "upload their minds" or use gene engineering to create drastically smarter humans (>300 Autism Level for example). They also have no proof that computers will be able to become significantly faster than they are today, as we have reached the physical limits of how small transistors can get.
Transhumanism is also fascist, as it is obsessed with racial superiority and the "obsolescence" of the vast majority of proles.
You only have to look at the main proponents of transhumanism: mainly freaks who own or work for tech companies.
How to strawman transhumanism 101 right here.
A Post-Singularity utopia where the brain can be reverse engineered to eliminate all suffering and experience perpetual euphoria seems like a far better end goal than a workers' paradise.
Mmh, probably. But which is more likely to happen?
Except that Christian heaven has virtually zero chance of actually existing, but the Singularity happening and a utopia being created as a result has a far higher chance of actually becoming a reality.
Praise technojesus, technorapture will save us from suffering and climate change no need to worry about anything.
Then is transhumanism a thing? If its so likely to come with the natural advancement of technology as you say why do you have a religion built around it?
Then why* is transhumanism a thing?
Not an argument.
In order to get the technology developed faster in order to maximize my chances of personally getting to live in a post-Singularity utopia, and in order to make sure the Singularity has a positive impact. See the paperclip maximizer thought experiment.
Read about David Pearce's philosophy. Things like suffering and happiness are ultimately caused by chemical reactions in your brain. Therefore, if your terminal values are to maximize happiness, with advanced enough technology, it should be theoretically possible to drastically increase an individual's hedonic set-point.
In a sense, a primitive attempt was made.
Even if you think a worker's paradise is more likely to happen than a post-Singularity utopia, pursuing the former instead of the latter would be an act of scope insensitivity.
Yea and that technology is not going to happen in my lifetime so I am not going to benefit from sacrificing my own happiness and that of my fellow man and children for the eternal bliss that technojesus will deliver us at singularity/the rapture.
Especially considering we will all probably die and our civilization collapse into an irreversable darkage due to climate change, you know, with all fossil fuels required for industrialization gone.
So, you want people to get into an ideology that supports a positive and equal for all algorithm for the Singularity, when that starts to happen… I'm pretty sure whatever you do, if the Singularity is even possible I don't think the common people will benefit under this system.
Btw, don't you think making people eternal bliss junkies is kind of a "sad" happiness?
Of course you technophiles operate under the unfounded assumption that somehow singularity will come more quickly under capitalism than under a workers state, or that establishing a workers state will somehow delay the arrival at singularity. And you operate under the assumption that singularity will definitely come soon this time, even though they predicted the same thing the last times, and technophiles overestimate technological development way too hard.
Utilitarianism is retarded. If you wanted this, we could pump all humans full of heroin right as of now, and all of human existence from thereon out would be pure bliss.
You would have a higher chance of it happening in your lifetime if life extension science gets advanced enough and longevity escape velocity is reached, or if you sign up for cryonics and are revived.
Life extension info:
Cryonics FAQs:
Calculator for calculating the probability of cryonics working:
Cryonics membership statistics:
Keyword being >if
Are you unironically this much of a brainlet? Heroin would only make human existence pure bliss in the SHORT TERM. Doing that would drastically decrease the chance of experiencing potentially billions of years of pure bliss.
So? It would ensure the totality of all human existence would be bliss, with no chance of that bliss going away due to you dying in bliss. You even avoid heatdeath.
Communists are trans-humanist by default. But being a "trans-humanist" alone with no actual socioeconomic platform is a waste of time. Everyone, unless their a raving primitiveist or ultra-reactionary (as the blog post postulates) is a certain degree of trans-humanist. Just calling for "based silicon valley utopia" without any idea of how this world will be structured or come about is the penultimate utopianism, and is of no real interest to me other than an interesting bit of science fiction.
I haven't really read anything on longevity, but treating it like acceleration doesn't seem very scientific.
On cryonics what said
Research the Moravec Transfer.
Gene editing is already used in other organisms besides humans, and many genes for intelligence have been discovered. Gene editing of humans being somehow impossible seems highly unlikely.
t. person who thinks silicon will never be made obsolete and who has never heard of graphene transistors, quantum computing, optical computing, etc.
Have you never heard of felicific calculus? If you overdose on heroin, for instance, it would still only be a short time you would exist in a state of bliss. You can't just ignore time spent in bliss in your calculations.
Reverse engineering the brain should theoreticaly be able to allow people to live in a perpetual state of bliss, regardless of how the world is otherwise structured.
If you make slaves that enjoy slavery, are they still oppressed?
.t brainlet with no background in CS
You can only reach so much increase before walking into the limitation inherent in the architecture of the system.
Your entire argument relies on the axiom that "eternally lasting pleasure" is or ought to be the ultimate goal or ideal for which we should strive.
Except that their existence could be terminated as a result of how the world is structured.
to add,
you might call me a bit old fashioned, but I would like it if my version of post history utopia still has some personal hardships. Now, I'm not being some kind of fascist pain junkie here, but I always viewed Communism as the highest expression of human life, and a world that allows us to experience this life in it's most sincere form. Eternal bliss, and a never ending supply of dopamine sounds nice and all, but wheres the fun to it? If I can't seek fulfillment and fail along the way, am I really "living" and enjoying the experience of life?
Whatever technological advancements we reach under capitalism, they will be used for profit.
How do you think socialist Cuba developed cure for mother to child cancer while superpowers like the USA didn't?
What tells you that "life extension" DLC won't be sold instead of just done freely when pills that cost under a dollar are sold for 30 dollars or more?
By fucking with our most base emotional state all our preconceived notions of normalcy and morality go out the window. You could make a person enjoy being tortured to near death by fucking with their brain.
this one makes me laugh slightly. Do you have any cognition of the current crisis of modernity we are in? This whole lust to "make the world go away" is the ultimate petty-bourgeois pleasure seeking, with no regard to how this is to be done
Somehow I feel this will end up fucking us over. What you describe is the ultimate isolation and alienation.
exactly my point. Is this never ending "bliss" really something we want? Why not just lobotomize yourself now? arguable the removal of the hemisphere of the brain that experiences this pain would leave you in a blissful (if not completely incapacitated) state?
Lobotomizing yourself would drastically decrease your chances of surviving past the Singularity and experiencing billions of years of bliss. If you are dead, you wouldn't experience either bliss or suffering.
But this kind of thing is important when we talk about robotics and alien lifeforms. Robots do not fall to the same morality and ideas of normalcy and ethics that apply to humans or animals, there is nothing ethically wrong with making a robot that enjoys being tortured, or even a robot that wishes to be killed, even if it makes you and I feel very uncomfortable. Similarly, alien lifeforms could have drives that are not the same as ours and as such our morality doesnt necessarily apply to them and vice versa although in the case of alien lifeforms the very process of natural selection will select for the same kind of instincts and drives through convergent evolution, so in reality they will not differ too much from us, and intelligent space-faring life might even be bipedal omnivores like we are if we assume pack-social-cooperation, tool usage and agriculture are necessary for the development of civilization capable of spaceflight.
Why would we want to experience billions of years of bliss? And why should we sacrifice our happiness in our own life on the offchance we will survive to see technorapture?
I really think this alienated bliss is not what humanity is or should be aiming for. Living a fulfilling life without exploitation would be the apex of human existence.
I thought we where going for eternity?
And? a change in the structure of the hippocampus can make five seconds feel like a billion years, so why, if we are going to completely change the constitution of the human mind, should we still worry about perception of time?
Arguably humans have had their morality already shaped by the pursuit of happiness (with the added dimension of social consciousness since we are social animals). Why, if we are going about changing the rules, should we stop at eternal bliss, since eternal bliss is just another biological drive? Which brings me again to my point in , with how time perception could well be changed as well to make it so five seconds would appear to be five billion years to us.
I agree with your second statement about alien lifeforms, not sure about the bipedal part, although I'm not sure we are ever gonna contact alien intelligence, due to the nature of the universe.
I don't see any point to happiness as an end goal in itself, or with making robots that enjoy such things.
pretty much my point
found this fun little read
You're caught in a local maximum. Even if you could, through some form of brain fuckery, experience bliss for a short time and make it feel like an extremely long time, with more advanced technology, you could potentially make your brain feel even more intense bliss for an even longer amount of time.
Anything but 4 limbs is a waste of resources for large land animals. Tool usage requires free limbs. Evolving to stand on two legs is much quicker than growing a pair of extra limbs. All big animals are basically just a reconfiguration and stretching of the same basic skeletal structure, with eety beety tiny tweaks.
So assuming land animals, and tool usage, the chances of a non-bipedal intelligent species if next to nothing.
That actually makes sense
but would that matter? If you have no ability to comprehend the existence of this bliss, does it really bother you to experience it or not? Especially if we are changing the constitution of the brain, we could simply remove the ability to experience anything other a certain amount of bliss, and the possibility of a greater bliss existing outside of this would then no longer matter to us.
I do have a CS background m8
With gene editing, maybe, but you could potentially become even more intelligent with things like cybernetics, for instance. If you use a Moravec Transfer on your brain for instance, you could gradually replace your biological neurons with artificial neurons that are far more efficient.
Do you have some better ultimate goal besides eternal pleasure?
True, but that still wouldn't make it not be a utopia. Ultimately, rejecting transhumanism will terminate our existence, due to the death of the sun and ultimately heat death of the universe. Transhumanism is the only thing that will give us a non-zero chance of avoiding our inevitable destruction.
self actualization and fulfillment?
Better by what measure?
Will technojesus invent a way around the laws of physics?
Yes, a fulfilling live with goals people choose for themselves, rid of exploitation, sickness and oppression. Not an alienated feeling of happiness.
Let the people who will be able to, deal with this, if there even is a way to.
Given billions of years of technological advancement, it's not impossible. It might be possible to colonize other universes or create new universes, for instance.
Literally pseudoscience.
Yes, but there's no evidence we can create superhuman AI. There are physical limits to it.
Graphene can't make computing faster, just more energy-efficient at most. Electrons are electrons, once you have transistors dealing with a few electrons at a time, you can't go much smaller.
Isn't any faster than normal computing for normal calculations, is only faster for certain kinds of problems.
Yeah that makes it worse. You are in a cult designed for CS people.
Try doing some drugs instead of pure ideology and you will see how stupid this is. Pleasure senses develop in organisms to create a feedback loop that reinforces beneficial behavior. When you feel pleasure all the time, it just gives you a different baseline. You develop a tolerance, and then you're back to square one, seeking new pleasures. Being in a constant state of pleasure is a meaningless and impossible existence.