Asperger is an idpol ideology

Authorities, doctors, social workers and the rest of the minions which serves the capitalist system are trying to convince me, that it is my personal fault that I fail in life.
"It isn't alienation caused by capitalism, oh no! It's because you are a genetic degenerate", they say to me.
They call this whole ideology "Aspergers-syndrome". It was invented by the fascist doctor Hans Asperger. Interestingly tough, the race theory has been discarded from scientific discourse after the fall of the third reich. But some ideologies survived and the Asperger-ideology is a famous example. The Asperger-ideology has the same function like all idpol issues: To distract from the true cause of societal problems and to atomize the working class into "identities".

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Other urls found in this thread:

As far as I know, autism is quite simply an umbrella term for entire ranges of what the bourgeois once viewed as being 'defects' in various people. Now, of course, these 'defects' are shown to be exactly what they need in some fields. It is eerily-similar to the absorption of other 'radical' and counter-culture anti-status-quo sentiment and programmes into the logic of capital, and even the assimilation of people with Aspergers let alone those who have autism into the logic of capital is nothing new. This is not to come to the fascist conclusion and say that aspies should be slain unless they can prove themselves useful for the service of capital (though of course I believe a certain baboonposter Zig Forumsyp will be trying to argue just that), but to come to the conclusion that, as we have come to expect, this counter-culturalism is obsolete as far as the left is concerned.

I think you're wrong and autism clearly exists, but you're right to point out that Asperger was a Nazi:
He euthanized children just for being autistic.

I don't say, that autism doesn't exist. My point is, that the (capitalist) society is using idpol as a tool to distract from the true origin of societal problems. The root is the societal system itself: capitalism.

Autism is caused by diet change my mind

no, you're right

autism = hypermasculinity caused by extremely male brain

just eat soy and you'll be "cured" in no time

This may surprise you to believe, but the far left does not generally believe in tabula rasa. It is one thing to suggest that capitalism makes life more difficult for autistics, but another entirely to claim that capitalism made them up.
Assburgers no longer officially exists anyway, the psychiatric community now considers it to just be the highest functioning form of autism.

Again: I don't say that Aspergers is completely made up. But the capitalist ideology is still giving biology a bigger meaning than it actually should.

I don't care, what bourgeois scientists "officially" say. People who call me "autistic" will feel my disdain, no matter if you are an doctor or not.

The true revolutionary act is not to reject autism, but to diagnose everyone as autistic. Expand the category to our entire society. Humanity must be considered an innately autistic species. We're all part of the same all-encompassing autistic spectrum.

You are throwing around a lot of socialist words, just to throw around a bunch of Socialist words.
This isnt an idpol issue, and it sure as hell isnt an important issue. You have autism, and from the sounds of it, it probably does interfere with your life. Go away, and stop using words that you dont understand.
"They call this whole ideology Aspergers-syndrome" Seriously!


I was diagnosed with aspergers and I'm basically incapable of detecting sarcasm, making eye contact and understanding the nuances of social interaction so idk

not to mention I have a few special interests I obsess over and will often talk about in great detail to people without realizing they're not interested

I once spent 20 minutes arguing with someone online that said that the universes of Warhammer fantasy and 40k were completely unrelated bc I couldn't tell they were pulling my leg the whole time

But they aren't actually related.

Sigmar used to be considered one of the lost Primarchs but GW retconned it.

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Then that would mean that the two aren't related, since it's retconned.

ok fuck off, the chaos gods are the exact same, the Eldar and and dark Eldar (Drukari) are just the High Elves and Dark Elves (Druki) in space, the orks are just space orcs, they literally have beastmen in 40k but they've been downplayed a lot. I don't want to talk about the squats. The lore used to be that fantasy exists in a feudal planet somewhere in the milky way galaxy in 40k but they scrapped that idea long ago. I'm just saying that saying that they're completely unrelated is ridiculous

if you had aspergers you would be right wing

I resent this. I'm an anarchist though so insert joke here

But 40k exists inside the snowglobe of an Altdorf Celestial Wizard.

You can't even spell the name of our race (Druchii) you tool; just stop.

Eldar and High Elves have completely different names and histories. Same with Dark Eldar and Dark Elves.

But in Warhammer it's more Greenskins in general, not simply orcs. It's a totally different idea behind the two.

They're just mutants, though, and not actually a separate race.

Because they weren't really related in the first place.

fucking whatever man, I don't care about elves

filthy knife ears

bro they still make 40k models for tzaangors and they're they're identical to the age of shitmar ones but with lasguns and chainswords

auto pistols I mean

u n r e l a t e d

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a lot of khorne models are literally for both games

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anyway, I'm pretty fucking sure I'm on the spectrum

i mean i wouldn't be surprised if there were some people "accidentally" diagnosed as aspies for the sake of profit but mental illnesses do indeed exist, the party line shouldn't be to reject the concept as bourgeois but to analyze how the character of work and social life in late capitalism exarcerbates them and accelerates their development among people that could have otherwise been practically unaffected, with the suggestion of "go see a therapist!" being little more than a peaceful lullaby that tells us that no matter how bad things get, there will always be someone to talk to about it (but never to "fix" it).

Joke: Vaccines cause autism
Woke: Capitalism causes autism

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Aspergers is named after Hans Asperger but he didn't create that diagnosis. He also wasn't a fascist but was a collaborator. Also aspergers was removed from the latest DSM. There is just autism spectrum disorder. Autism was used as a disorder before Asperger but it was categorized as a type of schizophrenia.

It absolutely is. People avoid having children until they are older. Older parents (especially older fathers) create autistic chldren.

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You fuckin idiot. Go away, and stop posting to threads that you don't understand.

Aspergers is a fascist ideology, it is one single piece of the whole fascist ideology beside other ideologies like race theory etc.


Fuck yee


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Can I fuck… uh… 12 year old? Can I haves pussy plz.

The primary reason why "autistic" people tend to perform badly under capitalism is the high degree of social atomization. In earlier societies, I imagine that the same people would simply be pulled along by the community. Sure, they'd be a bit dense, distant, and off compared to the rest, but this was understood as a natural variation in people's character. They had to become a normal part of community life, there was no other way about it. Everyone needed to work and have a family.
Today we expect children to naturally find their niche within a playground setting, and as they grow older gradually become more capable of arranging their own social life. This does not come naturally to some people. For this they may be diagnosed with a number of medical disorders. Autism, ADD, and ADHD all fit into this category.
Things will be different again under socialism. We should return to a more communal way of living, and radically reform the school system to be more involved with the students.

think I read something once that autistic kids likely had short lifespans in pre-modern times as they'd be subjected to different types of "treatment" by doctors or churches. What's now known as "autistic screeching" from sensory overload etc. was probably seen as demonic possession so they were subject to harsh exorcising rituals and when that didn't work were just straight up slain.

Recent research has shown the opposite to be the case: autism correlates with androgyny. It's the spergs that are the "soyboys".


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"extreme male brain" doesn't mean you're into cars and lifting and fucking Staceys or some shit. it refers to a certain way of the brain to function. you're a retard and so are the authors of this.

That's likely what happened with the retards, I was more talking about the high-functioning aspie types.

These things were probably seen differently during pagan times as opposed to the advent of Abrahamic religions as well.

Look up the imprinted brain theory. It's not just appearing physically masculine or feminine, it's about having a brain with dominant male or female traits. Autism is male, schizophrenia is female. Autists have lower rates of cancer, schizophrenics higher. Autists are more likely to be FtM, schizophrenics MtF.

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Thank you. This thread is full of shit, but your post is truly valuable.

that was actually supposed to be a flase flag joke of mine, notice reddit spacing and all

in fact gender is a spook and autism also is a spook, let's stop getting involved in this shitty topic

This whole thread makes me wanna die and destroy everything I see
I’m a genetic fuck up made from mongrelization then
Everyone is my enemy
Fuck life

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This is unironically a much better attitude to have than the sickening oversocialized leftoid "you must like people to be a communist and misanthropy is bad" one that even people on this board and Zig Forums seem to have

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The proper attitude is to stop attributing meaning to human noise

this is so hilariously wrong and retarded and demonstrates part of what is wrong with popular psychology.

I hated most every individual I’ve ever met, but I also have a deep love and forgiveness towards them due to Roman Catholic upbringing which instilled in me a love for humanity as an ideal.


Shut up


The age of the normie is over. The age of the sperg has begun.


This is literally muh social construct bs. It´s primarely a matter of health, not of socioeconomics. Ok some retard whill start with muh autism epemic and how thats propaply due to the rising alienation and atomization within our society. But thats bs, the main reason why there are more children diagnosed with autism, is that docters are now better at detecting it. And there isn´t a bif economic motive to misdiagnose people with autism, if you want a reason to give a kid pharmaceuticals, just diagnose it with adhd. A child that has meltdowns will get narcoleptics/antypsychotics or other calming drungs anyway, no need for a fake diagnosis. The effort of creating a made up disorder, convincing the public and the scientific community that it exists and/or (mis)diagnosing lots of children with it in order to sell drugs to them, is just to difficult to pull of, and unprofitable or propably not profitalbe enough for porky. Especially the since autism (especially infantile autism/kanner syndromor low fuctioning autism) has a very specific set of symthoms which are neccesary for a diagnose. It´s also not that common one in 59 children, to be exact. Again not very profitable, which isn´t axactly what proky likes.
t. guy who works in special child/youth care.

i hate how people just throw around the word "spook" as if it explains anything by itself, and often enough the ones using it have no idea what they mean by it
it's nothing more than a poor rhetoric substitution of materialistic analysis
please don't pay this cancer no mind

That they're "detecting" it at all is itself remarkable. It means that this society is one in which it is viewed as necessary to detect such a thing or in which the thing is being expressed to such an extent that its detection (and classification) is needed to integrate such people into functioning within society, when in former times it wasn't. It isn't that the smattering of somewhat linked symptoms doesn't result from some material reality in the brain–it does–, but that we've been forced socially into a construct called "autism" by which we represent it as a singular entity out of and against pure indeterminacy. That is why it deserves to be analyzed as more than simply a "disease" (the disease model as ideology is similarly interesting, though).

Very good post. Thank you!

Is there some reason it couldn't be both?

Wouldn't you be one of the "minions" he describes in the OP, I am not sure why that user would trust you

That's an absolutely insane strawman. His claim is that people maintaining the capitalist childcare system (e.g. you) have adopted "autism" as an ideological construct to explain away the effects of capitalist alienation on children. It has nothing to do with crazy profit-making schemes. That's something you've made up yourself.

I am not telling you to hate anyone, really. I am just tried of getting swarmed by faggots every time I just simply stating that I don't like people in a leftist space, even on the so called politically incorrect ones. Its not like I think they owe something to the capitalist system because of that.

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thank fucking god, i thought i was going insane in here, and maybe i still am but fuck it. glad you guys exist

Every time I see the word "ideology", I just cringe.

There are only two ideologies: Capitalism, Communism. THERE IS NO 3rd WAY OUT.

Monarchism/feudalism, classical slave civilisation and hunter/gatherer tribal agrarianism are the others you forgot to mention.
That's prety much about it.

This is a false flag thread created so that Zig Forums could have its own version of that one "the jews invented autism" screencap

What about religion?

No its probably legit and actually raises a good point, but you normalfag leftists don't ever want to question official narrative on anything, don't want to know about it and don't want to think about it, yet somehow you're against the capitalist system. Honestly fuck you.

Op really poorly communicated what he ment in the op.

gender is literally a factually non-existent concept planted in our minds as a social construct, gender defines a fucking spook. there are only sexes - defined biologically by genitals. think about it, trans people are literally the most spooked bunch because they believe they need to change themselves physically, their sexes to change their gender, which is a bunch of bullshit. you can for example be a woman without the need to ever do hrt, without shaving your beard, without losing muscle mass etc. because how our society sees men/women as opposite to each other has no basis in reality. there are people who naturally look androgynous and they alone crumble any notion of that gender is real. this concept is also used to control people in society - "you're a man/woman, so you need to do this and not that" and this is exploited in a capitalist society to a great effect (gender based marketing, gender assigned jobs etc.) think about it for a second

Social constructs exist though, they are a material force.

But in the end, some people understood what I've meant, so it wasn't that bad what I wrote.

I don't think one should confuse something that exists due to material forces with something that is per se a material force. Social constructs are fabrications of ideology. Ideology is not unrelated to material reality, yet it isn't the same as that reality.

hurrr durrr global warming is mcdonalds

It can be potentially depending on the individual but saying that they're necessarily equivalent is complete retardation.

That's not wrong.

Even Lenin wrote, that we should be sceptical towards hyped trends in science. In regard to freudian psychoanalysis, he was totally right and the same should we do with the Asperger-thing.

"The extension on Freudian hypotheses seems `educated,' even scientific, but it is ignorant, bungling. Freudian theory is the modern fashion. I mistrust the sexual theories of the articles, dissertations, pamphlets, etc., in short, of that particular kind of literature which flourishes luxuriantly in the dirty soil of bourgeois society. I mistrust those who are always contemplating the several questions, like the Indian saint his navel. It seems to me that these flourishing sexual theories which are mainly hypothetical, and often quite arbitrary hypotheses, arise from the personal need to justify personal abnormality or hypertrophy in sexual life before bourgeois morality, and to entreat its patience. This masked respect for bourgeois morality seems to me just as repulsive as poking about in sexual matters. However wild and revolutionary the behavior may be, it is still really quite bourgeois. It is, mainly, a hobby of the intellectuals and of the section nearest them. There is no place for it in the Party, in the class conscious, fighting proletariat.”

That applies to non-Marxist schools of economic thought (any of them) as a "science", not global warming.

spoken like a legitimate, honest-to-lenin autist.

i'll take it as a compliment.

ur dick is a neurological disorder lel

As someone also diagnosed with a high functioning version of it, very very agreed. We in general shouldn’t trust most bourgeois classifications of mental health, they’re often just the lumping in of thousands of distinct flavor or alienation. Like when I’ve met lower functionioning Asperger or autist people, I see little similarities to myself, in every way that they think an act, or even with each other.
And just take for example, the labeling of anti-authority attitudes being a part of symptoms for sociopathy. Hmmmm….

Thank you! You understand what I mean!

Asperger himself actually was the guy who first diagnosed autism - he was dealing with much more severe cases, but for some reason "Asperger syndrome" now describes very mild "cases" which only rarely touch on the severe dysfunction Asperger himself worked with.

Autism is real, but I'm not really convinced or certain anymore that Asperger's syndrome (as it is used today) falls under it. And in spite of your bait, I agree to an extent that Asperger's syndrome is actually massively overdiagnosed and not entirely coherent in its definition. A lot of these people are just nerds - their behavior may be strange but they ultimately do not experience any massive disabilities which should impair them the way that actual full-blown autism would. And what's worse is that Asperger's is now frequently an early childhood diagnosis - which means young children who smell or get in fights or are shy may be diagnosed accordingly.

In child psychology, the customer is the parent. If you insinuate that they are doing something wrong, they can just leave. If you insinuate that the behavior in their child which they or others dislike is actually relatively normal (because kids are stupid and gross), they can just leave. But if you say the child needs special care and prescribe them drugs, you get to keep the patient, make more money, and avoid scrutiny. Children then develop an identity around it - that they're special, weird, perhaps violent and incapable. It's a dependent mentality in the end, and it's wrong, but it's reinforced by their continued reliance on shrinks and the overbearing martyr-like role taken on by the parents of "special" kids regardless of how much those kids actually need it. The parents reinforce these aspects, and make them demonstrably worse on into adulthood than they otherwise would be. There are lots of them who would still be weird, but weirdness isn't in itself so disabling.

It's what ADD was in the 90s

Autism as a spectrum right than and there tells you these doctors don't really give enough shits to classify it specifically. Because if some are functional and others blithering retards it's clearly not the same mental illness.

What it is is an easy way to write off people's social awkwardness stemming from alienation, rejection, and negative reinforcement. Yeah raise a generation of kids who get tortured at school, home, and online reminded time and time again their feelings mean nothing, they're to shutup and do as they're told, and they're not even entitled to the most basic things like healthcare and a loving waifu.

Gee I can't imagine why everyone's autistic

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