As for us...

Why was he so based?

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cuz he rite

I’m going to take this quote and put a picture of Stalin next to it and see if any ☭TANKIE☭s notice

I have to give it to him, that is one badass quote

Bet you guys also didn’t know that Mark Twain was /ourguy/.

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Fucking based


make up your fucking minds people

You know the French Revolution was a liberal revolution and is celebrated by the liberal intelligentsia as such? Only crypto-reactionaries are sad about the dead aristocrats.

Jacobin proto-anarchists were the real heirs of the French Revolution.

The French revolution was objectively a positive thing from a socialist perspective and deserves to be celebrated. However plenty of modern liberals whine and cry about those poor aristocrats, so when you see one who recognizes the value of an actual revolution it’s a good thing.

My sympathies are with the Russian revolution, of course. It goes without saying. I hope it will succeed, and now that I have talked with you I take heart to believe it will. Government by falsified promises, by lies, by treachery, and by the butcher knife, for the aggrandizement of a single family of drones and its idle and vicious kin has been borne quite long enough in Russia, I should think. And it is to be hoped that the roused nation, now rising in its strength, will presently put an end to it and set up the republic in its place. Some of us, even the white-headed, may live to see the blessed day when czars and grand dukes will be as scarce there as I trust they are in heaven.

Most sincerely yours,

"I am most emphatically in sympathy with the movement now on foot in Russia to make that country free," he went on. "I am certain that it will be successful, as it deserves to be. Anybody whose ancestors were in this country when we were trying to free ourselves from oppression must sympathize with those who now are trying to do the same thing in Russia.

Very few celebrate the French Revolution in the English-speaking world. Usually it's something like: "it started out fine, but the poor royal family and those evil Jacobins!"

The eternal 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Anglo)) strikes again

We need decaf revolution memes

fuck you :DD

Beady eyes, Anglo lies
Muffled Aryan women's cries
Aryan children, big and small
Bomber Harris kills them all
Left, right, right, left
Anglo sows the seeds of death
Not a stone is left to stand
When Anglo flies across the land
After starting World War One
The Anglo's work was still not done
So joining with the Pole and Jew
He made a new one: World War Two
To sate his thirst for Aryan blood
That he wanted, that he got
Now Dresden is devoid of cheer
Hans have fear; the Anglo is here

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He deserved that icepick to the head.

wtf i love anglos now

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He did have a lot of pretty cool quotes

Source: An interview with Mateo Fossa "Anti-imperialist struggle is key to liberation"

If only Trots were as based

If he said that here he would get banned for advocating regime change in Brazil.

I hate sectarian memeing sometimes

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It's just meme-ing. Dislike for Thotsky is due to party politics and realpolitiks, not ideological sectarianism. ⛏️rotskyISTS, however, are turbo brainlets. most of them, anyway.

You know there was a liberal revolution in Russia before the Bolsheviks took over?

I’ll take a liberal with balls over one who lacks the spine to admit that killing Louis XVI was a good thing.

post more cool quotes

Wanting Assad to win against imperialist-funded reactionaries does not mean we necessarily want Assad to stay in power forever.