how about we take a look at the grand international Jewish masonic order and we debunk it ,Ive been tired to argue with nazis all day about it,and its been getting kinda boring and annoying so i'm trying to make a filled with shit that can debunk this conspiracy like screen caps ,sources etc also if u find some of Zig Forums proofs and screencaps and debunk them that would be great ,
Debunking the conspiracy
Other urls found in this thread:
you know it's funny, the only group in that picture that is not only real but whose influence in everything is readily verifiable are the jews
makes you think eh! gets the old steaks sizzling hmm?
are your protons polarized yet? are your axons activated?
this is going in why communism works folder
ive been actualy looking for this one thank you
the talmud quotes u saw in the jpg are fake ,they are not ,but alot of them are not even from the talmud ,and i'm not a supporter of israel ,i think its an imperialist colony of the usa ,but nazis take zionism out of proportion ,zionism in the world is not that strong
i don't what is it with me but i can't spell today
i wanted to say that the jpg talmud quotes in the jpg are not fake but taken out of context ,i just woke and can't type shit for some reason
Shit excuse rabbi.
This thread is gonna generate a lot of butthurt, mods might as well stick around
top kek, saved
fucking hysterical
more like
take that fucking flag off, you're no anarchist
Oh of course, what sources were missed? Your blogspot? Your wordpress blog?
lmao epic win libs btfo XDDD
now just add pepe somewhere in there to really drive it home fellow pede XD maga!!1
triggered cuck???????
some of those weren't from the talmud as seen in the jpg
This thread should show op how to deal with people who believe in fascist conspiracies its to :
Cultural Revolution them
im not reading all this disorganized and disjointed shit. what a terrible jpg
Mulattos>kikes>pure bloods
You see, OP, that's the problem. The grand Jewish conspiracy is a faith-based, unfalsifiable belief. You can't really "debunk" it because it isn't rooted in anything material. Jews are part of a cabal that cannot be materially explained or refuted, because Nazis' worldview is centered around a metaphysical conception of "Jewishness"
This isn't nazism or a metaphysical conception.
Fuck right off
ebin win lmao XD
you know ive been researching the Letter from Baruch Levy to Marxand found a neat site that explained why it was a
but the paper never told us how Marx responded
also the site does a pretty good job a debunking other zionist quotes also did any anybody read Morris book and have a pdf of it?
Still failing to see any pictures that present these facts
Hm…makes you think, doesn't it?
half the â˜TANKIEâ˜s here probably believe that the Germans did Katyn
Irish people are the master race. I bet your a anglo abortion.
I'm pretty sure the Germans actually did Katyn.. Have you checked the sources yourself?
Its just like all the other "crimes" of Stalin. modern media has regurgitated the same Nazi and cold war propaganda to cover up any and all actual information with mass missinformation, making their point of view de facto "historical".
pizza man opened the soviet archives during perestroika which apparently confirmed the NKVD was responsible.
Sadly I don't speak Russian, so I can't personally verify what the documents say.
The judeo-masonic hegemony practices, promotes, and defends the ritual sexual abuse of children. This is an indisputable fact.
Semitic violence kills more children in the US than gun violence does.
jewish circumcision is a practice that is meant to protect the child actually,because the jews and arabs lived in hot deserts were the skin could be infected more easily ,before modern medicine (witch makes the procedure obsolete) so cutting the foreskin on the genitalia was the smart thing to do back then ,and i found a pretty good article explaining why americans practice circumcision even tho i agree its not good and its not
Translation of the document on the picture for those who cannot read or speak russian. The "there is" sentences are because of the english word order, instead of a direct translation and complicated sentence structure.
To comrade STALIN.
There is currently a large amount of former polish army officers, former polish policemen and members of intelligence organizations, members of polish nationalist counter-revolutionary (k-p, abbreviated further as c-r) parties, participants of covert c-r insurrectionary organizations, defectors in prison camps for prisoners of war of the NKVD USSR, and in prisons in the western parts of Ukraine and Belarus, They all appear to be sworn enemies of soviet rule, full of hatred for the soviet system.
POW officers and policemen present in the camps are trying to continue c-r work, leading the antisoviet agitation. Everyone of them awaits liberation, so they will have the opportunity to actively join the fight against the soviets.
The NKVD branches in western Ukraine and Belarus uncovered the series of c-r insurrectionary organizations. Former polish army officers, former policemen and constabularies played the leading role in all these c-r organizations.
Amids of arrested defectors and intruders of the (presumably border of the country but the page ends).
I suggest you give this a read:
I don't speak Russian either, but I know that in Russian its not as settled as it seems to be in the English speaking web.
I'm sure its just a coincidence that 48% of american billionaires are Jewish out of a Jewish population of 1.5%
It would be the same with or without jews doing that. The jews had a kickstart wealth wise because they were forced into mercantilism and banking by christinaity..
You know why jews are billionaires its because Christians before Martin luther cound't be bankers so they made the jews do the banking
Sure, it's not. And?
This isn’t the case. It’s 22% at most.
I just want him to make a point.
It should be decently easy to check.
Billionaires the world over:
American billionaires:
There are approximately 2,208 billionaires globally and approximately 540 American billionaires.
tbqh idk if this was a shit thread or a good thread
You guys correctly see modern globalist capitalism as the enemy, which it certainly is, but you fail to see that it is a construct of the Jewish financial elites that
The system we have today that pits workers all over the world against each other to drive down wages and make them dependent on their corporate masters was created and maintained by these banking Jews after they took over the american and British industrial sectors and later the german and French ones too after ww2.
The first companies to outsource to China for example were textile mills owned by Jewish financiers like Robert kuhn who had friends and representatives on the CCP Politburo (Israel Epstein, Sidney Shapiro and some others I dont remember off the top of my head.)
ah yes, the old interdimensional Satanic Jewish Socialists control the world and Capitalism is freedom meme.
Messed up my post should have been
*that emerged from the prominence they enjoyed in finance during the 17th-19th centuries
Good. Now just replace "Jews" with "owning class". Don't be an idealist, Judaism doesn't lead to capitalism. The jews were just lucky with their position and how capitalism developed.
Capitalism existed before WW2. It's not "globalist financial capitalism" that is the enemy, it is any form of capitalism. We know there are disproportionately powerful and wealthy jews, it just doesn't mean a god damn thing. Remove the system and they will lose their power, remove jews from the system and other races will simply pick up the slack. Like they did in Nazi Germany lmao.
Its totally true that if say all Jews retired tomorrow the system would just roll onwards with whites and Chinese in charge, but you can't separate it from the fact that the currently extant economic and political machinery of modern capitalism originated with and is largely under the control of the Jewish financial elite. Until you face up to that truth our movements will be destined to fail or end up the way China is today as a form of authoritarian state capitalism.
True, but globalist financial capitalism is exponentially worse for the worker because he/she is simultaneously competing with all workers in the world.egardless of the spread in marginal costs rather than say, scabs from a neighboring town who while they might work for slightly cheaper won't work for 10% as much like a warehouse full of Laotian orphans will. It also places regulations and restrictions on capitalism outside the scope of national governments with supernational entities like the WTO and world bank which acts to remove the ability of workers to democratically influence the situation through their national govts. Neither type is good but what we have now is far worse
In what way is that truth, if it is indeed truth (not really, or only in part), in any way important and beneficial to "our movement"? Our movement is about opposing the ruling classes as a whole, not analyzing the phrenology of every individual capitalist and reading the talmud. Stop being an idealist
You have to understand your enemy if you want to beat them, and having a vague idea that "we're against the ruling class" simply is not a complex enough conception of the problem to lead to effective solutions. If we want to win we can't just run headfirst into this wall like we have so many times before without real lasting success. A successful strategy will be based on exploiting factional splits in the ruling class to pit them against each other and dissolve the supernational power structures that in turn trickle down into and exert power over national governments. Once that is accomplished or at least on its way we will have the opportunity to exert influence nationally but until then we're just pounding sand.
AIPAC is a great example of this, they are above partisan politics and give tens-hundreds of millions to dems and Republicans each year and have branches active in every western country. Getting rid of forces like that that unify the political establishment against the people is essential to any lasting success.
There is no reason to debunk anything. It's a waste of time arguing with brainlets like neonazis from Zig Forums
They are in autopilot mode. There is no point in trying to turn them. They are too far gone to save.
Not all jews are high ranking piggys but most high ranking piggys are jews.
Only two groups in that picture are real.
You resemble your own remark.
Bullshit, jews have always been loan sharks.
That's a verse from the Torah.
jews are loan sharks because their fairytale god instructed them to be loan sharks.
They weren't forced into it. Jews have always sheisty loansharks.
Jews in the Middle ages were imposed restrictions on many occupations, so some of them resorted to moneylending. Usurious loans were common in Rome and other pre-christian empires and I don't see you complaining about it.
Excessive interest was considered immoral. Not all christians banned loans. Just high interest loans, a jewish specialty…
Tbh I don't get what all the fuss is about famalam
I mean you are literally fighting against God if you want to dethrone the Jews from their position of power. What sort of idiot would want to go against the creator of the universe? Maybe you're satanic or pagan or an atheist retard idk.
Oops meant for
Well, he is the only notable living english writing guy we have and I haven't seen any valid refutation so far.
This shit again. It is a well known fact to anyone who has done more than 5 minutes of research that the Katyn "documents" gorbachev pulled out (in package No. 1) were debunked as frauds during the trial of the Communist party of the USSR during the 90s.
I have yet to see a SINGLE person debunk Furr with anything more than feels>reals
No one has ever presented any evidence that Furr's evidence was fraudulent, compelled by torture or threats, or that the evidence he presents has been tampered with unless he explicitly mentions it. The most you can say is that he's biased, but there is no such a thing as neutrality in history, Furr is objective and that is what matters.
No u
Ah yes the power of nu-atheism on full display right here.
Also that section follows the call for establishing a debt jubilee. Doesn't seem all that conspiratorial to me.
Yeah but the debt jubilee is only for the jews, not for the goyim. Israel was to be accorded a supreme position of power under the Old Covenant.
why do all of my posts that BTFO this entire board into eternity keep on getting censored
take a hike, moderator kike
I don't care if God is real or not. I'm still going to follow his law!
Wanna see something fun about Furr?
I read some of this, what is your point exactly?
shity jpeg tbh
just in case this wasn't posted
What do you guys think of this?
What is the point of this thread? It is fact that Jews have a lot of power through money and connections. They also have an agenda when it comes to influencing the media, whether it is due to a religious conspiracy or regular propaganda doesn't make it less of a reality. Is someone really going to deny this?
As for the Holocaust, it did happen, however, it wasn't a direct extermination order. Jews were put in ghettos before the war, labour camps during the early stages of the war, and these camps turned into a complete and utter bloodbath when Germany started losing the war. The soldiers managing the camp had absolute orders to not let any prisoners escape, killing any who attempted. This meant that during allied air raids Jewish prisoners were bombed, and were not allowed to run away and seek shelter. If they did they would get shot for escaping. It meant that during food shortages they were given scraps or nothing. Their weakened physical state and poor living conditions meant that illness was widespread, and there were no supplies to cure these illnesses. It also meant that when the Soviets were closing in, the prisoners were taken out of the camps and escorted on foot, even during the winter. Where many froze to death. All because of those absolute orders.
The end result is the same, but the reason is more of a weird form of neurosis. By demonizing the soldiers under Hitler does nothing but hide the odd psychological aspects which led to this. A fear and loathing of Jews, caused by the Jewish revolts during WW1, the in-group mentality of Jews, the Jewish influenced (not dominated) governments crippling Germany after WW1, with the largest funders of war being bankers, where Jews are overrepresented. All projected onto any regular Jew, without any connection to these abovementioned factions. It didn't help that Jews often supported the idea of changing the status quo, which can be perceived as hostility against German values. These causes make for an interesting psychological study on a nationwide scale. But I guess that instead of learning from the past, we rather want to sell movies and books about how 6 million Jews were transported in trolleys straight into a gas chamber or oven, by the literal incarnation of Satan and his demon minions.
amazing, nothing you said was true
Sure it was, the Allied forces bombed indiscriminately. Many accounts of Army/Air Force pilots going on bombing sorties not for any strategic reason but to simply boost their numbers and get more promotions.
The US out manufactured Nazi Germany by stupid amounts and ran out strategic industrial targets early in the war.
The US had a LONG history of genocide, Hitler got the idea for the ethnic cleansing FROM the US and their genocide of Native Ameicans during Manifest Destiny. Not just the idea, but all the logistical, social, and military innovations that the US Army invented that made that genocide possible.
The sources are correct.
They changed what was written in those books. The originals were different.
No, good portions of the diary were written in ballpoint pen. It doesn't matter anyway, because the Holocaust was a lie.
You'd be better off making an image macro about WASPs since they worked with the jews against the Irish. It is just inaccurate and badly researched, which is ironic in a thread like this; trying to debunk the reality of jewish supremacism everywhere you look.
why does Zig Forums defend the Jewish bourgeoisie so ardently
I'm guessing that most of this board is made up of childless bitches on the rag.
I bet anyone who bitches about people generalizing are huge pussy virgins
Yes of course, not all of you want to genocide jews, you just want to ship them to Madagascar :^)
Kulak detected.
Filter. Report. Delete. Repeat.
I looked into the links in that image. It was just