Post-Colonialists on suicide watch
Jason Unruhe on suicide watch
Muke on suicide watch
David Sherratt on suicide watch
EVERYONE on suicide watch
Pierre's New Video
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Take out the garbage Clancy
It is pretty based
Waiting for free for all battle debate
Instead of listening to an idiotic e-celeb for 30 minutes "BTFO'ing" other useless e-celebs you could actually read about this from a theoretical perspective and learn about 10 times more:
Pierre is fascist sympathizer?
I'd say the Pol Cols are a bit closer to the far right if anything
He could have addressed the Marcyite Dengist camp, while they do overlap with Pol Cols and MTW's there are still differences I'd say and arguments specific to them that need to be refuted.
Post Cols*
The sequence beginning at 00:00:43 was fucking amazing. Very nicely edited.
His argument against third worldism is dumb. Of couse unequal exchange happens, everything has a value and you can get scammed. Of course it could be that third world workers are just more exploited and this would explain it to. As with the mechanization, have you seen China? This sort of thing hasn't been going on long so they haven't had to tap into the labor power in africa or other third world nations but third world nations are normally more mechanized than first world economys which are largely based on services. His thing about labor time is nonsense and doesn't explain anything. Why would wages go up with mechanization? Due to the falling rate of profit, the rate of profit should go down. And unequal exchange is still taking place because we now have a global market in which prices are global not localized. "Mechanization of production in the digital era" This is bullshit. China has just as much mechanization of production, the onlything the US is ahead of in is fictious digital capital.
have some undiagnosed mental disability that makes it hard to read for more than a paragraph at a time but i can watch videos and hear podcasts pretty well
No, you're just lazy and stupid.
Exploitation happens at production, not exchange.
Yes, but super profits can be created through an unequal exchange.
Say you have a coat worth 2 dollars and I have an apple worth 3 dollars. Even though these items are worth different amounts, if I'm forced into it or I really need the coat we could still trade. You gain a super profit and I lose out on what I should have gotten. No additional value was created but value was transferred through an unequal exchange.
So, is Chine under the boot of US imperialism?
The USA is extracting wealth from China, yes. Do you consider that imperialism?
Horribly wrong take. China is extracting wealth from all the industrialized western societies and giving a portion of it to their workers so they don't complain while they continue to mint more billionaires than even AmeriKKKa.
How do you figure?
How do you define wealth, as in material resources, products or money?
Ok, so because China can sell low due to low wages, the recipient countries' proles are better off. Ok, still I don't see where the imperialism is. Also Chinese products don't just go to the US. They also go to poorer countries like Spain, Greece etc, does that mean those countries are imperialist?
yeah people ITT need to read a book. here's another good one:
To be honest I just came up with this idea of unequal exchange and I'm not sure where to go with it.
false, China has only succeeded in getting a slightly better deal than the other developing countries.
oh wait I just realized it's David Harvey. STAY AWAY FROM THAT BOOK.
Yes but aren't they also imperialists in africa?
Read that fucking chapter I cited. It's all right.
nah it's bad, Harvey has been BTFO by Cockshott, John Smith, and Michael Roberts at least.
Yeah he does, maybe he doesn't in the specific chapter you're shilling, but overall Harvey is brain poison.
"read the fucking CHAPTER"
Why the fuck was this anchored? Is the BO so fucking stupid that he actually thought this was a pro imperialist video?
e-celeb shit, OR… this hypocrite is vol/BO:
The bumplock timing would suggest the latter.
This guy's a tard. Read Settlers.
Read Chokondis
no, read marx and lenin
stop reading