Bulgarian authcom newspaper

So I was watching a documentary about Bulgarian prison camps and one of the communist state papers at the time threw me for a loop. Here's the three arrows symbol, which itself represents being anti-authoritarian socialism. What's up with this? Is really so common for authleftists to just so brazenly co-opt libertarian left symbolisms like this?

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-07-30 01:20:23.png (569x412, 119.89K)

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Authoritarian Libertarian is a false dichotomy made by anarchists.
You can call yourselves whatever you want, we are Communists.

Absolutely wrong and no thank you.

History tells another story

Like, all the times the authleft murder the libleft?
I mean, that is in fact happening in this documentary I'm watching right now. Again. Like most others.

Liblefts are just fascists in denial. They 100% deserved it.

You mean all those times anarchists failed to defend their revolutions or those times they sabotaged us?(Looking at you Makhno)
Because you Anarchists have eaten all the cold war and Nazi propaganda doesn't change the fact that a revolution is the ultimate assertion of authority of the proletariat and during its defense class contradictions sharpen.
If you want to live in dreamland go ahead, just don't hope for anything in the material world.

How is being against the existence of a state and centralization of power, and being for it, a false dichotomy?

Elaborate, FBI.

The requirement of authority to uphold a revolution uproots any dichotomy of authoritarianism between communists.
History has shown that Anarchists either had to compromise and use a state to prolong their revolution or face defeat.


Can you use words to describe what you mean?

as expected from an anti-communist memetualist

I don't get it. Authoritarian leftism exits. Me and you are anarchists, in the libertarian left, which itself is distinguishable because of the existence of the authoritarian left. What do you mean? When did I even say I'm anti-communist? I'm not?

I have more in common with MLs than your right-deviationist interpretation of socialism.

Attached: dr kill.png (640x640, 277.95K)

What? Buddy no, heck even these ideas were developed years before others. Anarchism is in no way right wing. How on earth can can the older ideas be deviations? That doesn't make any sense.

He is attacking you because of your mutualist infection, which in fact is a right deviation.

Gosh you're being rude. No, it's not right wing, and using "deviation" like that is just wrong english. I'd like saying the oil lamp is a deviation from the light bulb. For the oil lamp to even be a deviation of the light bulb it would need to come *after* the light bulb and then do something different from being a source of light.

I'm not using deviation historical but in comparison to today's material conditions requirements of a socialist.


This. I know mutualism predates ancom but I don't see why you would stick to Proudhon's autism instead of upgrading anarchism with Kropotkin and some Marx.

I'm pretty sure "socialist" is an umbrella term for a vast array of ideologies which are against capitalism and seek to replace it in some way which reorganized power to the workers. How this is done is where the many different ideologies come in.

According to the later proposals of his that I've read, yeah, he was. But aside from that, no, I don't stick to it, I just like it. I'm an Anarchist. That can mean so many things for any one individual in an anarchist society. You could work on a giant film production project in the morning that is organized in an anarchist-mutualist way, ride a train home that is run in a anarcho-syndicalist way, and arrive at your neighborhood which is an anarchist commune. It's anarchism, there won't be a state to intervene in how individuals organize themselves.

I just wanted to talk about the socialist Bulgarian states use of the iron marches three arrows symbol.

Bulgarian press killed Rosa Luxemburg confirmed.

Couldn't have know you weren't that much into mutualism. Anyway, markets even in supposed classless society don't do away with the profit motive, capital accumulation and competition.
It seems to me, not unlike ancaps mutualists rely on some form of collective morality.

What if people decide after accumulating enough capital that they'll become capitalist businesses, undercutting and out-competing regional competition and start forming monopolies?