halfchan /bant/ here.
It seems to us that you have mistaken the apolitical climate of /bant/ as an invite for your shills to come and attempt to promote ANTIFA threads and left wing ideology, i must stress that on behalf of /bant/ we rigorously disapporve of this blatant mongering on your behalf, and would like you to cease ANTIFA threads immediately, /bant/ is an inherently apolitical board and we are quite happy this is so, consider this a formal protest against unsolicited shilling from what likely originates this board.
Thank you for your time.
Halfchan /bant/ here
We dont come to your retard website. Consider the possibility that other people beside the
Do people seriously go on /bant/?
That said it's not us or it's not organized we don't even have the numbers to do such thing. Is probably a Zig Forumsyp false flagging.
Also the board is really split on antifa too, so that's a dead give away that is not us
no one cares about your dead meme board
The antifa threads are made by Amei(or whatever his name is) using a proxy.
Only a retard would take the b8 seriously
It's not dead ;(
It isn't us. In fact, most people on this board are split on antifa
funny how you refer to a namefag as if we would know him
There are people like me who considers them a joke, damaging to our image and simply not communist but glorified liberals
Other people like them
He's well known in /bant/
How well known :3
Too soon!
I'm ANTIFA supersoldier commando leader-collective BPP. Ask me anything.
what does bbp mean?
Oi, is that Dramatical Murder?
Fuck off, though.
tell me what BPP stands for first
Fuck you 4/cuck/
antifa is the best chance we have to achieve leftism
It's my real initials. You'll never crack it!
A fellow supersoldier! Hail Soros!
How to get paid by soros?
Check this out
what makes you think we care about anarkiddies
Because it was a shitpost, the same reason why you will be soon permabanned
What is /bant/ anyways?
best board on 4ch
/b/ with flags
are you faggots actually communists or meme communists
M8 you've got the wrong guys, we by and large dislike antifa on this site, try >>>Zig Forums
OP already made a thread on Zig Forums days ago. He's (bait) thread is not very successful so he try Zig Forums now.