Nuclear power 2: electric boogaloo

Continuing from the previous thread (not the same OP)

Anyone else becoming more and more convinced of the neef for nuclear power to supply our energy needs in the future? Wind and solar just cant be scaled up in the same way.

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I do. I don't give a shit about greenies.

This is the only green energy I need

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Nuclear power and profit-seeking and neoliberal Thatcherism are incompatible. Nuclear power could be the energy of socialism, but not of today.


Same. Except I rather not care what I get energy from wether it is from renewable or not.
Except if it is detrimental like coal or gas. I believe the greens are just being autistic about nuclear power.
Fusion here we come.

There is honestly not much reason for nuclear anymore. Wind, solar and wave are coming in hard in europe atleast and they will most likely cover their current needs for quite some time. Solar in of itself is getting ridiculously good.

Is there a counterargument to using nuclear energy in socialism?

What percentage is it tho?

Another benefit to renewables is that they are more decentralized that make it much easier for indivudual workers to supply themselves at the spot.

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The econological impact of both solar and wind are pretty hard still, and they cannot give consistent power output, which is neccecary for it to be usefull in any way. And no, we do not have enoug batteries to put all the power in, creating all those batteries would be both impossible, prohibitively expensive and really fucking bad for the environment.

Absolutely retarded and scientifically inaccurate.

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How long does it take for a solar panel to produce the energy it takes to produce it/transport it/repair it?

This is actually the real problem with nuclear. It just isn't that profitable when you factor in the cost of every step of its lifecycle. That's why, if I'm not mistaken, the vast majority of plants are run by governments but then the obvious safety issues maybe a reason for that.

Watch this if you are a "muh solar muh wind" greentard

The real problem with nuclear is how ridiculously polluting it is at most steps of its life cycle. If only for the gargantuan amount of concrete a plant needs to operate and handle its waste.
It's basically >muh clean energy myth for people who think themselves smarter than the average environmentalist activist.


it is sort of accurarate though. Houses and even factories can eqiup their roofs with solar panels to cover a large porion of their energy needs. Making renweables more widespread will make it much easier to replace coal plants and savage uranium reactors with thorium plants.

The only savagery brought to uranium was the barbarism of the imperialists. It is just a fissile material like any other.

What kind of twisted and sick person could come up with an idea of an atomic bomb, or hydrogen bomb. Sure as a thought experiment it is fine, but to actually implement this requires some profound sickness of minds and society.

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good lecture. anti-nuclear is really a feelz over realz stance.
The whole world should aspire to be like France.

forgot image

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It's a meme you dip.

A "meme" about something that is actually very important, considering its about the world that is literally becoming uninhabitable, perhaps equally or more important than stopping capitalism.

We just need thorium plants or just convert uranium ones.

Both the founder of Greenpeace and George Monbiot (Brit who has written for the Guardian about global warming) have come around to supporting nuclear power.

The funder of green peace also appeared in a PragerU video

Daily reminder that in the same month as Chernobyl, a reactor that ate nuclear waste as fuel and was inherently impossible to meltdown was tested successfully.
Porky canceled the program in '94, spending more money to scrap it than it would've taken to complete it.

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