Juan uaido and social democracy hate thread


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Alright let's begin.

I hate that faggot.

The virgin SocDem vs. the chad DemSoc

the distinction between the two is in practice basically nonexistent tbh.

I saw somewhere that they want to privatise everything but can't find a source, anyone have one?

I mean, I would consider myself a Democratic socialist, only because I’m a socialist who believes in democracy post-revolution

As opposed to MLs who don't?

Any socialism worth the name must be democratic in that sense. Even a violent revolution is technically democratic in the sense that the violent repression of bourgeois interests is the real manifestation of proletarian interests necessary to abolish that class division.


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Imagine going in the streets of Gothenburg and thinking "this society clearly needs RADICAL change"
I don't get it. I really don't.

Try going in the streets of Dhaka and not thinking that. ~Hint: NOT thinking Gothenburg needs radical change is due to the fact that Dhaka hasn't got radical change.

i.e Just because the centers of imperialism profit slightly it's still exploitation that's going on somewhere in the world.

Where are the conclusive studies showing how we are dependent on the third world labour power, when most of the things we use are produced in Europe?

Anything on dependency theory? They use actual statistical analysis too.

There is no need to go full MTW and conclude all of Europe is a shopping mall and has no domestic productive capacity at all. Large parts of the end of the global supply chain can be found here. You KNOW we don't make our own coffee, but the processing and packaging is done here, the growing goes to the lowest bidder. And even then, a lot of that industry (mostly concentrated in germany and the industry of surrounding countries, like the chemical industry in the netherlands, serves as an extension of german industry) uses cheap eastern european labour. Those countries have really lost a significant amount of domestic consumer goods production (The USSR actually had a much stronger light industry sector than modern day russia) and instead imports those from countries which fall in their periphery.

But sure, I bet life in Gothenburg will be fine and dandy if global supply chains were suddenly cut and people won't be starving after a few weeks.

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If you look up where the materials come from, most of the mining materials come from countries like Australia, Chile and Russia, wood for housing comes from Sweden and Finland, Food is grown domestically or in the EU. Only things we use from the third world are clothes and electronics.

Why do we even let social fascists post here again? They are literally capitalists. Even naziposter is more radical than cuckdems

stop hating social democracy because neoliberal/reactionary shills like to falseflag as social democrats. they are NOT social democrats including this guaido faggot who is quite obviously a neoliberal/fascist traitor of his socdem president and therefore loved by LIBERAL imperialist media.
real social democrats, who are basically socialists, are hated by liberal media and cuckservatives probably even more than full-on ☭TANKIE☭s, because they can't paint socdem union activists as "batshit insane totalitarian extremists who killed sixhundredbillion gazillion innocent capitalists hurr durri".

nice try, porky
