How do we convert depressed fucks?

People at the /doomer/ board think the France riots are just "petty" economic problems and the french riot over anything anyway. Where we see a class war they see a Nazi masturbation fantasy, they think the world is going to shit, but not for the same reasons we do.

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If they think economic problems see "petty" then they are probably children and our petit bourg (or worse).

Don't bother.

Fixed that for myself.

Lumpens are not revolutionary

Practically speaking if they seem harder to agitate than others, it isn't worth your time. But we aren't all productive revolutionaries or something so if you have an affinity for depressed anons then try your best to get them interested. Seems difficult to me, people who are hopeless seem more likely to act like hikis. They don't like how they live, but all they want to do is consume media and be left alone because it's the most comfortable way to exist while hopeless.

I'd rather talk about cheering depressed Gorillas tbh.

I am lumpen and i am also a ml.

Words < Deeds

We don't. We need mass appeal. I would deport those depressed fucks to the moon if it would establish Communism.

Nailed it.

Don't bother with /doomer.
Most of them are right-wing nihilists. They only care about establishing a white ethnostate where women, brown people, gays, trannies, and non-macho men are eternal pariah-servants.

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You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
Once a person gets too far into the nazi masturbation fantasy no amount of convincing or reasoning is going to pull them out of it, at that point it's up to fate and changing circumstances.

Unironic support for fascism (including "ironic" fascism) is s function of class interests. You can't save an internet nazi, only pray that they are underage. The ones that aren't literal children are petit bourg trash that would reject communism even if they understood it perfectly.

We are literally shitposting on an imageboard fucking stop you self-righteous faggot. You are not a fucking revolutionary who should be deferred to on matters of praxis because like 99% of the people on this board, you probably don't do anything. I wonder why you don't call into question the commitment of the petit-bourgs when they proclaim their flavour of the month ideology? You're probably fucking one yourself. I bet you don't even fully understand all the intricacies of Lumpen as a class because you're unable to think critically and just regurgitate 2nd hand takes from other people who don't read either.


He's right and I'm also a lumpen. I've been neet for the last six years except for two weeks where I had a job. I quit because of "anxiety" but everyone gets anxiety at work in just weak and so are you. All NEETS who end up agreeing with Marx either have to become part of the working class or kill themselves to call themselves Leftists. Otherwise we're just leeches just as detrimental to the socialist cause as capitalists.

We deserve to be purged and imprisoned just like the bourgeoisie after any hypothetical revolution because we chose to wallow in defeatism and were privileged enough to do so. No amount of larping as an ml on the internet will change that

Not sure if I would agree with this. I think a lot of "anxiety" NEETs feel is a sort of social dysfunction that sort of festers for decades that only gets worse with isolation and withdrawing into self pity or a nine hundred episode anime series.
There's skills that can be taught to help people deal with that shit, it can take a year or two but the outcome is a person who can at least hold a job and function socially at a basic level.
Perhaps this view deviates with a lot of people on this board, but if the lumpenprole (excluding fascists and their sympathizers) want a place in working society, why should they be excluded?
Especially when considering that many of the programs designed to help people with social dysfunction as well as the jobless are ludicrously underfunded in places like the United States.

Lumpenprole bullshit was Marx's only major mistake and this post is why. Everyone who has ever had a panic attack is gonna be gulaged for feigning and "defeatism".

Most of us are depressed fucks.

What the fuck is this? Mentally ill people aren't detrimental to the socialist cause just by being mentally ill. They are detrimental if they confuse their strong personal insecurities with their political ideology, which is what you are doing. "I feel like I'm a piece of shit ergo Marxists think I'm a piece of shit." Don't do that.

Defeatism is a genuine problem though.

Correct, and I never claimed to be. As I said, words < deeds, declaring yourself an ML means shit if you don’t do anything with theory

It means you're a latent revolutionary ready to openly support socialism when the time comes. That counts for a lot.

Please, don't play a gate-keeper when it comes to your political beliefs. We want as many people on our side as we can. You're hindering the socialist cause, which makes you worse than the passive supporter you're replying to.

With the coming extinction of humanity due to climate change it is really difficult to be optimistic. Like unless we kill all capitalists right fucking now we are all going to die.