Karl #Marx anime "The Leader" started airing on Monday evening. The first episode "unusual youth" has been viewed 540...

Karl #Marx anime "The Leader" started airing on Monday evening. The first episode "unusual youth" has been viewed 540,000 times & received more than 12,000 comments.

Is this the Kemono Friends of Marxism?

Attached: Global Times - Karl #Marx anime 'The Leader' started airing on Monday evening. The first episode 'unusual youth' has been viewed 540,000 times & received more than 12,000 comments. @bilibili_en-1090112300068077568.mp4 (300x500 5.16 MB, 37.78K)

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CG is truly the proletarian animation technique, it rids the work of bourgeois time-consuming hand animation done by quasi-slave labor farms in SEA.

anime it's still a shitty artsyle when you have low budget

CG still requires a lot of work, just not tweening. Skimping on budget is bourgeois, in communism we will animate on the 1s and 2s, and animators will receive the full value of their labor.
Also, Science Saru has a better solution to the tweening problem.

they actually managed to make the animation as bad as berserk 2016

youtube.com/watch?v=E40KiYBJAHM [mute the audio]

Fascist animu is superior, eat shit Dengists.

reported banned and fucked

How do I watch this?

Go to bilibili and search 领风者. You'll find the episode there. Guess it's time to watch literal chinese cartoons.

Attached: 1548545416128.jpg (214x177, 24.88K)

Hope someone will sub it.

Are they saying he's the leader of China?

Me too. Who can we count on to sub this?

We can count on a avante-garde memes from China to mistranslate it in order to own the laowai.

I like wow the first couple of seconds into the ED sounds like the international.

Attached: e80df66f4468f11cf22f2c154bba321435b7cbedc10d68e591ef00de56cad404.png (720x553 400.42 KB, 159.23K)

Attached: 1548097943901.png (832x936, 774.33K)

Posadism with chinese characteristics

he spends like of the episode with Stirner mate what are you talking about

Is this a Stirner?

Attached: Screenshot (13).png (320x577, 147.55K)

I'm not thrilled about the CG, but I will take what I can get.

engels is literally stirner open your fucking eyes

What did they mean by this?

First episode with English subtitles
