Copmala Harris laughs about putting poor people in jail

The media and elite are already trying to form a consensus on why she's the best choice for a 2020 run. We need to start educating people about her terrible record NOW before it's too late.

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The reasoning she explains through the letters to parents is baffling
"you see, these studies show a link between child truancy throughout elementary and middle school with drop-out rates in high school, and a link from that to crime as they get older. Therefore, every parent of a kid skipping school is a criminal!"

My mom allowed me to skip school a shit ton yet i'm not a criminal. Maybe i want to kill myself, but i'm not a criminal.


this goes beyond the scope of furthering her own bougie class interests or even just contempt for the less fortunate, it's straight up sadism. what the fuck.

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Kamala “big stick” Harris OWNS leftytards with FACTS and LOGIC

Top cops are cops first, bougie second. Their entire motivation always comes down to sadism and revenge taking. They would torture each other to death if there weren't consequences for it.

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Everything comes down to capital with these people. Bourgeois society was a mistake.

Nothing wrong with what she did (relating to this at least). Education makes people smarter and do better in life. If parents let their kids skip school, those kids will be more likely to be retarted and bums.

You might not be a criminal, but your still a bum.

fucking wut?


That's not the problem.
The problem is locking up poor black families on bullshit pretenses to fill up your slave labor fire fighting reserve instead of fixing the systemic racialized injustice that coincides with the symptom she is positing as the cause.

Bruh you have to volunteer to be part of the firefighting force and they only take hardened criminals who are strong and can hold a fire hose not the average fucking mom off the street.

t. brainlet who was allowed to skip school too many times by his irresponsible parents

technically true, this is me

they shouldn't be sent to jail tho

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I though this was 8ch?

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How do you volunteer to work for a dollar an hour to have a chance of being released earlier than your mandatory minimum sentence for your nonviolent drug offense (most prisoners in the state of California and also the majority of those prosecuted by Kamala)?
In what alternate reality is this voluntary? If these weren't prisoners this wouldn't be legally possible. It would be considered coercion, and it definitely wouldn't be possible to pay someone 1 dollar an hour to jump into a fire.

Also, I've seen interviews with some of the prison firefighters. A lot of them were short scrawny guys that were locked up for weed, not "hardened criminals."

Slave labor is not justifiable, regardless of whether you get a signature or not.

Sorry my bad I didn't know that you could get time off if you volunteered. Otherwise if they didn't get time off their sentence I'd say it would be voluntary and not coerced.

They teach people two things - that learning sucks and tjey better get in line.

Timmy this is why you shouldn't have skipped English class.

fuck wakanda and fuck all wakandan Americans

they were lucky to be born in such a vibranium-rich environment

Why is anyone surprised by this. You would be amazed how many DA's are former victims of violent crime. Technically these people shouldn't be allowed to because of victim complex but because no law exists to the contrary…

Anyway this is retarded
Homeschooling exists and is a right for any family, especially since public schools are often a waste of time until you reach 7th grade
Truant children won't go to school if you take away their parents or frighten their parents. They'll probably react poorly to their loved ones being forcibly taken away and forced into a place full of potentially hostile strangers, with no-one to go to for help.

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Homeschooling is a shity idea.

No they aren’t.

Public schools are a waste of time period. They're worse, actually, because they subject kids to a prison-like environment.

No they aren’t, there pretty good
t goes to public school

Holy shit, and I thought Hillary was a psycho. You can feel the crazy even if you put her on mute.

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Congrats! A rebellious teen skips school, their parents are arrested, and now they're in state custody, where

She has zero electability. Might as well give Dolan another four years if "further right black Hillary" is the best team blue can nominate.

more like Mallcop Harris, amirite?

Paul Blart memes about to get a whole lot darker

a cuking trot

go lick some boots somewhere else cunt

going to school didn't keep you from being retarded so

a fucking four

Liberals are really infuriating lmao. You don't really have public schools in my area, and I have to work 3 jobs to survive. Ok, I guess I have to go to jail now.

That isn’t the goal of the program. The goal of the program as to force parents to punish their kids, if their kids act like bums and cut class. If I was a parent I would hit my kid if he/she skipped school, but to many modern parents are to much of faggots to do that.

If Kamala runs on ending bummery I’ll vote for her. I fucking hated her guts before this video, now I kinda like her. Death to bummery.

When the trot is right, all MLs can do is repeat the fact that he’s a trot. Just like MLs were wrong about permeant revolution, your wrong when your against universal education because “muh freedumb to be a retard.”

I’m smarter than you

You aren't even a Trotskyist, you're just a neocon now.

Sure, but when your public schools teach you lies as facts and wastes your time with bullshit for years… it's a better option.
M8, I've gone through the Public school system it's a waste of time.

I like how people like to advocate school as a vital center for enlightenment and yet ignore the fact that most academia is memorizations of trivia facts to look cute and gets you no life skills, kids are forced to remain stuck in musty rooms for 15-18 years of their life, forbidden from play, getting a job, or defending against bullies. I sometimes wish adults who advocate mandatory schooling would be temporarily have their rights revoked and forced to attend a "school-like" environment for three to four seasons with the same level of freedom as many kidd have and see if they still want it.

Besides, adults loooove to talk about "education","opportunity", "success" , "liberties", etc. Well, why not allow kids to attend trade schools?

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Given how much research has been done on learning and how good infotech has become, it wouldn't be that hard to devise education programs that don't suck. Like for starters forget textbooks. Just use online resources. Even Wikipedia is more reliable than your typical textbook (and usually way more current). Teach kids to trace back sources and understand where the info comes from. Let them read in depth on the specifics of a topic that interest them. What is the point of everybody having the same cookie cutter knowledge that only matters to stansardized tests? The most effective way to learn anything is to have a motivation for it. Give the kids a real world problem and task them with learning the ins and outs to try finding a solution. It doesn't have to be a good answer or fix anything, tje point is to get them to figure shit out, self-direct, and apply knowledge skills. Sterile math problems and memorizing with flashcards is like doing alchemy at this point.

Work is worse you fucking child.

What´s the difference?

Theres always that one user who defends the corrupt.

You mother fucker, thats not the only reason kids are truant. Bullying, mental illnes, family emergency, etc. Now shut your mouth, you abusive bootlicking fuck.

People liking shit like Jordan Peterson comes directly from them not being educated in any humanities. Sending kids to grade school only is a retarded idea. Schools should build class consciousness unironically

I mean trade school only

I’m in the public school system and can confirm that it’s worth my time, and the only people who skip class are retards.

Your a retard. Did you even pat attention in class? Lot’s of stuff are learned in school.

They’ve been in school. All smart adults have.

no you aren’t. Many people makes friends in school, and socialize there.


man up faggot
If your mentally ill you should be isolated from society.

Your parents call the school and say you won’t be there one day. That isn’t cutting class.

Without grade school people would be illiterae. People would also read less books (the first books most people read are from school) and people would have very little knowledge of science.

gee i wonder why america has so many mass shootings
oh well better ban guns i guess!

Not a "fucking child", but….

Work isn't really "worse." At least with work you get paid, you can quit, and you don't have to worry about being condemned for sucking at specific academia. In the workforce, all people care about is if how good you are at the job. Most adults dont know/remember nor care about academia, yet they judge a child's morality based on how much trivia he/she can spit out.

In fact, most adults base "intelligence" off of how much "classic" pop culture you know. Adult conversations are often about sports, machinery, old TV shows/movies, and some politics. Very rarely will adults delve into pure academic stuff. In fact, young people who are merely just walking encyclopedias are often viewed as soulless, limp-wristed "betas". Intellect is only respected and appreciated if you have a hobby that allows you to express it. Why do you think NASA was the hot shit back in the 60s and 70s? Because they used their academic skills to plan spacecraft to explore other planets. The same reason McGuyver, the ultimate escape artist is also respected. He may be a nerd, but he puts his brains to use. All that knowledge isn't just for show.

Apparently grammar wasn't one of those 'stuff'.
Kid, you shouldn't even be on Zig Forums then if you're still in school.
The only subjects that were ever worth my time in public school began in 7th grade and even then the majority of what my classes entailed were things I learned from my parents or on my own before 1st grade. the only classes in which I learned anything new was because of the specific teachers I had, not the class itself. A good example is my Junior year Honors Bio class. My teacher had been teaching for 50 years and was old-fashioned in her teaching even if she did use smart-boards and the like. I learned A LOT from her, more than I learned in the past 10 years of science classes. She retired in my Senior year, and the new Bio teacher was doing nothing more than reading out of a text-book, none of the students in that class learned anything genuine, they certainly knew less than me. And I knew several of those students, they didn't skip class and they weren't stupid people, but because of how public schools are made here, there is no accountability, 1 class produces wildly different tiers of knowledge per year. The only classes worth time in public schools are taught by people who became teachers (at the latest) in the 90s and early 2000s. Colleges have the same shit. Some professors actually teach actively, producing intelligent students, while others just lecture from a tet-book, giving nothing more than a rote-memorization class, which for subjects like engineering is bad. The difference between an electrical-engineer and an electrician (for example) lies in that; the latter simply memories what wire goes where and just follows schematics, the other uses their knowledge to create something new and set it up.

Yes, except you're saying that as if schools are static. Schools and educations changes, and in the past decade it has changed for the worse.
Yeah tell him, after all, it's easy for a CHILD (a non-fully-developed human being who is easily impressionable and more affected by trauma) to man up after all, its not like kids having parents at work 24/7 (or worse being alcoholics or drug addicts) ould affect their mentality in any way. It's not like being forced into a soul-less imitation of a school is debilitating and creates thoughtless, shiftless useless people who are apathetic and ignorant to everything outside their immediate vicinity.
Hitler applauds you, as does Bedlam.
Yeah, sorry but how about if your parents are killed? Even if it were an average family emergency like a sick grandparent, that is never 1 day. not to mention missing 1 day or more creates a cycle of catch-up that is nearly impossible to end, especially in high school.
No, that's not how it works. Most kids with decent parents learn basic reading skills before school age.
citation needed. Again most people start reading before they go to school unless they have shitty parents who literally do not teach them anything.
Anyone can learn basic science from a children's science book. Grade schools don't start genuinely teaching science in any concrete manner until 7th grade in the US school system.

Again This isn't an argument against public schools as a concept. However the reality of current public schools is that they have little advantage over home-schooling aside convenience for busy parents. They just create mindless sheep for the system.

To repost from the socialist education thread
"Today's 'revised' system, based on consumerist values, or rather metrics, is different. The child is now considered the client, and it and its parents have the right to decide what disciplines they do or don't want, what teacher they do or don't like, etc. Schools and colleges merely 'deliver educational services' and have no real authority: if a kid is lazy (and its parents are not concerned), then the education system merely goes idle and lets it sit around through the prom and then merely 'terminates the contract', that is, kicks it out into the world unprepared, useless, unfit, raw material for unemployment and crime."

Kids are largely undisciplined, and with the busy parents of modern society it is up to the schools to provide this discipline. However they do not, thus leaving the child to sink or swim. Pressuring parents doesn't help because they often enough cannot do anything more, they're busy trying to make enough money to pay for the rent and food and utilities, let alone forcing their child's nose to the grind-stone. The only way to fix the problem of "truant children" is to make schools take responsibility. Schools today simply notify parents who can only tell their kid to go and cannot enforce that.

Except that learning something meaningful and useful to getting you bread on your table is better than some arbitrary search for gay allegories in obscure and poorly written fiction books. Hard sciences, and maths is what are needed

Actually I learned alot of shit in my spare time. When I was in school, the teachers dallied about in the basic chapters of science books. I learned about reproduction wandering through the science book on my own. When it came to social studies or history, same thing. I learned far more on my own time then waiting on teacher to hit the topic.

Not really. Most of them learned stuff in their spare time and went to university. Most smart adults actually advocate a reform in the current school system.

Are you a liberal?

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no shit he is.


Anyone moralizing school is being fucking retarded. Public school is the Capitalist solution to industrialization. We have all this machinery, information, etc… and we need people to utilize it. Public education is eighteen years of preparation for Capitalist society. It is no more and no less. It acclimates children to an empty, drone like, day in and day out existence. In short, it prepares them for Capitalism. It achieves no great goals. It does nothing to accelerate society. It is just as stagnant as the rest of Capitalism, and you are all incredible idiots if you can't see that as apparent. It only exists because Capitalism requires it to exist, and it is just as Capitalist as wage labour is. It is the mass production of labourers, no more and no less. You all only see it as otherwise because you have been bred to see it as such with ideas of intellectualism, genius, adventure, and so on…

This is retarded shit. Socialism isn't about rejecting everything in capitalism but about progressing past it, discarding the bad and leaving the good. Public schools existed in the USSR, yet played a different role

OP got suspended and Twitter is deleting these videos. Make copies, spread them far and wide. Don't let this cop win.

You really need to talk to some teachers. user is absolutely correct about public schools. Hell even fucking college professors will tell you that most of their freshmen are cretins. And I mean they literally are borderline illiterate and cannot think critically to save their lives.
It's actually a huge and growing problem that colleges are trying to cope with.

Oh no, the kids are forced to go to school, this is what a police state looks like!
Most civilized countries already have these kinds of laws.

School, education and philosophical pursuits are a waste of a child's productivity. Kids should spend that time working, and learning important skills. Work distracts people from vices. Children can be taught to count, and learn through singing songs while working.

Hard Work Shall Set The Children Free

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I have, if you actually bothered to read what I said, i pointed out that Public Schools are not essential for literacy, and in fact do the opposite because they are fucking capitalist public schools that are made to create useful stupid robots that can barely function as human beings.

Definitely, post webms here.



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It depends how well funded they are, both their quality and the prison aspect.

Almost took this post seriously. I need to get out of here.

Fun fact: Public schooling in North America was originally meant ONLY for teaching kids the Bible.
Critical questioning, science, and philosophy was considered criminal. Kids were meant to only follow and obey.
This paternalistic superstition still permeates in American thought four centuries later: The Scopes trial in 1925 where a teacher in a small town in at Tennessee for teaching evolution, the 1940s and 1980s red scares, the ignorant attribution of third-wave feminism, genderqueerism and welfare state to socialism, "contraception equals dystopia", and "secularity/atheism equals psychopathy".
Adults, especially religious-political right-wing ones, are nothing more than overgrown children. Thats why they crave control and conquest.

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Control and "conquest" aren't inherently bad. The problem is that they want to oppress proles instead of the bourg.

How exactly does she intend to get kids back into school once their parents are jailed over it?

It was all just a ruse to get more people in jail, user.

They dont wanna. Not just because the bourg have power over them, but bc theyre fascinated with their methods of besiegement.
White men have a hormonal, primordial love for tragedy and conflict. For them, the real reason why theyre angry is not because of being oppressed but bc they haven't found an ace to beat the game.
They want to slap and beat up women for being cheeky. They don't women to abandon feminism to become eternal tomboys, taking on masculine tasks and taking punishmemts "like a man."
Nor do they wish their kids to grow up and outlearn and outlabor life's obstacles earlier and better than their elders into owning productional means.

This is the kind of shit I care about. Saus?


Old Deluder Satan Act of 1647. One of three legislative acts for schooling of the Massachusetts colony.
Puritans wanted their kids to learn reading, math, and writing so they can read the Bible. Although, this piece of legislation wasn't strictly enforced. I think bc the kids got some basic ed, they're needed on farms and in workshops, and the elders are leery of formal schooling.

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Mfw i throw parents in jail for being poor

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