ITT: stereotypes, misconceptions etc

in this Bread we Bost shitty misconceBtions aBout gommiez/tangiez/anargiddiez/leftists in general.
ill start.jpeg

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Judging by your post, your parents are right.

i told my brainlet family about communism and it isn't particularly demonized in México but also not popular so they were like "eh"

real problems gang where you at

i live in poland you fool. communism is basically a forbidden word to say, unless you want to get the prl talk

my views are basically an eldritch abomination here

When Zig Forums thinks leftism is "globalism", is about "importing as many people from other countries as possible" etc. Completely clueless.

If you prod deeper you will find that "globalism" literally just means "global capitalism that isn't 100% controlled by the US and used exclusively for their benefit."

That’s still better than in my country

At least my org are anti imperialist. It's probably heavily monitored by the government orgs though.

rip user

they are functionally correct, you don't do anything in the political sphere except shill for mass non-white immigration into white countries. In the Gilets jaunts thread you decide to whether you want to pretend to support the gilets jaunts, or be honest an cheer for the antifa assault french people and sabotaging the protests. every time jewish involvement with mass migration is high lighted you go into the conversation to poison the well. You don't ever inform me about marxism, but you will crawl through class to shill for neocon and shitlib agendas. Fuck you edgy shitlibs.

You don't even attack the shills trying amass support for regime in Venezuela, either on 4chan or twitter

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Mind if I expropriate this epic meme my good sir?

xD epic meme

No one is doing this
Check the thread again, everyone pretty much supports the GJ. The one guy who didn't immediately caught flak for being a retarded idealist.
No one is doing this. There are leftists in GJ, deal with it.
Define "poison the well". Saying bourgeoisie of all kinds are involved in actions which either cause or benefit from mass migration isn't poisoning the well, it's stating a fact.
We have multiple threads on Marxism, a question thread, and a reading thread. Use them. No one here is shilling for Neocon or shitlib agendas, at least a quarter of the threads up right now are bashing those things and candidates who align with such things.
We literally have a thread up of exactly that you faggot. Spanish speaking anons are posting stuff in there right now.

Lurk before you post you brainlet.

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"Communists believe in equality.*"

*equality as in the current liberal definition.

babby's first ebin meme

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Stop making or spreading such shitty memes. You could just summarize the pinochet points by saying "gimme that ruined my country but worshipped by edgy kids"

Going on and on makes you look insecure or socially retarded. There's a time and place for detailed explanation, and memes are not one of them.

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long memes can work, idk, it's my opinion, man

I always had the misconception that life was a good thing

Right memes are so short becuse the right doesn't like to read or think, just look at Trumps diction and vocabulary, simple and repeats words. While to get in the far left it is mandatory that one atleast read the Communist Manifesto so they can understand the certain words we use.

If your intimidated from a meme because of its word count your probaly stupid.

We appropriate "shitty memes" into our identity. The right has snappy memes because their whole ideology is a meme. The left has different memes, ones that may be heavy handed because the content is more nuanced.

Another thing I've been thinking about is the way "cringe" plays a central role in right-wing meme culture. This aspect is less dominant in left-wing memes. We regularly try to maintain right-wing cringe threads on this board and they all die out. Instead "relateable" memes have a stronger left-wing tendency. For example, the subreddit /r/me_irl has a semi-ironic communist theme going. This is for a reason.
Cringe and relateability are two ways of dealing with personal insecurity through memes. Cringe externalizes these insecurities into an imagined other, and loudly proclaims them to be different from you. It is exactly the familiarity with them that makes the act so fascinating. Relateability proposes a more healthy coping mechanism. It identifies with the insecurity as part of a group experience, making it not a point of differentiation, but of connection. It's still otherised in some way, but this other is then taken back into the self, and what's more, it is understood as something universal among your peers.
These different mechanisms are recognizably right- and left-wing.

Is another thing that I'd take into our identity. Right-wingers are both insecure and socially retarded, but they have a way of hiding it behind a dense layer of aesthetics.
The best thing we can do is illustrate that we are all insecure and socially retarded, that it's part of the human condition. There is no magical person who lacks those traits. But we are at least less so than the right-wing, because they are too afraid to admit this about themselves and too stupid to deal with it socially.

Still better than my country

I don't think it's just that. The underlying assumptions of right wing and mainstream thought are the same. Right wing memes never have to explain anything, but left wing memes rely on concepts like labor exploitation and systemic injustices which sound like nonsense to a lot of people.

user. I grew up in a particularly poverty stricken region of America. The Appalachian mountains. Still live here. And it just blows me away how people here think a system that is rigged against them, is rigged in their favor.

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What parties exist over there?
The IWW is the only based 21st century americanism thing i know of

None i joined PCUSA, which unfortunately doesn’t really have an organized division in my state anymore. I’m sure there are more in my area but most are mega cucked by idpol.

as someone from WV the best you get is informal meetings in some cities or the occasional mildly radical union. It's pretty bad over here, most everyone is fairly reactionary or the most vile of neolib.

That's also too simple. Listen to Zizek. The problem isn't that the prevailing wisdom is right-wing, but that wisdom itself is right-wing. To be a leftist you have to be acquainted with more negative, dialectical forms of thought. Like, you need a love for paradoxes and a hatred for easy solutions.

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Yeap, pretty nuts how you can have a bunch of people poor as shit, and manage to propaganda them so hard into thinking that change is only gonna make them poorer and brainwash them into believing the only reason they are poor is cause they didn’t work hard enough.

Idk, appalchian anons.
The Richmond IWW organized a big ass teachers march recently, and there's a older local organizer in New England invovled in liberal organizing, but seems pretty anti idpol.
It seems things aren't that bad.
Since appalachias thicc as shit i have no idea where you guys are, but theres almost 100% a SocialistRifleAssociation
in an area with that many guns

Western NC here. We have an IWW here but they just opened about a two years ago.

I think it is largely demoralization. Between the drugs that were illegally dumped into the markets addicting everyone to opium, the loss of basically all industry and worthwhile jobs, the looting of the state coffers to give coal CEOs big paychecks to help them switch over to natural gas, blatant political corruption, and probably a thousand other things I can list, people are down. They hate it, but they aren't mad enough to fight it, at least not yet. We need to find a way for them to get mad, and then we can do something like a Blair Mountain rematch.

Oh there is some progress, don't get me wrong. It's just coming slow, maybe too slow to stop the worst of capitalism from kicking our asses more. Inevitably it'll come down to "fight or die", at the current rate of things.
Also, sadly no SRA near where I live. Closest one to me was in Ohio, last I checked, otherwise I would sign right up.

I don't remember the video, it was probably in a Marx anime video, where Sargon said that if you need a council or people to interpret and expand on Marxist thought and theories, then that somehow proves that it's a terrible idea which is opposed to human behavior. That the over simplistic view of capitalism as being an exchange of goods is true capitalism. How many people will know what exploitation in the workforce means exactly? The super exploitation of the third word and how the first world benefits? And even if they do they will excuse it as they have been taught at an early age that the exploiters deserve to plunder as they worked hard to do so and so on.

Is it even worth trying to change people as an underage student who still sustains themselves with tendie rations?
One friend knows somebody who blasts the soviet anthem then does the fucking heil hitler thing during hockey practice, and my semi chad fren listens to h3h3 sees no problems with this.


Best way to get them angry, vote Ron Paul in so be can Eli age government aid programs and fuck up the country.

End government aid. Typo.

Accelerationist measures don't work without a popular left resistance already in play, we've already seen this with the increasingly decaying conditions of neoliberalism and the return of far-right politics in America. Their suffering is nothing without someone to tell them who inflicts it, and without a popular left the first thing they will resort to is idpol.

Didnt mean to link to yours
t. mobile spaz

I second this. Accelerationism stays within the woke liberalism vs. alt-right populism dynamic. It's not something we want.

I mean revolution in the first world imo isn’t happening. A lot of poor folk in the Appalachians do have it better than third world folk. I’m just saying. Cut off a lot of the programs these poor folk do use to maybe create some kind of class consciousness, to where they will be like


(Fuck I cant spell)

This, that Pinonigger meme is only "funny" if you already know that shit, but if you don't know/care normies will read the first sentence and fuck off.

I've heard from other anons about the SRA being a honeypot, do you have any personal experience with them?

Fuck seriously? What proof? I was considering joining them when I bought a rifle.

There isn't any. People are just quick to call it honeypot because it seems too good to be true.

Hmm. Convincing.

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t. CIA

Nah man it isn't worth it. Especially when you have a "semi chad fren" and a friend who blasts the soviet anthem and does Nazi salutes. They are just cringy children. They do not have some true communist center they are fighting. They are fighting a bunch of self esteem issues, maybe, but they have no economic relationships.
The closest thing they have to being exploited is the school system. The school system, however, is tied to Capitalism like we are to the Earth. It is entirely meaningless to attempt to make children revolt in any way. Seriously, just say it out loud if you disagree. "I think I can radicalize children so that they can overthrow the unjust school system."
If that doesn't sound retarded to you, you are an entirely different person than I am, to day the least.
Anyways, your friends sound like total faggots.