Whats the best city to live in...

Whats the best city to live in? I don't mean the more leftist city or anything but of Bookchin's ideas of civic elements, localism, good community etc.

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Probably a smaller community. I'm growing weary of large cities and would love to resettle in one of those lovely abandoned villages in southern France with likeminded fellows.

based and varg pilled

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After I visit all of them, I will let you know. Keep this thread alive.

This but in abandoned soviet towns in Abkhazia/Circassia/the ciscaucasus region.

i want all anprims death

I highly recommend Montreal.

Cost of living is dirt cheap. Rent is cheap unless you live in a gentrified area (thankfully, comrades are very good in organizing against gentrification). Public transit is super. Food is cheap and easily accessible, i.e. lots of hole-in-the-wall grocery stores. Very scenic and fun place to live overall.

Only downside is, you MUST be bilingual in both English and French if you're looking to get any kind of job.

Mosul is supposed to be great this time of year

just another day in civ

I find non-capital university towns are usually cheaper to live, have good public transit and services and a fairly "socially involved" community.

Thinking about moving to a state in the US with less than a million people. (Alaska, Vermont, North Dakota) will probably be even harder to agitate for socialism there than where I live but I just wanna flee civilization and pretend I'm in the sparsely-populated 19th century US.

Go to Maine. Small, but a good chunk of the population is employed in Industry so agitating will be easy.

rural nevada and wyoming are pretty fucking desolate if that's your thing

Yeah I live in one and I like it. Not too big, not too small; and not too fancy. Usually a cast of interesting characters kicking around. Get a commie club going. Y'know the usual.

Move to Vermont. Tons of radical leftists in the larger towns (Burlington and Barre in particular).

i remember going to burlington a few years back and some candy store had caramel popcorn with Bernie's face on it, pretty bizarre

Anywhere thats 65-75 for most of the day most of the year and gets to about 80-90 for a month or to in the summer and 40-50 in the winter maybe one day of snow. Lots of rain, lots of trees, fertile soil, near the ocean, next to mountains.

Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, Valparaiso, Concepcion, Valdavia, Melbourne, Sydney, Tehran, Northern Spain, anywhere New Zealand or Ireland, parts of Korea, Japan, Nepal, Croatia.

Also Chaipas and Oaxaca

Best city in the world hands-down is Edinburgh.

I doubt most of Zig Forums could afford to live in those cities.

I find it funny this board's opinion on who frequents it shifts from rich spoiled kids LARPing as communists to poorfags so quickly. It's just a joke don't take it seriously lol

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Parlez vous anglais?

yeh why

I'm not a billionaire user.

I really just wanna get out of this American suburb and go live in some likeā€¦ European city or some shit. I'm tired of this antisocial spread out bs.

The suburbs are designed to minimize social cohesion, get out if possible.

There's an actual anarchist cemetery in Barre.

I think large cities are just conceptually kinda bad. We aren't meant to live like that. People need space. I live in a small, rural town in southern Germany. It's pretty shit in a lot of ways but I'd take it over a major city any day. I think small, self sufficient communities are the ideal way for us to live. City life and the stress that comes with it isn't good for us.

What I'm saying is, Pol Pot had a point.

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That's your goddamn opinion. I like large cities, I like cold weather, and large public transit systems with lots of fuk'n trains. Your cute af ideal would require the human population to be reduced like 90%. Now do you expect to turn everyone into frertilizer or generations of severly reduced reproduction. If you do the latter there will be no younger people to take care of your old ass or to maintain existing infrastructure, sounds like a lot of suffering.


Of all the places I've lived, Barcelona fits your criteria best. German cities come pretty close too, especially Leipzig. The only small village in the south of france I spent any time in had a fantastic sense of community, but the people there did say that particular village was special. After that, the "radical towns" in the UK (Bristol, Exeter, Totnes, Aberystwyth).
The worst place with the most atomised, individualistic non-society I've ever experienced was Stockholm, which was a suprise given all I'd heard about the "Nordic Utopias".

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Isn't the rent high as fuck right now?

Just emulate it.

More like rent elsewhere in Spain is so low that people almost riot at rent prices in Barcelona which are pretty standard for a European city (certainly cheaper than even some backwater town in the UK).

If you want to live walking distance from the dead centre you pay for it, but there's a fantastic metro system so living in one of the outer neighbourhoods is completely viable. All the neighbouroods have their own characters and sense of community too.


based and gothpilled

Appalachia has a lot of small towns with lots of forest if that's your thing. Decent sense of community if you want it, but you can also just live in the mountains to get away from civilization and enjoy nature if you wanted to.

How the fuck do you do this? I've been thinking about this in my city. Should I get some anarchists and commies together, select the toughest ones and go shoot guns in the air at night to scare off rich people? I've been thinkingabout what you'd have to do to really scare off hipsters,but I can't come up with anything (other than general violence) that wouldn't frighten immigrants and fags too.

Have a butcher shop nearby. They hate meat.

Who cares about them. Homosexuality is bourgeois decadence.

i hope a gay big dick nigger rapes the trot out of you

Yeah but surely the people are also poor enough that the rent isn't "low" to them? Otherwise how is that possible in crisis-torn Spain

Letchworth Garden City in England is pretty nice. It's not actually a city despite the name, but it's very green and well-planned. Although this is purely from an urban planning perspective, it's in Tory territory so it's likely full of old people and boring middle class types. It's also worth noting that Lenin is said to have visited it.

this is america

The best city to live in is one that has plenty of work for its inhabitants as well as being well provisioned with food, consumer goods and entertainment for the inhabitants of the city and its surrounding area.

what is this meme