I am karma, I am justice

of course he didn't have to serve time, but he got kicked out of the frat and now has to attend court mandated NA meetings lmao.

Karma's a bitch you oilmoney cocksucker

Attached: ancap.jpg (799x671, 35.35K)

you don't know what either of those words mean.

Ok, now hold this

Attached: a-character-tries-to-lift-up-the-heavy-anchor-D8NBXF.jpg (1299x1390, 78.44K)

Cheers, lad

do you?

Bourgeois means representing bourgeois values as well.
As for petite pork, that has a tougher definition. Think somebody who owns a small chain

the way the post was phrased, it made it sound like he was accusing the kid himself of being petit bourgeois

by that retarded definition, a grocery bagger who wears nice-looking shoes or simply aspires to make more money is as much of a bourg as steve jobs, who was actually in control of the means of production, but wore mom jeans and sweaters from goodwill.

and everyone clapped

His values are bourgeois, meaning he holds bourgeois values. That doesnt require you have money

I never thought I would approve of anything on leftypaul, but hey good job faggot, justice served

the funny part is 90% of people here are spoiled rich faggots calling other people 'bourgeois'

for the last time, bourgeois does not mean "having money", it means that within a capitalist system, you are in control of the means of production, earning income through extracting surplus labor value from wage laborers, you dense fucks. whenever someone says "bourgeois" on this board, or in any leftist circles, they mean it in the marxist sense, the original french, meaning "middle class".

You did good OP

hey Zig Forums

*not in the original french

i'm mexican and poor

sounds just like some sjw shit

go back to >>>/liberalpol/

You are an absolute fucking autist. Bourgeoise can mean several things depending on the context you fucking robot.
Furthermore, your insistence isn't simply obtuse and embarassing, it is straight up wrong. The idea that someone has to physically own the means of production to have bourgeois values is insane and borders on obscuration at best. This kid will likely inherit a multi-millions yet you slavishly assert that he has no bourgeoise values. Get your head on straight man. The point of materialism isn't to deny the obvious to be cool.

Bourgeoise cannot mean anything you don't like. Marx was very clear about class distinction.
Bourgeoise and proletariat have nothing to do with income its the relation to the means of production.

please explain

we are on a communist board, you fucking tumor, what context do you think it is in? I bet when people say "porky" on this board, you probably think they are talking about the looney toons character…

I see your reasoning, OP. But snitching to the police is snitching to the police. Don't do it. Find another way to fuck with him.

Zig Forums is afraid something similar might happen to them, that's where all the revolutionary insults are coming from

based and red pilled