Faux News is now telling shitty, capitalist-drone parents how to force their kids to love the status quo. We better devise a counter-action plan if we want the next generation to be salvagable.
You better read this shit
I swear if some nigger comes here saying we shouldn't even try to retaliate and it's worthless i'm going to neck myself.
But what can we do tho
Justin Haskins (@JustinTHaskins) is the executive editor and a research fellow at The Heartland Institute and the editor-in-chief of StoppingSocialism.com. He's the author of "Socialism Is Evil: The Moral Case Against Marx's Radical Dream."
This is actually great, kids will do the exact opposite just to rebel against their nutcase conservative parents and will accidentally see the truth of the world.
You DO know this board is satire…r-right? Let's not get carried away here like Zig Forums did.
That's a funny way of talking about the USA's system.
Once again, projecting.
How hard would it be to just murder this guy
I'm not sure, but we should meet up irl
wtf I hate socialism now!
It's kind of inspiring, this complete inability to learn from the past.
let them.
It will backfire.
It's on purpose, this might actually work in making gen z b*rgers believe democracy == muh socialism then disavow it in favor of fascism with american characteristics.
slaughterhouses wouldn't exist in socialism anyway which is why faux is so hysterical in the first place.
t. radveg gang
You mean like this?
They can try.
Wtf I hate democracy now
Yeah, pretty much. Not even bringing ethics into it, animal agriculture is objectively unsustainable on a large scale. The only reason it exists is because a market for it exists under capitalism. A socialist state should, at the very least, make efforts to work towards reducing consumption of animal products.
Yeah it would. In my ideal lifestyle there it would be subsistence farming and the like
tfw they're describing mostly capitalism.
"socialism is based on greed"
100% agreed comrade
oops didnt mean to post yet.
Republicans are always anti-democracy, recently they came out swinging against a proposal to make election day a national holiday because they know it would hurt their results if the working poor actually voted and not just fat old fucks. Not to mention all the voter roll ethnic cleansing.
There's nothing sustainable about meat though. How many subsistence farms would it take to feed 8 billion people? Probably more than there is space on the Earth. Maybe you could fit it in somehow but by what right does mankind claim domination over the whole planet and its ecosystems? We should be hyper-urbanising and reducing suburban sprawl not the opposite.
Entirely correct. And I eat meat every day. With present technology it isn't workable for the entire world population. Maybe laboratory meat might change that at some point.
The "tyranny by the majority" argument is such dishonest fucking hand-wringing. Everyone is a member of some minority or another. If the democracy is functioning properly they will always vote to uphold personal liberties.
And why would you expect a non-democratic regime made up of these same people to actually respect these liberties? If the population doesn't like gays those gays will be given a bad time, regardless of the governmental system we're talking of. They'll always bend the rules to make oppression possible.
Plot twist: most young people aren't socialist-inclined, let alone reactionary.
It's just exploitative, paranoid elders jacking off to a "teenage wasteland AU".
We need to stop obsessing over the personal/private affairs of the youth. A kid cannot even jack off without some researcher going "REEEÉ you're damaging your brain and dick", while grown ups go out and get hammered after work.
61% percent of young people see socialism with nice eyes tho
They think socialism is welfare capitalism.
I was all about Ron Paul in 2008, I voted for him in the Republican primary. Eventually I came to fully understand my anti-imperialist beliefs, took me long enough.
maybe someday we will live in a political landscape where this becomes a possibility.
civil war when
I meant they think socialism = socdem because of Bernie.
Alcoholism literally ruins people's lives and the focus is on nonsense shit. I really think old timey progressives had it right with trying to get that shit out of society.
i doubt they know what that actually means
the 'socialists' americans support are clearly just opportunists acting in bad faith and that's about as politely as i can put it
And what do they think socialism means? 90% of people think socialism equals free healthcare and education – all of which this country needs but alone does not constitute socialism, which of course involves the workers taking control of the means of production, economic planning, etc
yeah, i love alcohol, but people had the right idea when they tried to ban it.
Imagine if they did this for older people, people of color, women, etc.
But no, humans see their young as expendable servant-warriors. This is why young people should never bother with any activist organization, either political or religious. Adults care only about conquest and control. All that preaching about "maturity, respect, family, honor, etc" is bulllshit. Adults are incapable of following what they preach, so they blame their young for all societal decay.
Yet they want to ban marijuana which is a medicinal herb plant which granted has side effects, does far less damage compared to alcohol.
Or how they wanna ban video games bc "muh mass shootings."
If you ever notice, anytime conservatives wanna ban something is bc it's popular with the youth. Never do they ban anything thats harmful but popular with the elders. Again, might makes right.
Why are you acting like this is something new
The more I see those reactionary old farts, the more I think they're salty they missed on casual sex, enjoying music & weed and try to ruin it now that they're too old for it.
Or they did do all of that and they are pissed they can't do it anymore. I'll probably end up that way since I never got to be a young adult.
Marijuana and video games don't really do much good though.
It is a good thing to ban harmful elements of society but good things should also be encouraged
old people don't really cause a breakdown of social cohesion
Never tried any substance, don't addiction either, but i definitely will stop playing videogames, mostly because for some fucking reason i've started to feel extremely useless and guilty every time i do ever since 1 year ago, i feel that way about most forms of entertainment except for films and books tbh.
On a slightly related note: I know left(y)pol is gonna fall for the "It's da boomers" spook bc they're grossly overrepresented. But, I assure you, the anti-left/anti-liberal camp we've been clashing with have been born long after Woodstock.
The bullies of the millennials and zoomers are the folks who grew up on grunge, punk, and goth, donned shaggy clothes, watched edgy cartoons and jock comedians and still to this day say "dude", "man", "drag" and are fascinated with postmodern philosophies on reality and morality.
These folks are Xennials (late Gen X/early Gen Y, born 1970 - 1990).
Thats because youre too concerned about your image of maturity.
Marijuana and video games are only bad in excess. I see that you're one if those people who are still spooked by the "obese mancave-dweller gamer" meme associated with video games. Again, image really does affects perception of whats good and bad. Alcohol abuse is high yet its still looked at as okay.
2008 was when I was 22. People who were born in the 80s are particularly fucked. I still haven't moved out.
Not really, it's not a feeling of wishing to act more mature, it really feels like i'm wasting my time. Of course, so does most entertainment, so i can't really explain it.
Ironically, Anglo countries are mainly the only places where adulthood = moving out. Before the 1940s, people didn't "move out." They may get a place of their own, but it's usually in close proximity of family. In fact, people moved out only to pursue careers to get money to contribute to the family estate. It's no winder why England and America are most depressed nations in the west. People move hundreds of miles away from home, stuck in a dead end job in bumfuck, Egypt to pursue the "American dream", find a mediocre partner and have mediocre kids and yet be expected to take care of your elderly parents on the other side of the country.
America especially sees marriage and parenthood as mandatory rites of adulthood. If you're under 30 and you're single and childless, you're a "super-adolescent", over 30, you're a "creep."
I'm mexican and i will probably stay in my grandparents house after they die tbh
that doesn't really sound like america to me. nobody gives a shit if you have kids or are married. maybe you're thinking of japan, india or the westboro baptist church.
You'd be surprised. Especially among (American) conservatives,marriage is "the foundation of society."
Go on sone of these Christian politics websites. They actually think that women who don't have kids are literal witches and are prone to premature health problems. They also think that marriage makes men "more masculine", therefore young men who are single are "immature beta males".
Do you want a fascist dystopia? Because that's how you get a fascist dystopia.
Shitting on the solutions to a country's problems because you REALLY hate critical thinking and empathy is how you end up in a nightmare scenario.
what the fuck are you trying to say?
The more institutions like Fox News, the Republican Party, the "Heritage" Foundation, etc. shit on socialist policies, the more likely it is for a fascist dictatorship to arise since too many unsolved social problems causes people to turn to violence / authoritarianism as a means to bring back stability and order.
Basically, America is shooting itself in the foot by doing this.
first that retarded report, now this
theyre running out of arguments, aren't they
Socialism is very outdated and wouldn't work in a system where an optimal global condition of markets is trying to be reached. Outsourcing and collaboration between countries that technology enabled creates less inequality over time as wealth gets transferred from first world countries to developing countries putting a halt to imperialism.
Naturally the means of production can be rather called memes of production. 70% of the economy now lies in services rather than production. It's irrelevant if the workers own the means of production, the workers simply wouldn't be smart and efficient enough to know what to do with it which would lead to societal decline and poses great opportunities for leaders or dictators to take charge.
Why would a worker deserve to own means of production or even means of a service if he didn't contribute anything to the development and innovation of that service or production? Current workers also share no responsibility whether the production or service is great or terrible, they won't face the consequences except maybe a lay off where they will get paid by the government anyway. Any socialist policy would be tyrannical for the worker does not desire autonomy nor freedom to innovate and create its own product. Therefore the worker will obviously transfer that freedom, responsibility and autonomy to one who is making good use of those. This optimizes markets on micro level but also on macro level. Socialism wouldn't give a worker an incentive or even a possibility to grow upwards and instead it would just be motivated to stay as complicit and docile as possible to whoever the power got transferred to, to manage the socialist utopia.
This is the power of knowing just a little bit.
how did you manage to add extra wisdom to the communist manifesto?
smells like koch money