What does Zig Forums think of Ersnt Jünger? Is he good...

What does Zig Forums think of Ersnt Jünger? Is he good? Do you think fascists and people on the right misuse his literature? Is worth reading?

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Cis het white male, downvoted and blocked

This, whiteness is a plague

I'm sorry for posting this my trans queens. please I deserve 200 floggings for doing this

Make sure to wear your cock-cage until you’re worthy of cumming again, you pathetic dicklet. Bow to your queenz

His ideas are interesting. And yes he is worth of reading, we should read books of our ideological opponents.

Nice bait Zig Forums, now fuck off to your safespaces, kekflakes.

Y-yes queen

Opponent? I thought Ernst was neither. Didn't he kept going on about the free anarch, that is closely similar to anarchist but not quite.

Yes, he wasn't fascist

No fun allowed around this guy!


He was nationalist and conservative, so yes he is our opponent in some ways. But he is worth reading, though.

Junger was N A Z B O L G A N G

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I don't know any books of him. Any recommendations?

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Storm of steel, The Worker,Eumeswil, On Pain. That's all I can think of on the top of my head


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Brilliant author, soldier, revolutionary


yummy as hell…. i d eat her chocolate

FemBol > anfem

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