"Green New Deal" revealed, no nuclear power

Yeah I often think about how we need this but people just can't see reason. I'm sure there are orgs like that but we've just never heard about them because they're not as sexy as running around in hazmat suits scaremongering about GMOs etc.

nuclear weren't ready in the 1970s, it only became ready when you could do computational modeling of reactor cores.

Manageable, yes. Managed, no.
You cannot manage nuclear power in the context of neoliberalism and obsession with austerity.
The reason you don't care about the risk is because you probably think you're safe from it and other people will bear it.

actually we have infinite nuclear energy

at last AOC is being based

LITERALLY ZERO People in this thread are cheering this on, every single post is criticizing it. Fuck off retard.

Nuclear isn't a solution though, no-one thinks it is, it's simply a large part of the most efficient stopgap plan to reduce emissions and stabilize consumption because renewables have even more lag problems with development and can't be used on industrial scale effectively. I haven't seen a single person in this thread argue that we should move exclusively to nuclear and just go on about our days. Agree about the Green New Deal regardless though, that's obvious.

Ikr but muh fukushima tho

t. Char Aznable

not really, there's massive health issues with it