What is your unironic opinion on Varg?

what is your unironic opinion on Varg?



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He actually was reporting on the Yellow Vests before it was really well known, but at the same time he's a spooked tae fuck racist and every time he says "subspecies" it makes me cringe.
Also he's a heathen. Made by ChristBol gang.

Don't know who he is.
From what I do know he seems like a generic innawoods tard who somehow gained popularity.

broken clock that's right twice a day

i only know about him because i visit /wx/ and it says "varg it's a fag" for some reason. anprims love him so he must be a huge faggot and must be killed as soon as possible.

Has awesome music and somewhat good views, although he is cucked by Nazi shit.

He's too wrapped up in identity politics to actually have coherent opinions. His 'Pagan' beliefs actually discount a lot of knowledge on Paganism to bring in aspects from Buddhism and Asian religions, which he insists were 'stolen' from Europe.

the perfect speciemen to point out how being somewhat aware of the faliures of capitalism is simply not good enough. He's spooked to shit with garbage like "paganism" (like nigga lmao catholicism IS paganism what are you talking about) and fucking social darwinism.

He has abandoned Nazism for about 5 years, and is now an anti-nationalist and anti-authoritarian. He's still quite racist and still believes Jews are out to get him, but he's definitely no longer a Nazi.

It was funny when he thought refugees were going to steal the crops he planted so that his family didn't have to rely from 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧supermarkets🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 but then all of his crops failed and he had to go back to buy food to feed his kids.

Varg is simply anarcho-primitivist which wants to larp in woods for eternity

He's the political extremist internet's silly uncle.

Based varg

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he made good music and has become less spooked by nut sack ideology but is still a reactionary who's life is a big LARPing joke.

How is he LARPing? You are misusing that word. He literally lives in the French countryside, driving an old Soviet car, has a relatively good-looking wife, children, makes ambient music, and does as much as he can by himself. He's living his life man. It's not for me though.

Said it before, but we have this thread a lot.

Varg's views suck, his music was overrated, and Euronymous was better in every way.

Reminder tho that Varg has committed homicide, multiple arsons, and violated parole to steal a family's car and pack it with guns. If he lived in America he'd be long dead, and it's only 'cuz of Norway that he's still alive to be notorious and say all this shit. People forget that this guy who talks about white supremacy is an archetypal thug.

I mean, worse at stabbing people, but every other way though.

All Euronymous did was inventing the "Black Metal riff" with its notorious sound, if you believe the guys from Emperor (he wrote the riffs on The Nightside Eclipse for them) but Varg was far more influential especially for the epigones of the Norwegian Black Metal scene. Varg, unlike Mayhem who originally had a drugs & Rock'n'Roll attitude and played Death Metal that merely distinguished itself from the Tampa DM in terms of production, was influenced by the EBM/industrial/Dark Wave scene which gave BM it's repetitive, hypnotising sound. People still listen to Burzum today, but barely anybody listens to Mayhem, Mayhem is just regarding as "cult" or "classic" and appreciated as such but when it comes to actual listening preferences Burzum wins everytime. Also, every BM band or BM-influenced band that is worth their money these days considers Burzum their main influences, even the hipsters from the post-BM scene like Wolves In The Throne Room or Deafheaven consider Burzum to be a main influence.

And don't come at me with Euronymous being a communist. He liked the GDR and Albania because he thought it was grey and super oppressive, not because he was a communist.


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you sound like spooked liberal

Euronymous was trot. Varg did nothing wrong.

not based and un-redpilled

Det som engang var is an awesome album but honestly overall Euronymous was a much better riff writer and guitarist, and this may piss a lot of people off but I think Filosofem kinda sucks. Varg was also a fairly shit vocalist compared to Dead and Attila even if they do suit his music.

Really? Besides Det som engang var I put on Mayhem way more, but I confess to being more of a Hessian/Metalhead than a general music enthusiast one so that may have something to do with it. While you are correct that Atmoblack was more influenced by Burzum you are kind of discounting Mayhem's influence on the Orthodox Black Metal scene.

His post prison albums are all terrible.

He was a anti revisionist ML I believe.

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No offense, but you're completely wrong here.

Mayhem was originally way more influential than Burzum - and you're right, Euro basically defined what the black metal riff sounded like. But that extended to guitar tone and production, too. Not only that, but Euro was literally running the Norwegian scene and actively contacting guys outside of it (how Attila ended up in Mayhem) and organizing the scene internationally.

Varg was not only less influential on the overall scene - he largely entered infamy via Mayhem. Mayhem had already defined the Norwegian black metal underground in the '80s. Varg, on the other hand, basically just added some extra delay effects in the '90s. Atmosbm is fucking nothing. And I'm not saying Varg's only fans are hipsters, but the surge in Burzum's acclaim mostly owes to those types - it's not bad music or whatever, but Pitchfork readers compose a solid portion of the crowd who think it's absolute gospel.

Mayhem's absolute earliest sound was steeped in Venom and Celtic Frost, but they were never Tampa DM. I'm assuming you're talking about Deathcrush, though, but Leipzig was recorded in '90 and it already has that "hypnotic" sound years before Varg joined.

Loads of people listen to Mayhem.

Replace "even the hipsters" with "mostly the hipsters" and you'll be onto something. I was in a black metal band for a while, maybe you've been in more but my experience was that Mayhem was still a central influence (and Mutiilation's big, too).

Also active with leftist orgs iirc, so it's not even totally clear if he was just commie for the edge. Whereas Varg was definitely a fascist and has lived long enough to slowly transition to being just an unironic racist.

Just pointing out that the guy's literally a degenerate thug, which is just ironic given what he thinks of black people.

greenpilled but nothing more

you're both wrong, he wasn't anti-revisionist since he claimed to like Ceaușescu and even then he wasn't really a communist, he just said he was one to add to his edgelord persona since he unironically thought socialist countries were grey police states that enslave people (despite the fact that i think he visited Hungary at one point though i could be wrong).

varg is pretty successful and raising a successful family

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"multiple arsons"–he burned churches, what's the big deal?

I wonder, what's with the meme comments on his videos about " is my will and you choose to question it!?"?

Literally answered your question in that post:

Read the full paragraph, fucker. Switch him with a black dude in America where the death penalty exists and there's no way he'd live long enough to go around complaining about how inferior races are ruining his white culture. I don't particularly care that he burned old churches, it's easily the least bad of his actual crimes, but it's also exactly the kind of shit that would regularly be used to absolutely steamroll brown people if they could be connected to it. Also, it's still arson.

But again, compared to murder (and the hilarious carjacking incident) it's by no means the worst thing he did. Without a really liberal legal system, he'd be dead - his entire existence and his ability to exploit it hinges on Norway only having 25 year maximum sentences. Nothing he says is particularly enlightened, he's just the guy who was in Mayhem who killed Euro. That's the main reason why he's famous.


he's nuts

It's better. Before he claimed it was self defence, he was claiming that the stab wounds were from a lamp he was tangled with while falling down the stairs and that he only "finished him off out of courtesy"

You don't have to be AnPrim to like and respect him.
I'm a pagan communist, but i like him. He's wrong about some things, right about most. Let's not forget that the truth is deadan AnPrim's critique of the modern world is oftentimes just as correct as a Communist's critique of Capitalism. In fact, many times we agree ideologically, though our end goals and solutions differ.
He's a pagan AnPrim who preaches living innawoods with a family and getting close to your roots as someone who is part of your ancient culture and tradition. He preaches practicing some sort of religion or ritual, just like your ancestors, which oftentimes is a good way of living happier and moving away from the bourgeois decadence and ubiquitous spectacle seen in the capitalist world. He does what he can to practice these things as well. He's not hypocritical, which has earned my respect to a huge degree. Point is, there's nothing better than a person who fights for what they believe in.
One major issue most people have with him is that he "killed muh favorite metal producer and burned muh churches". To be honest, one death doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. If gulags are justified, so is killing. Morality doesn't apply to that. Also, remember that your churches were built on the fall of the Roman empire and the death of millions of pagans. Burning the church is completely, 100% justified. Fuck your churches.
Pic related is the god that Abraham sacrificed a ram to.
Made by paganbol gang.

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Weird ass person, but a good songwriter

The argument for gulags is that they had a societal reason to exist. On some level, ethics (not personal morality) can be applied there. Randomly murdering people over a beef is not the same thing and 'justification' doesn't even begin to apply.

He literally believed that communism was inevitable in spite of the collapse of the East bloc.


The issue with people have with him killing Euronymous is that he arguably was the better musician not morality. I don't give a fuck about the churches though so yeah I agree with you there.

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The "Golden One" made a VR to varg titled something like "WTF varg! [I don't quite remember] is my will and you question it?!"
Ever since he's been taking shots at the swede for being a fag and a fake pagan (according to varg) and his pro christian it views. He has beef with another pagan called Survive the Jive.

The YouTube Pagan drama scene, apparently everything has a niche.

Reminder that the churches he targeted were important cultural-historical landmarks going back to the Middle Ages and that if a Muslim had burned them he would be the first to condemn it. It was also a completely impotent gesture in a highly liberal majority atheist society—he literally destroyed irreplaceable historical buildings just to own the libs. He believed (and still does) that communism and liberalism are descendants of an Abrahamic invasion that destroyed noble pagan values.

He’s literally a post-colonialist we wuz retard and doesn’t even realize it.


You are so wrong, European pagans wouldn't worship a kike.


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