The Imperial-core "Left"

The 'left' in israel, the labour party, was responsible for more house demolitions than the likud party, and it was responsible for the wall. The 'left' in America is hopelessly out of touch, most Americans didn't give two shits about the Venezuelan coup just now. Bernie Sanders is quick to throw around the work "authoritarian" whatever the fuck that means.

What is the problem with the western left? All they can do is, right at the moment of an American coup, give their oh-so-principled precious criticism. Why not support groups like Hezbollah that actually accomplish something?

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Trump was partially right when he said America will never be socialist. What would it mean for the US to be socialist? "Socialist" border wall? Socialist imperial wars? Socialist funded ICE? Socialist funded racist policemen?
Socialism is watered down in this way to mean little more than free shit for white middle class suburbanites, at the expense of everyone else

Nice unmarxist analysis

What am I getting wrong? Share with me your witchcraft

What did you get right is real question…

That's like saying there will never be a socialist Germany because there can't be "socialist Prussian policemen", "socialist imperial armies" or "socialist Freikorps".

Attached: IMG_20190205_165607.jpg (720x720, 70.95K)

Socialist germany was created when the fascists were beaten by the ussr, not by some labour party bullshit. If a new socialist Israel were to be created, current Israel would first have to be defeated and then rebuilt. Same with the US. The current American order must be defeated from the outside or the inside, and then state power must be siezed by socialists. The DDR was actually a different country as a whole as opposed to just germany. If Israel or the US turn socialist, they must become new states with new governments.
Hence my point on Nasrallah, its better to support the struggle against israel than to support incremental labour party shit inside israel

There will never be a socialist US because the USA is an illegitimate state like Israel and will go the way of Rhodesia. The land has to be given back to colonized peoples for any true socialism to happen.

It's a liberal-tier analysis. There's no class analysis

You would be reaching to think any working class israelis give two shits about palestine, or any american working class care about anything outside their own country. The problem is, not enough working class americans are anti-capitalist or Anti-Israel.

Why don't most working class americans support the struggle against american imperialism rather than their own country? Didn't lenin advise workers against national chauvinism? Americans have a level of national chauvinism that would make him sick

Lol @ Sakaists back at it again. Daily reminder that the whole “returning the land” meme incompatible with Marxism. The land in the United States and whereever else there is socialism will be collective property belonging to no one.

the living standard is artificially high due to the exploration of the third world so they are naturally reactionary

This. All imperialist nations must be forced to suffer for their iniquities before socialism can thrive there.

Literal reactionary.

Americans have had little need to fall on socialism as an alternative. For over a century capitalism has made America prosperous in the eyes of many, including the exploited. The idea of the "American Dream" exists for a reason. For a very long time America, Western Europe countries and Japan had a continuously improving standard of life and greater wages each generation. At the same time of course, exploitation was increasing since a rise in real wages and rising exploitation are not mutually exclusive. America, by and large, has been turned into labor-aristocracy through these continuous improvements and through its leeching off the third-world. Wages have been stagnant since the 1970s and wealth inequality, indebtedness and many other things continue to increase though, so America's best days are over

SOCIALISM, not communism.

By that logic Salvador Allende wasn't a real socialist because he didn't give all of Chile back to the Mapuche.

America for the Native Americans! Australia for the Aborigines! Palestine for the Israe-neotankie head explodes

Right because it’s not like Germany had two massive worker’s parties that joined to form the government of the GDR.

You’re making the mistake of assuming that the working class prosperity of the postwar era, and reactionary attitudes it bred, are going to last forever. Before the Second World War the US had a huge radical tradition and socialist movement, and a return to similar conditions will logically bring with it a revival of the American left. The postwar order is already in a state of collapse, and it’s already showing itself politically with the re-emergence of social democracy. This is only the start of the left’s re-awakening in America, and as long as conditions continue to deteriorate, the left will continue to grow.

Begone ethnonationalist

I never said it was going to last indefinitely, hence why I said
Maybe I should have specified that America's best days as a capitalist power are over, rather than America in general. I do think a growth in the left is coming, especially when capitalism implodes in a year or two

you may live in the zoo

It's pretty clear that he wasn't, yeah

The best thing the american and european socialists can do given their circumstances is to preach Isolationism as a principle without letting themselves get dragged down by any particular party or personality that might benefit from it. The imperial countries have an intense propaganda machine against those, and it can obviously be politically unwise to let the public associate you with them until they have developed mechanisms of shaping public opinion of their own to fight this. If attacking Chavez or Maduro or Assad or whoever is necessary to make the people open to an isolationist point, that's what they should do. No reason to virtue signal your way into political irrelevance.

Shut the fuck up, Allende is the godfather of the Pink Tide


thing is that doesn't work you fucking dummy, saying "he eats babies but we shouldn't stop him" doesn't make any fucking sense.

brb, kicking the Anglo-Saxons out of England and giving it back to the Welsh.

The western left has been systematically destroyed over decades, by gradually purging leftists from the media and academia. The consequences are what we see here now, where the left simply lacks the language to articulate a leftist position on things like US imperialism.

Why not support groups like Hezbollah that actually accomplish something?

What does support in this context even mean? I assume you're not a practicing Lebanese Shia, so joining them as a footsoldier seems out of the question.

Unironically I think Sanders is onto something, our job as the left in the West should be to contradict imperialist propaganda, not simply deny it. We should be pointing out that even if everything imperialists say is true, intervention still will only make things worse. We have fucking Iraq to show for that after all.

Imperialism is and will always be the primary contradiction. Don't let the fat red-liberals here fool you otherwise.

FACT: I$rael is a reactionary cryto-fascist apartheid state with ZERO revolutionary potential until a ONE STATE SOLUTION is reached. See

FACT: The average Amerikkkan benefits from the imperialist exploitation of the Global South and ending imperialism would against the class interests of the 'Amerikkkan Working Class'. See this fantastic article from the Maoist International Movement from a few years ago;

I'd strongly recommend all participants in this thread (especially the first world red-liberals spastics) read Lin Biao's (peace be upon him) thoughts on the subject and perhaps allow the spiritual atom bomb of Mao Zedong though and Third Worldism into your hearts.

Thank you.

Attached: stfu-liberal-mao.jpg (800x450, 65.43K)

False, it is a secondary contradiction
Think comrade think, what is the primary contradiction in a global capitalist political economy?

Anti-imperialism supersedes class struggle as a revolutionary pranxis pursuant to Mao Zedong thought. What exactly are you referring to?

I'm asking you to think
I already know Mao Zedong thought back to front, and I also know that large parts of his thought were lifted directly from Stalin such as the mass line not that there is anything wrong with that seeking truth from facts will of course sometimes confirm prior theory and praxis

What I am asking from you comrade is not to regurgitate prior lines and thought, but rather what are your thoughts on matters?

Key point here resolving the primary contradiction resolves all secondary contradictions

This is what makes it the primary contradiction

Resolving secondary contradictions on the other hand does not guarantee categorically the resolution of the primary contradiction

This logic is Mao's paramount contribution to Marxist thought

The Venezuelan Gambit is all the proof you need this is false. Local elites in the perifery are irreversibly tied to global capital. There is no national bourgeoisie anymore, the era of national liberation is over. Cockshott had it right, there is no anti-imperialism more effective and more pertinent then one that places labour v capital as the primary contradiction. Any revolution that fails to do so will be disrupted by local elites in concert with the Imperialist core.

That holds true for the periphery, maybe the core, but not the metropolis.


Living standards in the metropolis won't drop low enough quick enough, as long as it can extract wealth from the periphery for enough people to revolt.