East germany

Why did the east Germany do worse than the west economically? I've heard that factories in east Germany were destroyed after the cold war for some reason. Is there any truth to this?

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Yeah, they basically packed up east german industry after reunification because it got incorporated into the imperial core which has no need for extensive domestic manufacturing capacity. East germany before didn't have access to the cheap labor of third world countries while the west did.

What you mean by "do worse"?

East Germany had a higher economic growth than West Germany. I have reliable sources in case anyone asks.

Let's rephrase: Did east Germany do worse than the west economically?

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yes, afterall no one else has ever used a compass.

Can I have the sources?

Why would a compass be associated with a worker's state? I get the hammer in the middle, but the iconography of the compass with the meeting of a complimentary object at the bottom shares great resemblance to the freemason compass and ruler. I know freemasons were persecuted under Hitler, so was this a type of revenge?

This is where the thread should have ended. It's an apples and oranges comparison.

how do you judge the economic quality of a country? I thought economics was a fake science or whatever?

lol, it represents intellectuals you tard. Hammer for the industrial workers, sheaves of wheat for the agricultural workers and a compass for the non-menial workers.

There was no real industrial center there before, they were cut of from both their main sources of coal in the west and east. They just had the useless city hive of Berlin and not much else

Engineers, architects, scientists?

teachers too

Let's be real though, it represents party leadership.

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I always had the compass symbol down as a symbol of a planned economy.

There exists an old east german joke stating that the party is represented by the hinge holding thr compass together. (Since Hinge and slouch are the same word in german)

Sure. This guy calculated Eastern German and Western German economic growth. He worked for the planning commission of the west and the east German government and is quoted in schoolbooks today. GDP = BSP in German - if you look at the numbers growth in East Germany was higher.

Fun fact: most "jokes" from socialist countries are literally made up and a projection of capitalist cynicism.

See link related: nationstates.net/page=dispatch/id=1153037

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No and no. Some East German machinery was moved into the USSR as part of war reparations, however the USSR left most machinery there and later provided new machinery in the later 40s, after Eastern Europe had somewhat recovered from the war

Attached: soviet-GDR reparations.jpg (780x438, 52.65K)

He asked for disassembling factories after the Cold War, not WWII. And yes, it's true. Treuhand sold entire factories to Kohl's cronies for literally 1$.

treuhand is disgusting


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Talked to a bunch of East Germans, never heard this joke and I deliberately asked for jokes. All these "old jokes from communist countries" are completely made-up.

They completely sold them out and liberals still blame communism for the economic problems in the East. The same way all the economic depressions of former socialist countries in the 90s are blamed on socialism or are dismissed since "transition into the free market economy is always difficult" according to them. Even the Neonazi attacks in East Germany after 1989 are blamed on socialism, despite the GDR actively suppressing Nazis, which is also criticised. I recently talked to a liberal who said it was bad that the GDR outlawed antisemitism and fascism because "it didn't address the root of the problem but just outlawed". Bitch the root of the problem is that capital enables fascism in crisis which was impossible in the socialist society. I also heard liberals cry that the GDR called Nazism fascism and not "na.tional socialsim". One of the first things the West enforced in the East after 1989 was to replace all notions of fascism with "national.socialism".

The jokes are just a small part of generic anti-communist rhetoric (others being 100 million, innovation, breadlines, iphones, democracy etc.) and not really something you can prove or disprove. But anything about shortages or breadlines is blatantly false as all footage of "empty soviet supermarkets" is from the 90s and actual footage of soviet times shows normal supermarkets like in any other developed country.

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tfw STARVING west germans have no consumer goods

Source: UNESCO education report 1991

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Karl Radek unironically had some funny stuff most of the time, guy even dabbed on Stalin.

West Germany had millions starve to death and nobody had televisions! Still think communism works?

Has Badmouse been lurking this thread?


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All these comparisons of capitalism vs communism tend to assume growth occurs in a vacuum, please do not repeat the mistakes of bourgeois economists.

Anticommunists genuinely fucking believe a near-totally isolated nation like the DPRK is comparable to European ones that have had access to the entire world market and practically endless funding from the US. By treating economies like this their success of failure comes entirely down to how much/little the economy is regulated, and nothing more. And their position on the world market becomes nothing but a footnote.



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Badmouse if you're reading this great video. Keep this up and this board might start actually liking you.


I feel like Badmouse reputation on this board improved massively after his reading hiatus. Before he was mostly good for shitting on ancaps due to him being a former ancap who realized how retarded they are.

Yeah, also aided by the fact that he doesn't shill himself here (to my knowledge, at least). He doesn't have the "e-celeb" status, because the only time people see his face is when they voluntarily click on his videos.

Came here to ask the same thing. Really makes you think

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It's funny how someone who was widely denounced as being a radlib now became quite liked here due to his ideological growth, while people who originated from here, like Muke or Bat'ko became radlibs that are hated with a passion.

This is nice and all, but translation? It would be helpful to understand the pdfs.

That's the difference between actually reading theory and just reading memes all day.

I’d like to suggest engaging in concentrated internet attack patterns strategically engineered to make Zig Forumslacks feel confused by posting a clip of the recent Proles of the Round episode on East Germany about maternity rights, along with a thread about East Germany. I thought it was a funny segment in that context because it sounded like everything a nazi could want. Women were paid and effectively encouraged to have children, men could take off up to a month to care for sick children, the larger your family was not only the larger your house, but also the more modern it’s amenities. You also got a myriad of benefits like subsidies for consumption of entertainment and art.

Furthermore, as a socialist state the GDR had no particular incentive to bolster immigration like modern capitalist Germany. The GDR didn’t require growth systemically, it was only desired insofar as it improved the living conditions of the people. What would be more incentivized would likely be improving worker productivity with new technology and techniques of productions. So the GDR would have more likely maintained a homogenous German population with huge white families simply because of its pro-worker socialist policies. And the reality was that after the wall fell, German police complained that crime skyrocketed. It was a more peaceful, orderly society.

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Really liked the episode, made me really want to read up more on the GDR.

link to one of the books mentioned in show notes for anyone interested

Documentary on how East Germans had better sex lives:

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socialism solves everything

Oh noes, an anti-immigration argument!

Let's get some memers to work on this. East Germany is a prime example of what socialism does to a country. They have almost recovered since unification with the rest of Germany. I propose the trabant auto as a symbol of East Germany under the soviet rule.

There were some shortages of certain foods and basic consumer goods in the eastern bloc, but they were generally caused by the state pricing things too low.

Poland in the 80s had higher per capita meat consumption than Scotland, but meat was priced cheaper in Poland and the stores sold out, while countries with market dominant economies, like the UK, had higher prices and fully stocked store shelves.

Socialists have always been criticizing imperialism. There were guest workers but what I'm mostly aiming at is resource extraction in undeveloped countries, which does not involve any migration.

Wasn't that unique to Poland because agriculture was still private and thus operated on state subsidy instead of it being properly integrated within full state ownership like in the rest of the eastern bloc?

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Poland has quiet a lot of land for its populations size, and the former german territories were almost completly agrarian. east Germany also had subsidised meat