
What would be the "proper" leftist take on taxation? Is it entirely possible to be a socialist and also be against taxes, for the most part? I feel like that would really help dispel the whole "commies want to take away my paycheck" nonsense libertarians and conservatives spout.

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Check out the tax systems of best Korea and communist Albania to answer your question

Check out Cockshott's proposed flat tax in TaNS.

I mean, taxation is somewhat pointless under a centrally planned system. Resources are directly allocated towards projects instead. Also given currency is shit I guess we do want to take paychecks.

It depends on the political character of the government and the material conditions of your country.

Some states are entirely dependent on complexes within them that contribute to a very reactionary character. And it's difficult to break with this arrangement, to the point where starving the state can be a valid proletarian strategy. Others states can be used as a bulwark against the bourgeoisie, and even to organize and finance worker's control experiments. Welfare in some countries, particularly where the workers have reached a high degree of class consciousness and labor unions are part of their culture, makes people appreciate the power of non-liberal solutions to social problems. In others, it can make people docile, conformed, and conservative.

You take on taxes, like everything else, needs to fit the circumstances. When it comes to public policy under capitalism, find the best strategy that weakens the bourgeoisie, empowers the proletariat and point people towards radical solutions, and your view on taxation needs to merely reflect that.

Didn't income taxes stop being a thing under Brezhnev given that most industries had already become state owned by that time and was replaced by some kind of weird sales tax?

For pretty much the whole time of the USSR, there were barely any taxes on individual income. Some very small ones like a tax on unmarried people. The actual tax revenue came from the profits of the state owned enterprises, so it was indirect/somewhat mystified income tax.

Cockshott's proposal is to directly represent all taxation as income tax, which is what it always ultimately is, even in capitalism. The taxes would be divvied up along lines of surplus for production expansion, for health and transport services, etc.

Tax is theft that is based upon theft.

this is the correct take, another good argument against a libertarian/ancap who says that taxation is theft is agreeing with them and pointing to north korea or communist albania who abolished taxation all together

if profit is theft, then shouldn't tax money go towards workers, personally, rather than the state? 🤔🤔

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How about no.

this is a terrible motivation for any left-wing action. watching leftists pander to the yankified right is one of the most embarrassing spectacles there are.
forms of socialism without taxation are relatively easy, but the motivations behind such a decision should be practical and inherently obvious rather than "well, it would be a little easier to sell it to rand paul if we did it this way."

Some taxes like GST / Fuel taxes / Land rates / Income taxes are literally just taxes on Proles staying alive
Luckily most Socialist states have historically had the most streamlined and minimal tax systems 👍

Any taxes under bourgeois dictatorship are to be critiqued, along with anything having to do with the bourgeois state. Taxes in a proletarian dictatorship are so children can go to school and the elderly and disabled can live comfortably and democratically participate in the emerging socialist society. We have to be clear that so called "redistributive" or welfare taxes delay the revolution and placate the proletariat, much like letting slaves own other slaves in ancient times.

wasn't this one of the main arguments of the frankfurt school? that all elements of modern society are in the effort to pacify proletarian revolution? the welfare state at the heart of it.

I've never read anything from the Frankfurt school to my knowledge but that sounds about right. Social Democracy being in retreat is easily the best political happening under the neoliberal era. What's now needed in the imperialist world is something like the Cultural Revolution after the proles take over so we can vandalize the graves of Gianni Versace and Steve Jobs for sure.

what if we create a socialist state with such an effective and minimalist tax system that libertarians move to it?

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Taxes do not need to exist if you simply prevent people from being paid money that would become taxes in the first place. Simply take the tax from the workplace directly so that the worker is never given the illusion of being more rich than they are.
"Before tax" and "after tax" should not exist. Do not pay the workers the money that belongs to the state, so directly tax the workplaces instead.

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it would be a good angle for propaganda


that's impossible, right lolbertarians have no interest in taxation beyond complaining about it.

They do that already. It's called taxes.

The meaning of taxes would be very different. Income tax would not need to exist in the same way because money is taken before income. The varieties of taxes result from having to take money from capitalism. The funds would simply be collected through an analogue to profit