There's only a monopoly because Shaun and Three Arrows are the only ones not too lazy to make them. REACT FAGGOT
Leftist YouTube Channels
youll subdivide though
I didn't tell you to start picking fights. You'll only serve to grow the YouTube left.
Isn't a only couple big youtubers working independently, and quickly pumping out great unique content, better than 1000 micro sects, constantly dabbing on JBP?
Three arrows is kinda sus though, considering one of the three arrows is against communism. While he has a good audience it’s mainly radlibs and utopians. It’s good if we move anarchists and general radlibs into a Marxist line, it’ll be for the better (I think of badmouse who went from a syndicalist through baby steps of Philosophy Tube’s into a Marxist).
How do you mean ‘react’? Make more videos? Reaction videos like that one I made are incredibly easy to make, especially when it’s all theory.
Are you the Hoxhaposter who has been on a hiatus for a bit here and who was known for a some effortposts before the split? Then I'd recommend you to go ahead.
What's important I think is the following:
Christian Anarchist Chris Anderson makes a video about incels
1000s of people dabbing on jordan peterson is no subdivision
It's a great way to rake in views though. IMO finding a new way to dab on JBP should be what writing a novel disproof of astrology was for the greek philosophers.
pic related, I'm only a Wobbly because of optics btw
The channels are divided(i.e small), and YouTube doesn't favor small channels at all. Dabbing on JBP is still cool in moderation, btw.