Why is it that countries like China, Vietnam, North Korea and the former USSR...

Why is it that countries like China, Vietnam, North Korea and the former USSR, that call/called themselves Marxist or socialist tend to be more actually reactionary (reactionary) and familial (reactionary)?

China's average age at first sexual intercourse: 22.1
Why don't they shame each other for being virgins or not getting laid often? In civilized Western cultures we've figured out that your worth as a male is based on not just how much money and commodities you have, but also how many women you manage to sleep with (including married women, your friends' mothers and sisters) in your lifetime and how frequently you do so. They don't actually want to be betas, do they?

Pornography is illegal in China and their state cybersecurity agencies have started tracking IP addresses that have posted pornography on Chinese web servers and go after these users to investigate their devices and take them in for questioning:
Why are they being reactionaries about something as trivial as pornography?

70% of Chinese millennials are homeowners:
They have yet to experience rentier capitalism which started engulfing America in the 80s.

China's child custody laws almost always favor the father because financial solvency is the most important variable Chinese courts look at:

Xi Jinping's government has banned television shows showing "abnormal sexual relationships and behaviours, such as incest, same-sex relationships, sexual perversion, sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual violence, and so on. The ban also extends to smoking, drinking, adultery, sexually suggestive clothing, even reincarnation. China’s State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television told television producers it would constantly monitor TV channels to ensure the new rules were strictly adhered to."

They also banned shows that "that promote promiscuity which challenges the sanctity of marriage".

LGBT community are heavily suppressed and looked down upon in China, Vietnam, North Korea and the former USSR.

Attached: Family Meal.jpg (500x357, 247.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

japan-guide.com/forum/quereadisplay.html?0 138023
numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_countries_result.jsp?country1=United States&country2=South Korea

Asians still living at home with their mom

Asian parents have no shame in allowing their adult children continue living with them, some even beg their children to stay with them, according to a tradition known as "multi-generational families":
japan-guide.com/forum/quereadisplay.html?0 138023
Why don't these loser Chinese adults just get a job and move out of mommy's basement? Why don't they move out even when they do have a job? In America by age 18 you're supposed to have at least a part-time job, move out of mom's house so she can have more sexual freedom in the living room that she used to have before she had you and invite over a whole variety of men of all ages she met at the bar or on Tinder / PlentyOfFish / Facebook chat, while you move in with at least one roommate and smoke weed (totally harmless, in fact studies show it cures some forms of cancer and makes you more creative, Joe Rogan said so) together on a frequent basis. American, Canadian, Australian and Northern European leftists obviously know parenting better and how a family should be than Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese leftists. We, the civilized Anglo-influenced Hollywood-enlightened Westerners of Marxist or Liberal thought, understand that an adult working child still living with you is a selfish parasite. Both Michael Brooks and Jason Unruhe who often disagree on politics said if you still live with your parents there's something wrong with you.

China even enacted a law saying that adult children who don't live with their parents "must visit their parents or potentially face fines or jail"
Why are they so reactionary about families? The Great Marx and Engels said in Origin of the Family and The Communist Manifesto we're supposed to abolish the family. Clearly Marx and Engels know what's best, they are perfect and experts on everything including social relations and child rearing. Why is Xi Jinping such a reactionary and not adhering to the ideas of the infallible Marx and Engels? If they're right about their critique of the political economy, they must be right about everything else. Even /r/socialism and Chapo Trap House can recognize and point out how reactionary China and North Korea is. Why don't Asians listen to Western leftists and Marx who clearly know better about raising a happy, productive family that knows how to pull themselves up by their bootstraps (and smoke weed frequently)?

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LGBT is exclusively a concern of the Western left. Obsession with what you want to stick your dick into is petty bourgeois and isn’t a “human right”.

Note, "actually reactionary" was word filtered from socially conservative in case there was any confusion. See, the Zig Forums admin knows what's right.

How is prosecuting and/or censoring the LGBT community not reactionary?

The laws of scientific socialism are indisputable, but ones views on LGBT shit have nothing to do with being “reactionary”


Are you in favor of the government completely censoring "non-traditional relationships" from all forms of media?

It's because Marx was a total hypocrite and enjoyed living in a nuclear family with his wife while he was shilling for its abolition, and the idiotic "free love" shills in the Bolshevik party were utterly BTFO by reality when they tried to put their theories into practice and ended up with millions of constant divorces and remarriages and so many abandoned kids that the state was simply overwhelmed.


inb4 "Actually existing feminism has never been tried" kek

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Nice liberal outlet

China is still 40% rural even with the rapid growth of its cities. A lot of soclib issues are basically just cosmopolitanism filtered through Capitalism's commodification of identity ("idpol"). Attitudes in these areas will probably change as they develop further, though it will be expressed in different ways.

It was reporting from 1926 and contains several interviews with Soviet people living at the time. To dismiss all reporting as liberal and thus not worthy of consideration is something only retards do.


I don’t read Liberal urbanite rags

A bold strategy

Yes, I know it was a joke among capitalist countries. Was.

Then how do you explain Japan? Even though they have no state censorship of LGBT, most Japanese families still tend to look down upon them and even disown them. Also unlike in the West many Japanese adults still live with their parents without shame. Why don't they understand, like us Westerners, that they are being parasites to their parents?

Japan basically stopped developing in the 90s when the lost decade began and are now stuck at that level of societal development. They're now basically just where the West was back then.

Is living with your parents actually reactionary? Seems like it's driven by material concerns and 'family values' are just the backwards justification. If real estate was cheaper and jobs higher paying then Japanese adults would move out more.

See, you understand that "family values" is a "backwards" concept. Why don't Japanese parents know better like you and kick their kids out?

In America, with our culture that's further evolved according to "material conditions" as you say, we shame these parasites from both the left and right.

Parents take 30-year-old son to court to get him to move out

Parents sue 30-year-old son to get him to move out

TYT: Parents Go To Supreme Court To Kick Out Their 30-Year-Old Son

30-year-old evicted from parents' home speaks to CNN

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You're a fucking idiot and this thread needs to be anchored for rank retardation.

Communism isn't about abolishing the family of faggotry or whatever retarded strawman. We don't care if families stay together, it's natural and expected, and we certainly aren't interested in promoting sexual feefee bullshit.

"Backwards" here is not a value judgement, its a sequential ordering of events. They project their values backwards in time to explain why society is the way it is, when in reality the superstructure is derived from the base.

Can anybody explain this weird bullshit this person is saying to me? Is this just low energy trolling?



petty bourgeois isn't "anything I don't like/something an american community college student would like", it has an actual, material, class-based meaning, fuckwit.

Millenials in the West are living at home now too. Japan just had a head start.


Rents are lower than in America even when taking into account their average salaries. Why don't Asian parents kick them out?

numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_countries_result.jsp?country1=United States&country2=South Korea

what is confucianism
no longer socialist, nationalists like putin want to use religion to unite the country due to the lack of identity from disassociating with the USSR

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This means the system of family in it's economic state (where people due to the harshness of capitalism are forced to depend on family members). Families would still exist and be widespread in communism/socialism but a gay kids wouldn't have to stay in the closet for fear of homelessness for example

I'm assuming by "reactionary" you mean "not liberal" which is pretty much how retarded liberal reactionaries think.

This is not a bad thing. In the West we expect the child to leave as soon as possible and become a consumer/taxpayer/source of labour. It doesn't matter that the first job usually pays little and that at first the young adult is living paycheck to paycheck, unable to save anything, beginning the vicious cycle of earning just enough to survive. And we celebrate this.

I totally hate the muh sexuality, muh right bullshit of those LGBT idpol. Do you why you guys would never seen as normal in the eyes of everyone? Because you guys are minority, you guys different from the mass. People do not automatically like who are different from them, and will hate those bragging about the uniqueness of themselves.

So how to live as a faggot in communist society, easy, just do the following step:
1. Firstly, no need to abandon your faggotry if you can't, but don't do it in public, AND DON'T BRAG about it!
2. Do your best to contribute to society, treat everyone around you fairly. Living as a good person according to social standard.
3. If in case your faggotry is discovered, admit it, but again continue to live as normal. Don't act like a faggot in public or brag
4. If anyone confront on your faggotry, answer back with: "It has no effect on the fact that I'm still a good citizen". The faggot that ask you will stfu.
5. Enjoy your life as a faggot but with everyone acceptance.

And also, living with your family is nothing shameful. You support your parents, and your parents support you, why not? Take the logic of western society to the extreme, then why don't you guys go seclude yourself from the society?

Why do you support capitalism, this is literally what families across the world used to live like, extended families are better at child raising and surviving together. Both the Nuclear family and whatever the family unit is being turned into today in the west is just a product of capitalism, alienating even family members from each other because they are all supposed to take care of themselves individually.

Not according to Zig Forums